The Screwball by Vapvana

General Disaster

A Country Member
I think in the end that unless no vapour's appearing, or the weed's combusting, everything in between is down to personal taste, and getting to that point is all that matters.
For instance I've noticed that there's a great deal about conduction and convection that's talked about almost everywhere, and a lot of passion in which is better when where and how. But the reality (as I perceive it anyway) is that it doesn't actually matter what is conduction and what is convection beyond learning how a particular device distributes the heat. Conducted heat becomes convected heat, and convected heat becomes conducted. And nobody (I've noticed) cares a fig about radiated heat, and how that also plays a part in the conduction/convection game - because it doesn't matter.

All that matters is you heat your bowl in the way that works best for you. For sure most of us learn that conduction is carrying the heat to a certain part faster than convection and giving certain results, and visa versa and so on..., but that only helps us control the thing - "should I leave it on the bowl for 10 seconds, or 15 seconds?", etc.
But to start to call it one or the other is beginning to lose sight of the real important bit - it doesn't matter! As long as you enjoy your vape. So advising to heat soak (or not) in a certain way can be damn useful - techniques can be hard to discover alone, but arguing that convection vaping is better than conduction vaping, or t'other way round, or any other similar thing, becomes an argument for the sake of it. Or so I reckon.

Grass Yes

Staff member
Hey @Grass Yes , I saw you mentioned previously you preferred the half bowl setting to preserve flavor; what method are you using to extract vapor via your Screwball? I tried searching this thread and apologize if you posted regarding that already and I missed it; I want to try using the screwball in some new/different ways.
I found that the best method for vapor production is the half bowl setting. Although I do like other bowls better than the Vapvana bowl. It's a great bowl, well suited for the Screwball, but I like my other diffuser bowls a bit more.

Also, if you have a wireless tko, the Vapvana bowl works well with both sides.


Well-Known Member
If this were true the glass bowl would then be the best for your use case. For metal bowls it actually sinks the heat away from the bowl into the joint. Quite easy to measure that with a probe thermometer.

It's not conduction, but if you like it you should keep at it

I do own a screwball. I used it for a little over a month exclusively before reaching any conclusions about it. That's the way I use all of my new vapes.
Of course it's conduction. I literally posted a pic with the difference. I'm not pulling any different, the extra heat is coming from being in contact with the hot metal. Glass maybe better, I decapitated a glass bowl playing with heating and I haven't replaced it, I only have glass bowls for injection rn. @General Disaster is probably correct that everyone is speaking beyond their education.


Well-Known Member
I just saw this video yesterday of an accessory called the Electropath used with the Screwball:

Has anyone here tried this combo out yet? What was your experience like?
As far as I know the Electropath isn't out yet for sale, but i'm definitely looking forward to trying it on a few different vapes including SB! 😍

Grass Yes

Staff member
Of course it's conduction. I literally posted a pic with the difference. I'm not pulling any different, the extra heat is coming from being in contact with the hot metal. Glass maybe better, I decapitated a glass bowl playing with heating and I haven't replaced it, I only have glass bowls for injection rn.
The radiant heat from the vape head is going into the flower in the bowl. Have a look at my pictures linked above. The glass bowl has much darker, nearly combusted duff. How do you explain that with conduction?


Well-Known Member
I just saw this video yesterday of an accessory called the Electropath used with the Screwball:

Has anyone here tried this combo out yet? What was your experience like?
Yea I have I didn't really care for it personally but to each their own lol

As for the the conduction heat part 💯 above my pay grade but what is it called when heat hits something and bunce back that's what is going on in the glass bowl .. and what ever it is called when heat is absorbed then transferred into something that is what is going on with the metal bowl . As I said I'm not the smartest 1 hear so take form that what you want to
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General Disaster

A Country Member
The radiant heat from the vape head is going into the flower in the bowl. Have a look at my pictures linked above. The glass bowl has much darker, nearly combusted duff. How do you explain that with conduction?
Honestly it's not the way to look at it. There are all three heat dissipation modes, conduction being one, but they change from one to the other, and all though it's useful to tag certain techniques with a name, calling it conduction or convection isn't explaining the physics of it. The real thing is what the end results are, whether or not the heat configuration that gives the wanted results comes from conduction, convection and/or radiation.
I appreciate the need to give a technique a name, and it's really unfortunate to have used conduction, especially as it's fits what seems to be experienced, but truly that's all it is, the name of a technique or class of techniques that gives similar results when followed, and just happening to also been using a word with a different definition (conduction).

So arguing over whether something is conduction or convection (poor ol' radiation don't get a look in! 😢) won't be productive however earnest the people debating it. Much better to debate technique than trying to attribute to physical processes too complex to follow. It's almost like saying a strain must have a certain effect because it's more indica or sativa - gross simplification and only gives a possible leaning, when it's the complex mix of terpenes and cannabinoids (plus the person and their metabolism etc).

Using the phrase 'heat soak' is far more precise and accurate than calling it conduction. I know I'm splitting hairs here, most likely annoying people here without meaning to (that's my claim, anyway! 😉), but with reason, because using these pre-defined terms can cause a lot of miscommunication as we'll each have our own ideas about what conduction and convection mean, and most of us won't be thinking of physics text books and complex formula, which are the only defined terms that provide a common framework of understanding!

Human brains are really really good at taking the evidence and fitting a behaviour to it such that we can predict and manipulate things to our advantage. Calling it something is only giving it a label, what our brains are really really bad at, is doing the math and type of thinking required to really know what conduction and what's convection in a device (and don't need to!).

I'm speaking generally about this conversation, not directing it at @Grass Yes or anyone else in particular, they just provided the prompt but nothing more.

P.S. If you're not stoned enough (or sensible enough?) to be discouraged finding out why I say the above, from a science point of view, then look up things like 'black bodies', and begin to appreciate that the three heat transfers we know, conduction, convection and radiation are all interchanging all the time, unless in a closed system at a steady state (which is theoretical really, we don't live in a universe like that), and even then in reality, there's still interchange but not resulting in temperature gradient changes.

e.g. when you measure heat with an IR detector/imager, you're not 'seeing' conduction or convection, only radiation! I could argue/discuss for days (I usually do! 😨) about this, and it is fascinating no doubt! But I've drifted a wee bit off topic now, so I'll shut up (or at least try to, for a change!).
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Well-Known Member
To clear a few things up @LordOfTheVapes no I have not tried the electro path with the screwball. I misread your post and thought you asked if anyone's tried something like that!
I made a diy a bit back witch are strictly for testing purposes! @General Disaster that's why I
Did not tag you last night I didn't want you to feel attacked about something that you said just because I reused it .
I tag you this post because your above seems like you might have took some offense .if so my apologies . I have a similar issues with taging people lol
But any way this is a place for helping not arguing!!!! I believe we all have all gotten off topic including myself

General Disaster

A Country Member
I made a diy a bit back witch are strictly for testing purposes! @General Disaster that's why I
Did not tag you last night I didn't want you to feel attacked about something that you said just because I reused it
No problem, I'm more than happy to be challenged on any of my BS. As long as it's a good challenge, something I can check on and respond to, I'll even happily (-ish) admit I'm wrong (as I learn something that way, rather than continue spreading disinfo accidentally).

Also, I forget what I've posted often, within seconds of leaving the page! Quite literally! (physical brain/memory issues). So I often don't even know if someone used something I'd said, for good or for bad! 😄


Well-Known Member
A wireless screwball with 750 cut rubies to fit 25mm to fit Zenleaf axial coil is all I can think about 😆 🤣 😂
20mm wireless also would be dope with CH clampy 12v portable
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Well-Known Member
The radiant heat from the vape head is going into the flower in the bowl. Have a look at my pictures linked above. The glass bowl has much darker, nearly combusted duff. How do you explain that with conduction?
So you finally agree it's hybrid heat, you're initial complaint was that I called the Screwball hybrid. If it's radiant or conduction, I can't say and I can't see how you can fully discount conduction with everything touching. I've actually never, or a rarely seen, radiant heat mentioned in regards to vaping. I assumed it was something we ignored for being too sciencey, like the fact we're not actually vaping but consuming aerosol or whatever.

Regardless of why it works, heat soaking (with weed on board), the Screwball is much better than the other heads I've tried it with.

Grass Yes

Staff member
So you finally agree it's hybrid heat, you're initial complaint was that I called the Screwball hybrid. If it's radiant or conduction, I can't say and I can't see how you can fully discount conduction with everything touching. I
I think the Screwball is great. But what you are describing is true of all diffuser heads. I would also go so far as to say you are depriving yourself of some vapor by preheating your cannabis this way.

Every convection vape has some conduction and radiant heat. The difference is if it is enough to overcome the convection heat. In the case of the screwball it is not. Which I consider a plus of the screwball's design. As you can see drawing air through the head is much faster than simply resting it on the bowl. Similarly, any incidental conduction from the bowl will be swamped by those hot air currents moving through the rubies.

Again this is all true of nearly every diffuser ball vape on the market. I like my Screwball a lot, but I don't like powers ascribed to any vape that don't exist. Much like the claims of heat stability because the controller display doesn't update. We should value the vapes for what they can really do. Making claims beyond that will always concern me because our industry is rife with pseudo science and snake oil.
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