The Flower Kettle by Custom Flower Hardware

Custom Flower Hardware

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Custom Flower Hardware,
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Jerry, what are your thoughts/experiences on the equalized temp part of what Lee is discussing in his video?

And what are you running the Kettle and Electropath at usually yourself?

Now that Kettle/Electropath has been out a while, also curious what other folks have settled on for the combo?

I'm at Electropath at 450 and Kettle at 550 (Auber PID).

Custom Flower Hardware

Well-Known Member
Jerry, what are your thoughts/experiences on the equalized temp part of what Lee is discussing in his video?

And what are you running the Kettle and Electropath at usually yourself?

Now that Kettle/Electropath has been out a while, also curious what other folks have settled on for the combo?

I'm at Electropath at 450 and Kettle at 550 (Auber PID).
That is just his personal preference. I myself like a hotter head and less hotter path. Usually, 625 for the head and 500 for a nice mocha brown extraction. Can go up to 635 for a dark roast but I still leave the path on 500. I think the dual pid has similar temps to the auber but not completely sure.:tup:
Custom Flower Hardware,


Well-Known Member
Jerry, what are your thoughts/experiences on the equalized temp part of what Lee is discussing in his video?

And what are you running the Kettle and Electropath at usually yourself?

Now that Kettle/Electropath has been out a while, also curious what other folks have settled on for the combo?

I'm at Electropath at 450 and Kettle at 550 (Auber PID).

I did a shit ton of testing, so I'll use it differently depending on what I'm doing.

If I don't like the taste of the flower, I'll turn the electropath up and the Kettle down. I also find that more equalised heat can lead to more of a body high if I'm at about 580/540 (obviously depending on flower.) If I'm double stacking, I'll go around 580/520. For flower that I really like the flavour of, I'm about 600/490. If it's late at night and I'm just looking to get blasted, I'm at about 630/505.

I really encourage doing a lot of testing if you have the flower availability. To me it was the whole point of getting something so highly customisable - was to be able to customise it for different experiences/material.
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