Anvil by Vestratto


Existence is pain
I cannot use a full bowl of hash, as Arawfish, it is difficult for me to inhale.
If I want to use hash with vape wool, do I make a hash sandwich, put the vape wool at the bottom of the bowl or at the bottom of the tip?
Also, which bowl size is more recommended for concentrates?
For hash I make a flat disk with the hash then wrap that in the wool with the disk in the centre. For concentrates I think the XL as it's got more conduction but I'm still new with the anvil.


Existence is pain
Got it, you “sandwich” it, which bowl you use for hash? And you heat it more than herbs?
Yea sandwich but with less on the side closest to the snap disks if that makes sense. As the oil get pulled down away from there.

I've been using the XL heating just above the bottom battery ring 45 seconds. Usually 2 maybe 3 heats to get it all vaped.
And yes a little longer than flower. If I used flower the same way I use hash would be a dark RTL and no chance of reheat.

I hope this makes sense. Just rescued a raptor with a broken wing in the woods so am all over the place haha.

Let me know how you get on! 😀

Happy hashing!!! 🧙🏼‍♂️

Edit for spelling


Company Rep

February 5th, 2023


Vestratto has only been in business a little over a year so its no surprise that we had a record January. Last January we were busy replacing all of the FOUNDERs edition Anvils with USERs. For that reason alone a year on year comparison wouldn’t be fair. But let’s just say that - even compared to the heady times of the dreaded WAIT LIST - we had our second best bookings month ever. In fact - it has taken us a bit by surprise so we are all pulling a bit of overtime. Naturally this “catch-up” effort is not going to come at any expense to quality but it does mean we are running a bit behind. For any of you that are spooked that I’m actually absconding with your deposits to the Caymen’s its nothing that sinister. We are diligently chugging through the backlog and are even evaluating the purchase of another CNC machine to help with the demand. Thank you for your patience.


Early on in the USA project I made the incorrect assumption that if I directly copied a Dynavap interface directly we could introduce an adaptor for the CopperCore oven that would work with most, if not all stems. While we absolutely can guarantee that the first USA interface fits snugly in every 7.9mm bore there have been instances where folks have felt there was too much wobble of their CopperCore with a particular stem. Obviously the CopperCore is much heavier than a Dynatip so in order to stabilize the interface we have taken several additional steps for this next generation of USA adaptor. I am personally very pleased with it. I have worked quite hard on looking at all the variables and coming up with a set of compromises that satisfy the requirements for the BIG FOUR. Simrell, Revolve, Dynavap and glass. For smaller makers the WALTER DCS 150 line of drills offers a 7.9mm that does a great job for us drilling hundreds of holes each sharpening.

I also believe that by publishing this information makers can take a few hints in standardizing their own stems so that as a community we all work towards a higher level of inter-operability. Early on VESTRATTO made some choices to “standardize” on certain parts and quite frankly the reception was a bit chilly. But I don’t plan to move off that position because ultimately having standards benefits you guys, the customers. Thank you to those who got us stems to validate.

The changes to the updated USA are:

1) the o-ring groove width has been reduced to 0.043” to mitigate excessive flattening of the o-ring when compressed inside the 7.99 mm bore. This will give a more secure connection.

2) the o-rings have been spaced out wider to increase the resistance to deflection of the inserted stem. This reduces wobble.

3) the adaptor diameter in the region of the o-ring grooves has been increased to 7.8 mm. If the stem is deflected it will now hard stop against the interior wall of the standard 7.9mm bore. 100 percent of USA adaptors will ship with a certificate of compliance. If it doesn’t fit you need to start chasing after the stem makers.

4) the length of the USA adaptor insertion has been increased to utilize the full 6mm insertion depth available on the Simrell and Revolve Gen 2 stems. The deeper the insertion the more stable the connection. The depth has been set so that the “insulation” o-ring will be compressed 0.010” at the Revolve’s snap-lock position. Neither Dynavap nor Simrell utilize an internal snap lock feature so the Revolve Gen2 defined the maximum depth we could utilize.

5) the “insulating” o-ring has been set back 0.01” from the final insertion o-ring to increase the moment arm. If using borosilicate glass or an 8mm id steel liner tube I recommend removing the “insulating” o-ring to maximize insertion. The borosilicate is 8mm id which is definitely a looser fit and benefits from the extra depth.

6) the inner bore of the USA has been increased to 5.5 mm to provide improved airflow adjustment with OMNI variable position condensers.

I cannot guarantee that the USA will work to your satisfaction with every stem because, while there is a lot of agreement among manufacturers the only guaranteed fit is for the lighter Dynavp tips. I have done my best to achieve a best fit for Simrell, Revolve, Dynavap and borosilicate glass. If there is a stem you want to guarantee a fit for just send it through to my attention and if necessary I will update the adaptor for a personalized fit or tell you in detail why it won’t work.

Lets take a look at the BIG 4 in detail. The USA works best for

a 7.9mm steam with 6mm of insertion depth. Imperial 0.311 inches diameter, 0.236 inch insertion.

I’m quite certain you are going to be happy with the USA changes. We are making the USA gen 2.0 as I write this and plan to start shipping through the backlog this week with completion of everything by next week.

Candidly, by doing this deep dive on all these competitors stems it has got me hatching a cunning plan of my own. More on that soon.



Admin at Vestratto

Well-Known Member
Company Rep
As a whole it was pretty clean which made the mouthpiece stand out. All cleaned and enjoying being used so all is well.
Thanks for responding though!

Edit.. Added a tiny bit of cotton to the magnet inside the case to make it easier to remove anvil. Also slide an oring down inside the case tube to stop the rattling. Pretty happy with my tweaks

I understand import fees are set by the county being imported to. I was referring to some UK companies dropping local taxes when shipping internationally as to help with customs duties.

It was an offhand jokey comment with no intent to cause any offence
We do not collect and/or charge any taxes on International orders. ONLY Canadian orders are charged a mandatory PST, GST or HST in accordance with the provincial legislation where the customer lives.

Gray Area

Well-Known Member
Can anyone give me the dimensions of the o- rings… particularly the smaller ones on the condenser? Had one snap on me when taking it apart for cleaning
I have a founder’s edition, with the longer condenser… I’m assuming (hoping) they’re the same size.
Gray Area,

Admin at Vestratto

Well-Known Member
Company Rep
Can anyone give me the dimensions of the o- rings… particularly the smaller ones on the condenser? Had one snap on me when taking it apart for cleaning
I have a founder’s edition, with the longer condenser… I’m assuming (hoping) they’re the same size.
Hi! The o-rings for the condenser are 5x1mm Viton O-Rings.


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
These are beautiful Duba. Are the vegetable
dyes stable in the leather, or will the colour leach out if I put it in like a white shirt pocket? I have a few leather things that leave stains so I am curious.
The tanning of the leather (which allows the animal skin to turn into leather) is vegetable tanning. This means that the tannins used are of vegetable origin and not chemical.
Then, the dyes I use, water based, hold the leather well and will last over time with a little care.
It can sometimes fade slightly at the beginning until the residue disappears completely and only on certain colors (blue/purple/green).

I love mine and the bowl pouch that attaches to it!!! awesome craftsmanship!!!
For those who are wondering what he's talking about, the sleev and the mini pouch attached for accessories look like this:
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Gray Area

Well-Known Member
@Duba @Clapped_r6 & @Admin at Vestratto thanks for the replies.
I’ll keep my eyes peeled in the future, but agree the half bowl tends to get more roasty than the full. I just figured it was the amount of heat I was giving it. Much prefer the full size one anyway.
Gray Area,
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bass in your face
Ya, the 1/2 is reserved for the higher temp stuff (an absolute treat is mix a little herbs with what you can't get out of a conc jar) and its a twaxing champ


Company Rep
I’ve been trying to push for an adapter that allows for a Dynavap tip to go on one of their stems. Vestrattos stems are high quality in my book.
Agreed, having one in hand it feels very high quality and durable.

It could use work in the aesthetic department IMO but I don't use it to look fancy, I get medicated with it so I got over it. But it would be nice for it to look fancy

Admin at Vestratto

Well-Known Member
Company Rep
Agreed, having one in hand it feels very high quality and durable.

It could use work in the aesthetic department IMO but I don't use it to look fancy, I get medicated with it so I got over it. But it would be nice for it to look fancy
How fancy are we thinking? Like limited edition almost one-offs or different metals etc?


Company Rep
How fancy are we thinking? Like limited edition almost one-offs or different metals etc?
I believe an integrated stem potentially made of different metals with a built in wooden heat shield/mouthpiece combo in an exotic and nice looking wood would get some eyes 👀. I really like the interface on the integrated stem and how it fits the oven.

I think there are lots of combinations and potential :science: I think the level of precision and quality would be unmatched
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Admin at Vestratto

Well-Known Member
Company Rep
I would really like an official Vestratto tool for adjusting airflow while hot.
Already in development 🤠
I believe an integrated stem potentially made of different metals with a built in wooden heat shield/mouthpiece combo in an exotic and nice looking wood would get some eyes 👀. I really like the interface on the integrated stem and how it fits the oven.

I think there are lots of combinations and potential :science: I think the level of precision and quality would be unmatched
John is definitely open to this idea! If there is enough interest we can make it happen
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