Recent content by SixStringToker

  1. SixStringToker

    Qaroma/Taroma/Ceroma by QaromaShop

    I just noticed that Gimido sells 30mm radial coils:
  2. SixStringToker

    Qaroma/Taroma/Ceroma by QaromaShop

    The only fully assembled 30mm radial coils that I've seen are the QShop ones. AliX has listings for some without the connector, but then you have to deal with the slow boat AND soldering.
  3. SixStringToker

    The Screwball by Vapvana

    I think the biggest contributor to the performance boost is the increased surface area inside the chamber with the gem-cut stones vs the 3mm balls that are common in most other heads. The downside to that is the increase in draw restriction, though that itself can contribute to running the head...
  4. SixStringToker

    Does MJ Help With Sleep

    This is why Radwin always goes to bed with a smile. :D I've always had vivid dreams and that continues whether I'm on the marijuanas or not. I rarely notice a difference in my dream recollection after coming off a t-break but almost always have difficulty recalling them into the second and...
  5. SixStringToker

    Zirconia balls instead of rubies in ball vapes?

    Maybe. I think the biggest difference comes from the roast profile. That's why I really want to see the temps at the herb-bed with the different materials and ball sizes... just need to motivate myself to get that setup running again. With Zirconia, the temperature of the air hitting the herb...
  6. SixStringToker

    Zirconia balls instead of rubies in ball vapes?

    I haven't looked, but I bet it does, though it may not scale linearly. That painting is actually my Rabbit Air filter; it has different face plates. 🐇 It's an awesome air filter, btw. It's near silent 90% and it ramps up quickly within 15 to 20 seconds of me hitting a bowl in the same room.
  7. SixStringToker

    Zirconia balls instead of rubies in ball vapes?

    Yeah, I was surprised by that. I figured it'd settle around the same temperature but take longer to get there. I can add it to the list. :D I currently have 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, and 4mm ruby, 3mm and 4mm zirc, and 3mm of sic, boro, soda lime, stainless steel, and quartz. Re: the pump, my full...
  8. SixStringToker

    Zirconia balls instead of rubies in ball vapes?

    Here's some data that I recorded over the weekend. I did each run twice from a fully cooled head and coil and got the same results each time: That's with a temperature probe positioned in the middle/center of the ball chamber, surrounded by the balls. The coil temp was taken with an external...
  9. SixStringToker

    Gear Universal Heater Station by D-Nail (a.k.a. Dnail, D-Nation, DNation)

    It's a cheap rickety lab jack - probably costs them all of $8 in bulk. No self-respecting lab would ever use something like this! :lol: On the plus side, cheap rickety lab jacks apparently have a very low W/m-K, which is really the only thing saving whatever surface you put this miniature...
  10. SixStringToker

    The Screwball by Vapvana

    Sounds like the deadzone/deadband setting is enabled. High Five does that with their LDC controller, too - annoying as hell! When the active temperature reading is within XX degrees of the Set/Target temperature, the display will only display the Set temp. There's probably a setting in the...
  11. SixStringToker

    Zeal, Ω, and Epitome

    The bowl adaptor is basically the top part for a coiled bowl assembly that sorta looks like a tethered head, but it's actually a heated bowl: It screws into the Omega's injector adapter to make the complete bowl assembly.
  12. SixStringToker

    Cannabis Hardware (formerly NewVape) FlowerPot Twax Vaporizer

    Spence has even said that the Pyptek was his inspiration for the idea. He took that idea to Edwyn and CH rolled with it.
  13. SixStringToker

    Zirconia balls instead of rubies in ball vapes?

    I bet if the head were tuned such that the balls inside the ball chamber reached the target temp in the quickest possible time, we'd see a frighteningly MASSIVE overshoot on the coil temp. There's really no way around it with the current implementation of using the coil temp outside the ball...
  14. SixStringToker

    Zirconia balls instead of rubies in ball vapes?

    The coil tuning isn't going to have much, if any, effect on the actual hit. There's just no way to get enough heat calories from the coil, thru the head and into the balls within the duration of a 15 to 20 second hit. Add to that the fact that you're actively cooling the balls with the airflow...
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