Phase3 Vaporizers


Well-Known Member
Please wait till after Memorial Day. Some people have commented about ordering later in the month.
I'm planning to get one for my sister as well, probably towards the end of the month.
It's a sizable amount of cash and tempting to attempt for sure, but I don't actually make any money until the end of the batch when most units have sold and I've finally recouped all my expenses. If it's hard to sell 25 upfront, then it could take ages to sell the rest of the 50. If it will take 8 months to a year to get paid for the project it's probably not worth it.
Totally understandable, but I'm not opposed to the deadline getting extended by two weeks or even a month if you believe it would increase the chances of success. Getting a 65% preorder rate is impressive for such a niche product at this price range, and I remain hopeful that it will succeed.


First time long time. . . I'm in!(ZX)
How does this mini beast do with Hash? any OGs care to weigh in on any tips and tricks for us round 3s? I know I need a mug and a handle, but any little subtle nuances that separate this vape from the rest? I love when Ryan gets technical : )
Also don't know how to @ anyone just yet.

It works great with hash.

Powdered hash works great by itself if the purity is on the lower side or on top of a bowl of herb if the hash is more runny and resinous.

Pressed hash works well by itself if you stack a few screens on top of each other or sliced in slivers as a bowl topper.

I tried to hit on every single box with the ZX as it's my personal vape - true flavor, medical grade device purity, outstanding herb efficiency, comfortable airflow, quick/dense vapor production, easy/minimal maintenance, bare minimum metal components.

Subtle nuances that separate this vape from the rest? Well I highly doubt anyone else is researching the working principals behind the weather to try and build a better vaporizer. :cool:

Just an FYI @invertedisdead that I was drawn to the ZX because of its size. I think if you went with a smaller wireless and stick to the diffuser that you believe works just as well but is cheaper to make, you'll have more orders than the 25 mm. You went with the diffuser because that's what everyone voted on, but if you attached a price to them I think your results may have varied. From the comments I've read here, it sounds like everyone would buy the smaller version whereas some voiced opposition towards the big guy. The world has plenty of giant heavy hitters, I would stick to your niche of a smaller, healthier/better made vape with phenomenal flavor. Just my .02.

I originally wanted to stay in that little niche and just offer one really great product, but it's just not sustainable for me. I don't have good enough marketing. I thought just having a great product would be enough and create some grass roots word of mouth campaign but it never happened.

The ZXL was initiated to try and appeal to a new audience, as ZX sales aren't enough to grow the company to be able to release next gen products like I want to do.

If I did a wireless ZX, it would most likely be an injector and use my ZX bowls, like my original plan was. And I'd just make it as simple and affordable as I could. But if I don't sell enough ZX's as-is, then trying to make it better, or a diffuser, or a hybrid, or wireless, just isn't really a sustainable solution.

Totally understandable, but I'm not opposed to the deadline getting extended by two weeks or even a month if you believe it would increase the chances of success. Getting a 65% preorder rate is impressive for such a niche product at this price range, and I remain hopeful that it will succeed.

I think there's a pretty good chance it will still go through as well. Appreciate your support and interest!

I will be pre-ordering mine as well during Memorial Day weekend, as I mentioned before. I am hopeful that the goal will be met by June 1st. 🙏

No worries friend, the month long offer stands, so there's not exactly a rush; so long as the goal is met before the 1st of next month.
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Well-Known Member
If I did a wireless ZX, it would most likely be an injector and use my ZX bowls, like my original plan was. And I'd just make it as simple and affordable as I could. But if I don't sell enough ZX's as-is, then trying to make it better, or a diffuser, or a hybrid, or wireless, just isn't really a sustainable solution.
I would argue that you need it to become wireless and more appealing to those not in the know.
Keep up the good work!


Well-Known Member
Going to place my ZXXL order soon really hope we can get to the 25 orders at least, a diffuser would be pretty cool in the gophase3 style. TBH I've never really been a huge fan of the diffusers on the market. Maybe it's because the ZX has me spoiled. after getting my ZX I immediately realized that it was perfectly crafted to my needs. It's why I reach for it as my daily over all the other vapes I've collected over the years.
Admittedly, I was one of the people that wanted the wireless injector for my ZXL bowl so If we were to pivot in that direction somehow I wouldn't mind.maybe the lower price would entice more people?
Ive noticed that many people enjoy these vapes but aren't willing to put their money where their mouth is. Every time I show my gophase3 gear to people they are left dumbfounded with the level of purity and the quality of their hit. I'm amazed that not more people in the community are eager to support this, imo zirconia is where it's at, so I've been saving money for this despite owning all the other 16mm heads. Even though everyone wanted a wireless zirconia ball vapes not everyone's a fanboy like me tho so idk hopefully one way or another we could get something going on bc whatever this guy designs is going to be 🔥


New Member
Anyone knwo a source for pids and coils in europe? I cant find any plus the aliexpress seller who shipped these just went out of business :(

Im talking currenty with Topright on Alibaba, they already confirmed the right pin layout.

As for Europe - looked for hours, no standalone pids at all. Only overpriced bundles or pids you have to solder the connection yourself.


Microbe minion
Anyone knwo a source for pids and coils in europe? I cant find any plus the aliexpress seller who shipped these just went out of business :(
I know that you're electrically capable so I'd recommend getting a bare pid and wiring it up yourself. You can also choose not to use XLR since I know you don't like them.

Be warned, those boxes on the same listing are only just about big enough for the PID itself, not big enough for an iec socket but could probably use flying leads.

There is also a seller that sells coils without the connectors, but I can't find the listing again now, at least a cheap as I remember. This looks good though for the money and you can always unsolder the plug.

Then you just need a project box and some cables.


Well-Known Member
Anyone knwo a source for pids and coils in europe? I cant find any plus the aliexpress seller who shipped these just went out of business :(
Would vaporizerhut work for you? They have a bit of cannabis hardware stuff, this is currently sold out but you could sign up for notifications?


Well-Known Member
Last nite I had a dream that I dropped my ZX and it shattered when it hit the floor. What could be the meaning, behind such a nightmare?

This means that you are deeply in love with your ZX so you should handle it with care each time you use it to avoid this dream becoming a reality.

I have similar dreams about my Tinymight2 stopping working and had the same dream about my volcano stopping working.


Last nite I had a dream that I dropped my ZX and it shattered when it hit the floor. What could be the meaning, behind such a nightmare?

I would be genuinely shocked if that happened.

I’ve thrown them in the air as high as I can toss them, watching them directly come slamming down onto concrete and never seen one break. Repeated the experiment 6 times, at least 15-20 foot drops back in February.

If yours actually broke that’s pretty bad timing after I’ve been talking about never having a single ceramic failure. Do you mean the ceramic broke, or the beads fell out? Or is this just foreshadowing that you don’t want these vapes discontinued? I admit I’m not entirely sure how to decrypt the message but I’m hoping it’s not describing a failure.

Going to place my ZXXL order soon really hope we can get to the 25 orders at least, a diffuser would be pretty cool in the gophase3 style. TBH I've never really been a huge fan of the diffusers on the market. Maybe it's because the ZX has me spoiled. after getting my ZX I immediately realized that it was perfectly crafted to my needs. It's why I reach for it as my daily over all the other vapes I've collected over the years.
Admittedly, I was one of the people that wanted the wireless injector for my ZXL bowl so If we were to pivot in that direction somehow I wouldn't mind.maybe the lower price would entice more people?
Ive noticed that many people enjoy these vapes but aren't willing to put their money where their mouth is. Every time I show my gophase3 gear to people they are left dumbfounded with the level of purity and the quality of their hit. I'm amazed that not more people in the community are eager to support this, imo zirconia is where it's at, so I've been saving money for this despite owning all the other 16mm heads. Even though everyone wanted a wireless zirconia ball vapes not everyone's a fanboy like me tho so idk hopefully one way or another we could get something going on bc whatever this guy designs is going to be 🔥

Thanks for rocking with me since the beginning bro! Appreciate the love and support!! 😤

zirconia is definitely where it’s at, Z Tribe Rize Up ⬆️ 😅

Sometimes I think it’s because they’re never in stock that people look past them, although that’s never affected the Lamart stuff or the Nomad, so I don’t know. My honest assessment is there’s so many ball vapes now that I don’t exactly know how a shopper even makes a decision. Every time I put myself in their position I imagine it mostly comes down to popularity or price and I’m not winning either of those contests so I kinda get it.

I would also argue that people with a ZX would be very interested in also picking up a wireless version. I know I am, and my ZX isn't even shipped yet.

ZX owners would definitely buy a wireless ZX, but I think the real question is would a wireless ZX be more popular to people that aren’t already in the Z Tribe, or just something that resonates with existing owners?

I honestly think the biggest competition to the ZX is not so much other desktop/ball vapes, but more so portables and cordless stuff that people are going to buy first to try and avoid buying a desktop.

I see this all the time, people will purchase $1000 worth of popular portables and still be unsatisfied, but the whole plug-in vape station idea turns them off so they avoid these kinds of devices.

I fully understand that deep down, nobody wants to be plugged into a wall to get medicated, it’s just that the unlimited power delivery still blows away everything else that doesn’t IMHO.




Well-Known Member
Apologies in advance for any overstepping on my part :sherlock:

After reading some posts on Reddit I see that the Zeal failures seem to have really scared people away from zirconia. I don't have the influencing power to change public perception so it's a loss I will have to bear.

I heard about these failures but I wasn't scared away from your products; I was curious as to what people are saying and have collected a sampling here for you:

...It's Fragile though, my head got cracked...

...I had some cracking with the zirc zeal variant, but that's ceramic, and was a manufacturing issue...

...I got the zirc, but I feel too clumsy to not break it...

...I need to see how the Zx holds up. I worry it could crack or break. I’ll let others test it for now...

...They are both great, but I think the Zirc is better. But it's more fragile though so you gotta be careful with it...

...Zirc ball vapes are so damn good for flavor but run the risk of breaking...

...I don’t trust it’s not going to break. Will definitely wait until after launch if he hits the goal...I broke my original zirconia zeal. I got a replacement and haven’t had any issues...

I’ve thrown them in the air as high as I can toss them, watching them directly come slamming down onto concrete and never seen one break. Repeated the experiment 6 times, at least 15-20 foot drops back in February.

I had no idea it was that tough (why would I?); I feel like if you put out a video demoing the high fracture toughness and strength of your products it would go a long way to quelling disinformation. Maybe set up some automation/monitoring so that, when you have time, you can engage with the community to address any concerns directly on target platforms within TOS :cheers:


My honest assessment is there’s so many ball vapes now that I don’t exactly know how a shopper even makes a decision. Every time I put myself in their position I imagine it mostly comes down to popularity or price and I’m not winning either of those contests so I kinda get it.

The ZX is my first ball vape. I looked into a lot of them and felt overwhelmed. From cheaper to more expensive, I read/watched reviews and narrowed it down. My final criteria was under 350usd, keeping in mind my lower tolerance and preference to microdose, and a product with a happy fan base. I narrowed it down a lot, and after finding the community on this thread and reading your passionate posts, quick customer service, and attention to detail I was sold.


Art is beauty
Phase 3 was not the only producer of Zirc vapes. The other company had failures. There has been none reported that I’m aware of and I’ve been with Phase 3 from before the ZX.

If someone has actually broken one I’d like to hear what happened and see a picture.

I haven’t seen either of those things for the ZX.

I think it’s a very durable product. Zirc the material is more brittle than Ti or stainless. No question that it is “theoretically “ more fragile. In practice there is no evidence that the ZX is fragile. Those comments relate to a completely different company and vape.


Well-Known Member
I would be genuinely shocked if that happened.

I’ve thrown them in the air as high as I can toss them, watching them directly come slamming down onto concrete and never seen one break. Repeated the experiment 6 times, at least 15-20 foot drops back in February.

If yours actually broke that’s pretty bad timing after I’ve been talking about never having a single ceramic failure. Do you mean the ceramic broke, or the beads fell out? Or is this just foreshadowing that you don’t want these vapes discontinued? I admit I’m not entirely sure how to decrypt the message but I’m hoping it’s not describing a failure.

Thanks for rocking with me since the beginning bro! Appreciate the love and support!! 😤

zirconia is definitely where it’s at, Z Tribe Rize Up ⬆️ 😅

Sometimes I think it’s because they’re never in stock that people look past them, although that’s never affected the Lamart stuff or the Nomad, so I don’t know. My honest assessment is there’s so many ball vapes now that I don’t exactly know how a shopper even makes a decision. Every time I put myself in their position I imagine it mostly comes down to popularity or price and I’m not winning either of those contests so I kinda get it.

ZX owners would definitely buy a wireless ZX, but I think the real question is would a wireless ZX be more popular to people that aren’t already in the Z Tribe, or just something that resonates with existing owners?

I honestly think the biggest competition to the ZX is not so much other desktop/ball vapes, but more so portables and cordless stuff that people are going to buy first to try and avoid buying a desktop.

I see this all the time, people will purchase $1000 worth of popular portables and still be unsatisfied, but the whole plug-in vape station idea turns them off so they avoid these kinds of devices.

I fully understand that deep down, nobody wants to be plugged into a wall to get medicated, it’s just that the unlimited power delivery still blows away everything else that doesn’t IMHO.
I honestly don't know how else to approach it, because so much of this community seems to against things they don't already know/like/have sometimes. I saw some comments about 1) the risk of breaking due to another zirconia vape breaking in the past which sucks that people still make that assumption, disregarding all of your study and experience and any of the rest of us saying that Phase3 zirconia is robust; and 2) the price, but people will still shell out similar/more money for similar products/less niche products so are they just complaining?

edit: looks like the "fragility worry" was already discussed in the time I was drafting this response and @LordOfTheVapes detailed it a lot better
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