Recent content by vapinape

  1. V

    Fiberglass found in Angus Enhanced

    Great questions that need to be answered. Hope he comes back here to post the answers... If not the silence is loud enough. Glad bing admitted earlier today that he informed Mike (CEO of Yllvape) about the discovery of FG in the AE over a year ago. He provided a date and mentioned he has...
  2. V

    Fiberglass found in Angus Enhanced

    Exactly this. Others commenting on this too. Calling out the BS. Thank you all. His review for the AE is done really well. I know for a fact that video alone convinced a lot of people to pull the trigger. It's exactly how a review should be done... People trust(ed) him. Of course he has some...
  3. V

    Fiberglass found in Angus Enhanced

    Thanks for highlighting the exact reasons why I posted the Reddit link. Yllvape need to provide an update asap but it hasn't happened yet, on Reddit you can view from wider communities who might share important info way before Yllvape. At the moment them boys are still selling the AE on their...
  4. V

    Fiberglass found in Angus Enhanced

    Yllvape social media influencers are already too focused on the aerolite... If it produces clouds it will sell... Opinions don't matter... The issue is global. Hopefully everyone makes the right decisions. Doesn't matter how Yllvape spin it... They totally didn't take into account medical...
  5. V

    Fiberglass found in Angus Enhanced

    Exactly. A lot of questions need to be answered. This is a good one as also not all vapour/ fumes are visible or have an odour or taste. Official investigations are most likely taking place and Yllvape will at least brief their retailers if not their customers, and I'm sure we'll start seeing...
  6. V

    Fiberglass found in Angus Enhanced

    Thank you for sharing this here and clarifying. I can see why people would panic and think of asbestos. Which is precisely why fibreglass inside a vape is an insane choice... I respect and trust your opinions here and on Reddit. I can see you took the right steps for your customers. Solid move...
  7. V

    Fiberglass found in Angus Enhanced

    Appreciate you jumping in and clarifying your stance on this. Your English is fine and I think we all get where you're coming from... I get that you aren't upset, just talking but try and understand why some are.. I get that you were trying to make sure AE owners aren't panicking and if they...
  8. V

    Fiberglass found in Angus Enhanced

    This whole situation is so fkd. Yllvape are in damage control mode right now. But I suspect that the panic is more related to the launch of their new product and brand reputation due to 'angus gate 2.0'. Anyone downplaying the concerns from customers, should feel ashamed. If you want to use...
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