Recent content by Retr0grad3

  1. R

    SAML Glass

    I cannot find this price anywhere, where can I buy it?
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    Aerolite Vaporizer by YLLVape

    Ehh not super stoked on the enhanced loading strategy for an on demand. If I have my little spoon then it's a breeze, but if I don't have some sort of implement it's not the easiest/cleanest loading method on the block. I do like all the options for stems then and the compatibility with already...
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    Aerolite Vaporizer by YLLVape

    There is no reason that it shouldn't be able too. They aren't using wood or any other unique or exotic material, the tech is pretty tried and true. Nic vapers have been using Ti mesh for decades...literally. It maybe new for yll but not for the industry. At $150 I think they should be able to...
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    Angus Enhanced

    Man I didn't ask for anything. I was just like you won't believe what happened...told him the story and expressed interest in trying the enhanced as soon as I could afford it, I had more then just the Angus stolen out of my car. And he was like he ya go and gave me a code and was like I hope...
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    Thermal Accumulator by phattpiggie

    There isn't much to how it goes together. I'm not sure if your referring to the simrell stem or the TA but both are pretty simple to figure out in my opinion. And if you don't know your bowl is adjustable on the TA, there is a little spacer under the screen and this can be moved around to make...
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    Angus Enhanced

    I had my original Angus get stolen out of my car 2 days after receiving the unit. I reached out to Mike to commiserate. He gave me 50% off an AE. Needless to say I ordered it and have had it for a bit and the thing chucks smooth, fat, tasty clouds at my face for minutes at time. I have to give...
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    Thermal Accumulator by phattpiggie

    I use a simrell wooden vortex and it's ok. It does get warm towards the end or multiple uses. Also have a glass wpa, I prefer the simrell for use with glass for the carb and I'm a sucker for thuya burl and just really liked the way my set up looks.
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    Thermal Accumulator by phattpiggie

    I can't help but to take everything I get apart immediately. I have to see what is going on as to how things work. I read elsewhere that rubies took someone else longer in their Ta3 to heat up and wound up going back to the stock boro. I'm having a hard time. I combusted twice today. Both times...
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    Thermal Accumulator by phattpiggie

    I have another question what size bowl are you guys using. When I first got the Ta3 the screen wasn't pressed all the way down to the bottom of the bowl with the little screw down there and I was a little disappointed about the size of the bowl. I then combusted and had to give her a through...
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    Thermal Accumulator by phattpiggie

    Alrighty I'll be give her a go. So it seems to me you're kinda going more off of color of flame, and color of the glowing top. which I have seen lee's video about heating the Ta and the flame turning orange, I think maybe it wasn't far enough into the flame for me, cause I had kinda a hard time...
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    Thermal Accumulator by phattpiggie

    So far Ive had the Ta3 for 3 days. I feel like I'm having troubles with the heat up. I'm either not giving it enough heat and it doesn't produce much vapor, the I try and reheat and reheat but not go too hot and wind up just wasting it. Or I've combusted by going too hot on the first heat. I did...
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    Cloud Connoisseur Glass

    I see the mini influx is still available for pre-order, would that be in the group that's about to ship? Or how would that work?
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    The Flower Kettle by Custom Flower Hardware

    I was thinking about ordering that exact whip from element. What was your experience with them like?
  14. R

    High five flower ball vape

    Yes that's why I listed the shovel head and the Vulcan.
  15. R

    High five flower ball vape

    Does anyone know if the baller head for the high 5 is more of an injector or diffuser. It looks like an injector on their site with their bowl, but their bowl also looks larger then other and like it might act as a diffuser on a shovelhead, or Vulcan.
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