Weekends are at home for enough of the time that I 99% use a plug in vape. It's still the VapeXhale Cloud EVO (Extreme Vapor Output) kept super clean (for flavors) & temp step dry vaped through three sessions, from 320 F to 390 F over ~10 hours on the first day of use. Next & third day, the first bowl lasts 3 sessions over ~5 hours with second bowls leading to another 3 session & ~5 hrs of big f/x

(10+ hrs total).
I like VapeXhale Cloud EVO because with its fire / burn hazard safe design that I can use at home casually even on the couch in the family room while watching TV / listening to music around pets & life. I regularly put the vape on the cushions, can forget it & tip it over & leave it going without issue. It's also very powerful & an excellent microdosing to macrodosing vape capable of safe use in all environments with a glass airpath & super easy to keep clean. I can dab concentrates with it too & it's been excellent w/ hash or any sandwich combos.
I was a macrodoser for years too, I use to vape 0.66 grams per bowl & 7-8 bowls per weekend

. And also I spent a year or so vaping 2-4 big bowls every day, seeing that side of cannabis use.
Fwiw, I've been experiencing huge f/x over the last 4 or so months using excellent quality fresh cannabis from a November buy or so (mason jar moisture packet stored). Awesome

but also difficult to manage, I was regularly greening out ~40% of the time in day use

(until the last three weeks or so). Been difficult to engage in much a lot excellent FC content over that time
This way is not the only way, find what works for you
Sorry for any spelling / grammar issues, haf TGIF