Recent content by SatanLovestoVape

  1. SatanLovestoVape

    Cloud Connoisseur Glass

    No, I bought it separately from the Calypso. It is a blue-fumed 22-diffuser bowl, and it's much higher quality and heavier than a standard CH bowl, which I like. I am kind of kicking myself in the ass because Cloud Connoisseur just released a bubble trap bowl, but it did not exist when I...
  2. SatanLovestoVape

    Cloud Connoisseur Glass

    4 months later my blue bubble trap Calypso finally arrived.
  3. SatanLovestoVape

    Cloud Connoisseur Glass

    4 months later my calypso finally shipped out. It should be here by Fryday.
  4. SatanLovestoVape

    Cloud Connoisseur Glass

    He is aware of the missing orders. We are not forgotten according to the email I got. It seems like a good chunk of the bubble traps was lost but everything is en route. All we can do is wait a little longer to get our stuff.
  5. SatanLovestoVape

    Cloud Connoisseur Glass

    I really hope my ships out soon. I just email him right now hopefully I will get a response soon. Even though in the past I email him twice without a reply. I waited this long might as wait a couple of more weeks. But it would be nice to know what order number is he at or some type of...
  6. SatanLovestoVape

    Cloud Connoisseur Glass

    I feel you. It has been 9 weeks since I pre-order and expected my Bubble Trap Calypso to arrive at the beginning of August. CC should keeps more updated on the discord. That sucks, but at least you provided an update and are keeping us informed. You and @Grass Yes are the only ones keeping us...
  7. SatanLovestoVape

    Arizer Solo 3

    WOW! I’ve been using my Solo 3 for the past week and loving every minute of it so far. I remember using the Solo 1 I bought on eBay for $80 back in the day. I thought it was the bee’s knees back in 2013. 11 years later, the Arizer company has created a perfect vaporizer with the Solo 3. It has a...
  8. SatanLovestoVape

    **Ball vape comparison megathread** Compare your balls.

    Oh boy, a lot has changed in the two years I've been gone. I took a two-year tolerance break from Mary Jane because my habits were getting out of control. That was before the ball vapes craze happened. I remember the Weedeater and Vrod being the kings of the desktop vapes, and then here come the...
  9. SatanLovestoVape

    Best scoop for ground herb?

    I use this metal scoop. Personally I will not spend anything over $25 on a scoop. Some of these prices for a simple accessory is outrages.
  10. SatanLovestoVape

    For Sale CH Weedeater Bundle Paypal $420 USA ONLY '][/URL] '][/URL] '][/URL]
  11. SatanLovestoVape

    Puffco Peak Pro

    Two is better than one. I got a great deal buying two for $90 from CreamCity Vapes. Plus, it is always good to have a couple of backups in case of breakage or cleaning. However, I heard nothing but great things about the JCVAP atomizers. That will be my next upgrade for my puffco peak pro. I am...
  12. SatanLovestoVape

    Puffco Peak Pro

    Surprisingly all my atomizers still work perfectly, and the highest temp I vape at is 565°F. I use 600°F strictly for cleaning.
  13. SatanLovestoVape

    Puffco Peak Pro

    My puffco peak pro has 4,000 dabs on the device, and it is still kicking. The thing still hits like day one after owning 3 puffco atomizers. I never liked the Og glass from puffco and upgraded to an eternal flameworks top. The first top I bought did not fit on my pro correctly and fell off...
  14. SatanLovestoVape

    Collyland Aromatizer (formerly Vapbong by Art of Vapor)

    Everybody has some fancy-ass whips. I am over here sipping on my basic tubing with a classic vaporbrothers mouthpiece.
  15. SatanLovestoVape

    Tetra P80

    God Damn, that custom is fucking nice. I will be staring at that beast for hours after use. The details are just perfect. You have a very creative mind.
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