Recent content by Vape Donkey 650

  1. Vape Donkey 650

    TC Box Mods Firmware Discussions and Customizing

    yes, thanks for the repost, just to be sure. it is good that the AF software is still archived out there, for those that may need it still. It's still not recognizing the mods with that version of AF, but it did recognize my eleaf Rim (not C) with the fixed internal battery and I flashed that...
  2. Vape Donkey 650

    TC Box Mods Firmware Discussions and Customizing

    Old thread... I acquired some eleaf rim c 80w's to set up some DT rigs for some friends, but it seems these mods are no longer flashable to arcticfox when they are installed with the latest firmware from eleaf. Does anyone know a work-around so I can flash the firmware on these recent mods? I...
  3. Vape Donkey 650

    Gear Concentrate vape for bedbound medical user?

    Duckie, nice to see you feeling good enough at least to get up to the keyboard. Sorry for the tangents, side-busting and cross talk. Guys like me, floriduh, inverted can be quite passionate about our tanks. So you will be the one to say : can you use an enail in bed? Do you know how to use...
  4. Vape Donkey 650

    Tek TCR settings possible for ROVE carts?

    Are the coils measuring in at under 1.5 ohm? That is the key. I think the firmware for the newer evics, invokes, picos, etc let you TC up to 1.5 ohm. So do the newer DNA chips and some of the newer "premium" cpu mods, but most brands, and the older firmware for the joye-eleaf mods will only let...
  5. Vape Donkey 650

    StemPod by MPL

    coil of the month club? :huh: :lol: I got a surprise email from "elite innovations" that my shipment of "#coilclub1" has been shipped. :hmm: Hmm? Well I didn't buy any more coils from Dan, and I already got my stashpod with a complementary set of clapton wraps last week. When I got that email...
  6. Vape Donkey 650

    Gear Concentrate vape for bedbound medical user?

    > 10k letters = 2 post ! Talking strictly distillate and co2 oil, you get a nice bonus saving maybe 10-20 bucks or more for your gram of concentrate being in a syringe or applicator versus having it filled in a tank or pod you're practically forced to vape it out of. The downside, is it's...
  7. Vape Donkey 650

    Gear Concentrate vape for bedbound medical user?

    An e-nail? Remember, the OP wants to use this for "bedbound use" and will be using it during "intense pain and cognitive difficulties" If by bedbound, we mean really sitting / laying in bed, I don't think an e-nail is very safe or practical. Having a big metal slug heated above 500F and being...
  8. Vape Donkey 650

    Divine Tribe atty's

    Hey, I just want to make clear here, even though I mentioned those 4 or 5 brands for fernand as brands with products (tanks / applicators) with the actual, strain-specific, "derived from the same flowers as the concentrate is from" re-introduced terps, as opposed to those fake, non-canna...
  9. Vape Donkey 650

    Divine Tribe atty's

    Well, I could have posted this 2 weeks ago, but I was hoping to get in more usage to make a better base of experience to comment on. In my latest re-supply package with a massive dump of 7mm donuts and ceramic rods from DT, I also received one of these proto-type V4 quartz donut attys. Having...
  10. Vape Donkey 650

    StemPod by MPL

    @Hippie Hip! Just as you were posting this up, I was testing & dry firing my first "successful" wraps with this same wire you recommended! :tup: I had tried some 7 & 6 wrap coils, but they failed :( from what I think was a lack of space between the loops, causing them to contact & short and get...
  11. Vape Donkey 650

    Gear Concentrate vape for bedbound medical user?

    duckopera, for your use, and priorities, I would say there are 2 general classes of portable concentrate vapes you should look into. Maybe you'll like both types, using them alternatively: "load as you go" pen atomizer and "tank" atomizers Both CAN be easy to use (although can also be...
  12. Vape Donkey 650

    Divine Tribe atty's

    My posts aren't long. Your guys' 8 posts that I'm quoting are :evil: I have 3 primo minis, and I've run into issues with battery limitations and poor battery performance on them. On this mod, you need a stronger, higher amp CDR battery to push the same or lesser watts / amps than you would...
  13. Vape Donkey 650

    Divine Tribe atty's

    lol! :rofl: Sadly, I agree with you on the battery / mod being a bottleneck to more wide-spread use and acceptance of portable concentrate vapes for the 'typical consumer.' Hardcore LAYG warriors like us :lol: :rolleyes: might look at our mods with a sense of blase familiarity, like, "you...
  14. Vape Donkey 650

    StemPod by MPL

    That's a great development, @Hippie, accomplishing what many of us are trying to do with our SPs, coil-wise. :clap: Would you mind elaborating on your coil wire specs so the rest of us can try to obtain something just like it? What kind of claptons, staggered, fused, other? Depth, width, how...
  15. Vape Donkey 650

    So Cal Prop215 recommendation docs (2018)

    Good luck with getting your med recommendation looks like you've got the first part accomplished? From what I understood when this new legal regime hit us this year, you need to clear this with your "primary care physician" (I guess HelloMD provided that service for you now?) and...
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