Europe's legalization


Well-Known Member
Are those just assumptions and wishes or can you maybe provide even a source?
Assumptions, really. I watched this video from DHV where Georg Wurth explains to the Bundestag what is wrong with the current version of the law.

Regarding that 25g and home growing. I always thought this means you are not allowed to carry more then 25g with you?
That was an earlier version. Carry with you: 25g, store at home: "one year's harvest". The latest version is 25g for both. Ridiculous. Someone even had the great idea of only harvesting a max of 25g and leaving the rest on the plant until needed. Yeah, that will work great.

why is nobody happy that you wont loose your job any more or have to face court and even jail for doing cannabis? I`m sick and tired of hiding it
I dunno. I would be happy, definitely. Of course, there is still the unresolved issue about driver's licenses and new blood content limits.


Well-Known Member
Thank you for this informative video! It indeed seems ridiculous what is proposed in the current policy draft. Even the guy next to him had to grin and nod sometimes and he is the police union leader if I got it right :bang:

That was an earlier version. Carry with you: 25g, store at home: "one year's harvest". The latest version is 25g for both. Ridiculous. Someone even had the great idea of only harvesting a max of 25g and leaving the rest on the plant until needed. Yeah, that will work great
I`m with you now! If this version gets implemented almost everybody will stay illegal and keep using black market supplier.
I dunno. I would be happy, definitely. Of course, there is still the unresolved issue about driver's licenses and new blood content limits.
Rumours been around Germany would like to adapt the NL way of doing saliva test, only testing for active components but with a significant lower cut off. Anyway after watching the video you provided I fear they do something very very stupid... Is there an English translation for "verschlimmbessern" ;)
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Well-Known Member
Thank you for this informative video! It indeed seems ridiculous what is proposed in the current policy draft. Even the guy next to him had to grin and nod sometimes and he is the police union leader if I got it right
Yeah, there is so much bullshit in there that it does not seem like there would be any less work for the police. Anything over 25g at home would be criminal instead of a misdemeanor. It is possible that the 25g is an effort to appease those opposed to the de-criminalization who might freak out if one could simply have several hundred grams at home.

I`m with you now! If this version gets implemented almost everybody will stay illegal and keep using black market supplier.
Unless one only plans to do one Dynvap load on the weekend, the whole home-grow mess as it currently stands is useless.

Rumours been around Germany would like to adapt the NL way of doing saliva test, only testing for active components but with a significant lower cut off.
They absolutely need to get rid of drawing any clever conclusions from THC-COOH content. That is step one. And then, yeah, they'll find a way to f*ck up the new limits for active THC.


But one thing I never understood regarding the discussion about legalization in Germany. Besides all those ridiculous German style stuff we always do, why is nobody happy that you wont loose your job any more or have to face court and even jail for doing cannabis?
Because as of right now you will get a fine or even jailed, if you carry more than 25 g with you. In some cases, for example homegrowing with more than 25g at home, you will face court. Those charges, in some cases are way higher than the current ones.

What everyone tends to forget, the federal states are allowed to adjust those rules to their needs. So good luck if you live in bavaria. CSC regulation, distancing rules, fines for carrying more than 25g.

But in the end, we will see what the parliament negotiated.


Well-Known Member
Ok, here are the latest news:

- Plan to vote on passing the law in the week starting December 11 is confirmed. (Agenda hasnt been published yet, so the grain of salt rule applies)

- amount you can store at home from your home grow has been changed to "50g dried cannabis". Obvious next question "how dry?"

- 25-30g in public and 50-60g at home changed to misdemeanor.

- distance rule for consumption in public reduced from 200m to 100m. (schools, Kindergarten,....)


Well-Known Member
Because as of right now you will get a fine or even jailed, if you carry more than 25 g with you. In some cases, for example homegrowing with more than 25g at home, you will face court. Those charges, in some cases are way higher than the current ones.
I was not full up to date the time I did that posting if you maybe read the whole discussion then you see I concluded mostly the same.
In addition as long as you a normal stoner and not trafficking big amounts or doing commercial business / growing you will stay under the radar.
But for sure, if we have legit information here the whole home growing part seems rather like a joke for now!
- Plan to vote on passing the law in the week starting December 11 is confirmed. (Agenda hasnt been published yet, so the grain of salt rule applies)
I heard and read it was postponed till next year January because no more time to have a hearing in the Bundesrat / second chamber?!
But this was last week so fingers crossed they get in done in December - would appreciate if this happens this year :D


Well-Known Member
They finally agreed on everything and do the final reading!
Cannabis will be de-criminalized in Germany for the 1 April. Key Elements still like discussed in this thread before.
Thus sadly it still seems to be unrealistic when it comes to home growing because of the three plants per person with a 50g max capacity per person paragraph but still better then illegal.

Here is a rather new (02.02.24) public broadcast source but it`s written on the Bundestag homepage too and big commercial soil and fertilizer companies already have cannabis products ready to get a slice of the new hot cake....


German Parliament (Bundestag) will decide this Friday Feb. 23. whether they pass the new Cannabis Law. After that the Bundesrat (federal council) can only delay the process, but it is not stoppable.
Aftet that: The new law is about to enter into force from April, 1st, 2024.

Allowed will be:
25gr in public per adult
50gr at home per adult (50 to 60gr you'll only get a fine)
3 plants homegrowing per adult | no selling or giving away

From June , 1st:
Cannabis Clubs - max. 25g/day, max. 50gr/month | no consumption inside the club| no tourists allowed -》 members need to live at least 6 months in germany (thx to france) | membership limited to one club only |


Well-Known Member
German Parliament (Bundestag) will decide this Friday Feb. 23. whether they pass the new Cannabis Law. After that the Bundesrat (federal council) can only delay the process, but it is not stoppable.
Aftet that: The new law is about to enter into force from April, 1st, 2024.

Allowed will be:
25gr in public per adult
50gr at home per adult (50 to 60gr you'll only get a fine)
3 plants homegrowing per adult | no selling or giving away

From June , 1st:
Cannabis Clubs - max. 25g/day, max. 50gr/month | no consumption inside the club| no tourists allowed -》 members need to live at least 6 months in germany (thx to france) | membership limited to one club only |
The policy passed the parliament with a safe majority and thus cannabis will be decriminalised in Germany starting April 1st 2024!
What wasn`t already written here is: If you got busted in the last two years with amounts not higher then what will be legal soon you will get amnesty.


Well-Known Member
German Parliament (Bundestag) will decide this Friday Feb. 23. whether they pass the new Cannabis Law. After that the Bundesrat (federal council) can only delay the process, but it is not stoppable.
Aftet that: The new law is about to enter into force from April, 1st, 2024.

Allowed will be:
25gr in public per adult
50gr at home per adult (50 to 60gr you'll only get a fine)
3 plants homegrowing per adult | no selling or giving away

From June , 1st:
Cannabis Clubs - max. 25g/day, max. 50gr/month | no consumption inside the club| no tourists allowed -》 members need to live at least 6 months in germany (thx to france) | membership limited to one club only |
They are about to efff it up. It seems the Bundesrat is going to delay the cannabis law and roll it up again in a kind of mediation committee. The session is on march 22 and the Green Party is backing down (no one expected the Social Democrats to be reliable anyway). This would probably mean there will be no decriminalization in Germany after all.

Please take action, e.g. support this email campaign:

This is probably the last chance for legalization/decriminalization in Germany for a long long time.
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im not a robot

Well-Known Member
They are about to efff it up. It seems the Bundesrat is going to delay the cannabis law and roll it up again in a kind of mediation committee. The session is on march 22 and the Green Party is backing down (no one expected the Social Democrats to be reliable anyway). This would probably mean there will be no de-criminalization in Germany after all.

Please take action, e.g. support this email campaign:

This is probably the last chance for legalization/de-criminalization in Germany for a long long time.
yes, any help would be appreciated!
i relinked the above link (..) via google translate https://hanfverband-de.translate.go...=en-US&_x_tr_pto=wapp#grune-baden-wurttemberg so non german speakers have a slightly more convenient way to navigate this.
for context: this email campaign targets those members of the bundesrat that belong to parties that have passed the legalisation law in the bundestag just some weeks ago. they are all supposedly supporters of legalising cannabis, they have - at least to some extend - collected votes on the promise of supporting the legalisation of cannabis, and they now would have the numbers to let the law pass against the strong opposition from the hardcore conservatives and make it real. but now they are risking that the whole enterprise fails for reasons that i will not try to explain here (but which are adressed if you follow the above link).
please help some careless politicians understand that they could be making a historical blunder. it only takes a few seconds. thanks.


Well-Known Member
They are about to efff it up. It seems the Bundesrat is going to delay the cannabis law and roll it up again in a kind of mediation committee. The session is on march 22 and the Green Party is backing down (no one expected the Social Democrats to be reliable anyway). This would probably mean there will be no decriminalization in Germany after all.

Please take action, e.g. support this email campaign:

This is probably the last chance for legalization/decriminalization in Germany for a long long time.
I don't understand why the greens behave like this? I mean Kreschtman from Baden Württemberg is a true conservative with some green paint on the outside but Hamburg WTF? Like em or not but the Greens are the only established and not populist party who was able to mobilize younger people and all they do is upsetting their voters in almost all of the topics they are issue owners:bang:
We really need some minimal consent, plenty of reliability and well made policies or another EU country is going to end up with a populist government.


Well-Known Member
It is so insane what the Green Party is doing with this. All they'd have to do is literally nothing; that means they do not even need to vote FOR the law in the Bundesrat. ALL THEY'D HAVE TO DO IS NOT VOTING AGAINST THEIR! OWN! LAW! The state representatives could just abstain from voting, and that would be enough.

Please everyone, write a lot of Emails to them, take action somehow, show them that this is not just an issue for Germany, but for whole Europe, and that backing down will make them the ultimate laughing stock. Now is the time for action! Maybe some VIPs at the Spannabis Fair in Barcelona can put out a joint statement. I don't know whether this would help, but we have to do something.

One thing keeps me a little bit optimistic: Bavaria, Germany's Texas, a very conservative and populistic place (no Green Party there), announced they will fight cannabis smokers even after the decriminalization. They announced a special fund of over 4 Mio Euro and a task force to make it more difficult to establish the cannabis clubs and to tease every cannabis smoker to the max. So even they can't believe that the Green Party is so stupid to vote against their own law.


two dog star
or they never really wanted to legalize like back in the 90ies..., it might have just been a catch for votes... I'd like to leave the country then for the better. After all, I never liked it here too much... :( life is too short to waist in a 'hostile' environment. Everything is going "down the river" here, more or less in my view...
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Well-Known Member
Some news on the legalization in Germany.
German Health Minister is showing good will to the states (second chamber) and worked out a paper to please them and avoid a mediation committee. Now some more states declared that at least they not vote for the comitee or try to block it any longer. Still could get rather close but at least we can be more optimistic.
Here is the full article in German though: Cannabisgesetz doch vor Ostern?


Well-Known Member
Some news on the legalization in Germany.
German Health Minister is showing good will to the states (second chamber) and worked out a paper to please them and avoid a mediation committee. Now some more states declared that at least they not vote for the comitee or try to block it any longer. Still could get rather close but at least we can be more optimistic.
Here is the full article in German though: Cannabisgesetz doch vor Ostern?

Indeed, today there were some positive signs. But it keeps being a real nail-biter until Friday. According to the hemp association (Deutscher Hanfverband) 30 votes are already safe, 35 are needed. As the states' voting shares are weighted we need either another "yes" (= yes to not using the instrument of "Vermittlungsausschuss") by just Hessia (not sure about that) or Hamburg (also not so sure) + Brandenburg (no idea how they will vote). All the other states pretty much signaled a kind of "no" during the last weeks. See an overview here:

According to your link, Hessia will vote pro CanG (the cannabis law). That would be just enough! 🙏

Ironically, a tweet by a Saxony's conservative prime minister, a strong opponent of the CanG, seems to help to unite the coalition pro cannabis decriminalization. :clap:

So, one thing is sure: I'm gonna cry a little bit on Friday. And I hope those will be tears of joy...

Remark: technically the states are not actually voting directly for or against this law but I thought it would be to complicated for me to explain the details about voting for a mediation committee (Vermittlungsausschuss). So, when i said they vote "yes", I meant the effect of the vote.
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Well-Known Member
They did it! They (kind-of) legalized it! You won't be a criminal in Germany anymore if you possess less than 25 g in public (or up to 50 g at home).
Can't write right now, must celebrate, cu later :)

Holi Festival Fun GIF
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