The Lotus Vaporizer


Well-Known Member

@Dr. G

Thank you so much for sharing!
this is a very satisfying photo to look at. I love it!
this is typically the kind of photo I could have taken.
I stopped my collection and I am missing 3 pieces but I know that my collection would have looked like this!

I admit that the latest iteration with the green ring is very cute... and makes you want to buy it!


one day when I was short on time, I broke a nugget in two and threw it in the Lotus.
it was very practical but it is not very suitable for my light heating... the results were correct but lighter than usual!

it did the job anyway!


delta hotel

Well-Known Member
Any ideas what could be wrong with my Lotus? I've been loving it the past couple weeks, but yesterday I noticed the screen on the bottom looked like it had gotten pushed up/in some. I also noticed a few days ago what looks like a straight line/small dent in the heat plate, but it didn't seem to impact the function, so I left it alone until I noticed the screen.

As I understood it, the whole thing is able to be disassembled, because I've seen the refresh kits. I took it apart, noting the position and placement of each piece (there aren't a lot, and it's obvious how it goes together). After fixing the screen and reassembling it just doesn't seem to be working quite as well, I've noticed an observable difference, and now my hot plate looks darker than previous.

I'm wondering if I blocked some kind of hole somewhere and cooked the heat plate too dark (does this do anything other than color?) since there was no airflow. I'm wondering if a refresh kit would fix it or if I need to reassemble again, but I can't find what I may have done.

I hate the idea I've done something to mess up my zebrano Lotus, but I don't think I've done anything that isn't fixable. As long as I can preserve the wood/green layer I think I'm fine?

EDIT: I definitely cooked the plate and I've got a new one on the way. Wasn't sure that could happen and I definitely hit it with a bigger torch than I intended to a few times lately. Lesson learned.
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EDIT: I definitely cooked the plate and I've got a new one on the way. Wasn't sure that could happen and I definitely hit it with a bigger torch than I intended to a few times lately. Lesson learned.
We live and learn.
You've moved forward in a timely fashion, with a lesson learned.
As long as I can preserve the wood/green layer I think I'm fine?
I think so... especially with a new plate on the way.
New plate, with lessons learned, you will be a Lotus Superstar... I have no doubt!


Well-Known Member
Not only is it Friday, but it's the last day of February.
We're over the hump (in the northern hemisphere) and it's smooth sailing from here..... Spring has sprung and the sunshine is out in sw France.
Have a great weekend everyone!

Spring will come in like a lamb this year for us! Can't wait to get outside. In the meantime, indoor fun--cheers!
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