Recent content by zymos

  1. zymos

    Dynavap VapCap

    Just following up from a page back, I’m a fairly new Woodwynd owner. There are almost infinite combos in the DV ecosystem and I enjoy reading about everyone’s experiences. I’m pretty simple compared to most folks here, I just want a quality tool that works well. For me, no matter what...
  2. zymos

    Dynavap VapCap

    I didn’t read the previous 2508 pages, sorry. Just came here to post for the first time in several years to say I love this thing. I bought a Woodwynd a few weeks ago and couldn’t be happier. For reference, my daily driver was an Underdog log vape. For big tasty clouds it is pretty much...
  3. zymos

    Discontinued Hopper io

    OMG, the difference between bodies is night and day! Or clouds vs clear skies. My first try was at 4, I’m sure I could go a little lower, I usually kept my OG hopper at 3.5. For sure all us customers deserve a much smoother experience: getting it right the first time and not needing to...
  4. zymos

    Discontinued Hopper io

    I agree they should offer to change to plain instead of just keep saying it will be shipping soon. But if you ask them, they’ll send you a plain one right away.
  5. zymos

    Discontinued Hopper io

    Strange- mine had the same issue but they shipped a replacement body first and asked me to return mine when I get it. My replacement is out for delivery, I’ll report back later. (I live less than 500 miles south of HL, but for some reason USPS decided my package needed to spend some time in...
  6. zymos

    Discontinued Hopper io

    FWIW, I sent a warranty request on Friday, they replied on Sunday that they’d send a replacement body, and sent the tracking number on Wednesday.
  7. zymos

    Discontinued Hopper io

    I think the “3 flanges” are just little depressions/notches in the plastic that are catching the light. I just looked at mine and they are almost invisible but still there.
  8. zymos

    Discontinued Hopper io

    Ahh, sorry to misunderstand about the different numbers. Indeed, HL registered mine for me.
  9. zymos

    Discontinued Hopper io

    Jabba, your Ti experience sounds like mine- anything under 4 is useless. RE:RMA 1) serial number is on the top of the hopper itself 2) HL got back to me about my problem filling out the form, asked for a screenshot, and of course when I went to take one, the form worked correctly. Is it really...
  10. zymos

    Discontinued Hopper io

    Fuck, I can’t even fill out the form for an RMA! I’m logged in, my hopper is registered with serial number, but when I get to the required field for serial number, it just says none are found (and you can’t enter it directly). Just one more annoyance along the way. I wrote to them for help...
  11. zymos

    Discontinued Hopper io

    I was waiting and waiting for my colored Ti, and finally wrote them asking for a plain one instead. The replied within a day and sent it to me right away.
  12. zymos

    Discontinued Hopper io

    They’ve been making these things for years now. Differences in performance between products using 2 different metals? OK- I’ll buy that, cause science. Obvious differences between 2 units that are constructed out of the same materials? No, that’s completely unacceptable. The only explanation...
  13. zymos

    Discontinued Hopper io

    Maybe I’m expecting too much from the io. I’m admittedly spoiled by my regular setup: the Underdog log vape through a medium sized glass bong. One small pinch, one long toke = huge cloud. I wasn’t asking for that kind of performance from my original hopper, but thought the more powerful...
  14. zymos

    Discontinued Hopper io

    After a several month wait (gave up on the colored Ti and switched the order to plain) I finally got my io. Initial reaction is not good at all. Even with the heat on max, all I can get is a wisp. I was expecting it to be way hotter, but I can take long slow draws without feeling like I’m...
  15. zymos

    Discontinued Hopper io

    What vapviking said- I haven’t asked for a plain Ti, they never suggested it. It took a while for me to learn that even the plain Ti ios were shipping, since I had preordered and HL didn’t initiate any communication about status updates. I know of other companies that, during 2020, have...
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