Recent content by zatonic

  1. zatonic

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    Just snagged this and thought I'd share. Seems like a pretty good deal shipping from CA. Also found a replacement downstem with standard slits for only $10! Nice to have options I suppose.
  2. zatonic

    Firewood Vaporizer

    Just wanted to emphasize this for the early adopters. I was about to start grinding the metal storage base lip before reading this. Thanks @Kaptan! I think the issue came from the base metal getting flattened out in the paper envelope it shipped in.
  3. zatonic

    Firewood Vaporizer

    How old is your battery? I'm noticing a difference in power for sure in one of my older batteries. Thinking of tossing an old P28A's and picking up a couple P30B's... Unless someone can recommend a better batt?
  4. zatonic

    Firewood Vaporizer

    Does this happen with all settings now? Or just unregulated? My original early adopter had the constant buzz error on all settings randomly after a few days of use. Marc provided a label and I got it fixed and shipped back in a week
  5. zatonic

    Firewood Vaporizer

    Any photos for us? So far one case of this. Maybe there was a miss alignment issue when building? I've had mine on and off 50 times now with no signs of wear. Sure, if you do not mind sucking on the narrow side. Yeah I have a bb9 stem in mine for my bubbler. Just have to tape off air intake...
  6. zatonic

    Camouflet Convector

    Quickest flavor clouds on par with ball vapes. Titanium tip and cap on a bb9 stem. Fresh loud, YLL 2.0 45w / 11 second time out first hit, few seconds short second hit. 🌞
  7. zatonic

    Firewood Vaporizer

    Problem solved :wave:
  8. zatonic

    Firewood Vaporizer

  9. zatonic

    Firewood Vaporizer
  10. zatonic

    Firewood Vaporizer

    I believe you would have to remove the 2 main screws to split the two halves of the body to expose the heating element. Have any early adopters dared to split their X open yet? Not it!
  11. zatonic

    Firewood Vaporizer

    FAT X pdf
  12. zatonic

    Firewood Vaporizer

    I'm getting 11mm from the top measuring with a caliper on the 10 bowl.
  13. zatonic

    Firewood Vaporizer

    When the device is assembled, the window is recessed in about 1/4" so you can't touch it. I'm finding the thicker wood surrounding the heater on the X helps insulate better so you do not get quite a hot spot when you put it in your pocket right after a session. Window is def a nice added touch!
  14. zatonic

    Firewood Vaporizer

    I would say still mushy, like room for a little tolerance if mashed weird. Pretty similar to the 9 but larger. Bigger button does seem better. Overall the size of the X feels more like holding a Tiny Might or similar.
  15. zatonic

    Firewood Vaporizer

    This one is a pre-production model with the smaller bowl. Waiting on a separate shipment for the herb chamber. Bowl doesn't pop right out without the spring clip in.. Hmm. Will play with it more after work.
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