Discontinued The Okin by D.M. Pipes


Well-Known Member
Not your usual style for drilling holes ;) what happened :hmm:

"the other side of the coin"? 😂

one side is always clean... and the other much less.
I put the "pretty" side, on the side where the air touches my flowers... like that, I have a more uniform distribution of the air flow...

the part I see is less important!! it's the heated part...

i burned during this session...
what a horrible taste!!! really!
and when I checked my avb, there were only a few crumbs that had burned.... close to the coal, obviously!
i did a big cleaning after that (which prevented me from doing my Friday session with my Lotus)

but I thought that in addition to cleaning, the coal present in the okin case, would probably help get rid of the smell/taste!!

Dan already thought of everything 😂


Well-Known Member
Ahah, thanks for that ‘behind the scene’ info :brow: bad luck for combustion, but I once read somewhere that it was important to sometimes combust, just to know the limit you can go to. And for the smell, a little extra coal smell must help removing the bad taste :spliff:
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Accessory Maker


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All those pics are amazing :) That last one especially, with that glowing charcoal :drool:

Have you ever tried a sort of Smiley form when drilling holes ? Could be fun :)
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thanks @Electrofever

to be perfectly honest, i tried yesterday... even if you can't see it 🤣

i think i'll get one or two faces on this session...
a teddy bear and a snowman maybe...

smileys take some getting used to in my opinion!!!
the holes get bigger and distorted with the burning of the coal...
drawing a mouth can be tricky!!

if i get something interesting, i'll take a picture!!

on another note, yesterday's session was really cool... it's been a while... i really enjoyed it!!!

My Okin sessions are a bit like my Lotus sessions... in terms of mindset... usually it's one or the other... and i've been enjoying my new Lotus pipe during the last period, abandoning my okin at the same time...

i'll rebalance that!!

I love how the metal holders look like little arms on some of those pics :lol:
It reminds me of one of my photos... actually it really looked like a character... there was a soul and I wasn't alone during that session!!

have a good weekend everyone!! 💚


Well-Known Member
And here it is @Electrofever

This is one of the coals for which I suspected I would get a smiley!

During a previous session, I burned...
I moved the screen back very slightly to move the flowers away from the coals and the experience is even nicer. It's a little more permissive.

I've always had pretty good results so far, so I had never thought to try before...
But it's true that sometimes I had a crumb or two that were a little burnt... it shouldn't happen again.

I'm delighted!!

Every time I use it, I wonder why I don't use it more...
I think the Friday Lotus and the purchase of a splendid pipe put me off it a bit... I'll try to remedy that 😁


Well-Known Member
Nice dude, my Okin has been packed up since moving this past fall. I even missed thr Christmas Okin session...

I think I am going to get it out either this or next weekend finally!


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Well, that's it, I got my hands on a second Okin!

This one will definitely be used a little more with the Kalu heater than with Dan's charcoal.

The cocobolo looks like blackwood...

Just a small detail, but I like this box much better than the black one.

It's crazy how it hits me... OK, I used the lotus shortly after, but I'm used to it, and still, I'm blown away.
OK, I load more than in other vaporizers, but I could go from bowl to bowl and not feel these particular effects!

Here's Okin #020 !



Well-Known Member
Well, that's it, I got my hands on a second Okin!

This one will definitely be used a little more with the Kalu heater than with Dan's charcoal.

The cocobolo looks like blackwood...

Just a small detail, but I like this box much better than the black one.

It's crazy how it hits me... OK, I used the lotus shortly after, but I'm used to it, and still, I'm blown away.
OK, I load more than in other vaporizers, but I could go from bowl to bowl and not feel these particular effects!

Here's Okin #020 !

How do you keep finding Okin’s?
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