As a medical user I generally need to keep up with it once or twice a day for best results, but sometimes I have to take days or weeks off. Personally I have no trouble not using it (other than the issues I take it for not being adequately addressed).
I don’t know if that’s unusual, but I attribute it at least in part to two things:
1. I have never built a high tolerance and used very high doses. I think it may be easier to become dependent on it if you are taking in a lot more. I hope that also means that lowering your tolerance would make it easier to stick to the weekends…and fortunately sticking to the weekends should lower your tolerance!
Right now I use maybe 0.1g a day and 5-10mg of edibles. I’ve used up to maybe 0.3g a day and 40-50mg of edibles broken up into 10mg doses at least 3-4 hours apart and I’ve done that for weeks to months without greatly increasing my tolerance or making me feel more dependent on it, but being at that level or above for years straight seems like it would at least foster psychological dependence.
2. I don’t take any substance with the explicit intent of making myself feel better.
That is a little hard to understand, but I hope this makes sense.
I have muscle issues, especially in my back, and I use this at least nightly to help keep that down because I know that when I take days off these issues move back toward where they were before I tried cannabis (it was pretty bad). If the issues are getting so bad that I know they’re going to land me in the worst shape they can, I also take something to head that off.
What I refuse to do is notice that I’m feeling bad, especially mentally, and then decide “I’m going to take this because it will make me feel better.”
I don’t know if that distinction makes sense to anyone else or if it really makes a difference for me, but my concern is that if I make any substance the answer to every minor physical pain — or especially mental/emotional issue — it will be much easier to slip into depending on it and desiring it too much.
It seems similar to me (at least in this respect) to people who turn to certain foods or food in general to deal with things. Eating a candy bar may make you feel better sometime, but if you eat a candy bar specifically
to make yourself feel better and let that become a pattern, I think that’s setting yourself on the road to dependency and the negative consequences that come with taking food/drugs/whatever to extremes.
I guess this is way more than you asked for and maybe it won’t help you, but since you seem concerned that you might struggle with the urge to use it during the week I thought it might be relevant at least.
If you can put it away and if you feel the urge to use it try to reframe in your mind what you want it for, recognize that you don’t
need it and that it will be there waiting for you a better time when it can do what you want without whatever negatives are making you not want to use it during the week, maybe that will help you to adjust?
It’s not something I’ve struggled with so maybe someone else can offer a more useful perspective if you’re already feeling dependent on it.
I’m a stubborn person though, so even when I had physical withdrawal effects from prescription medications I continued tapering and stopped on the timeline I had set, despite those issues persisting, because I was not willing to let a substance control my actions and my future.