Recent content by pomogirl

  1. pomogirl

    Underdog Log Vapes

    ALL THE TALK of STEMS IS A RICH RESERVOIR of KNOWLEDGE. THX! I HAD TO get THE olive WITH cake layers--so BEAUTIFUL, and BETTER in person. It has chatoyance everywhere, and it's hefty which I like a lot. Love seeing what you all are getting--wood is so gorgeous.
  2. pomogirl

    Underdog Log Vapes

    @underdogette The web site seems to have a super slow time uploading graphics....
  3. pomogirl

    One-of-a-kind Briar Burl Herb Pipes Handcrafted by CDXX Pipes

    That is off the charts fabulous. I want a Blaze MP! Totally!
  4. pomogirl

    Vapor Halogen Wand

    Oh, you make these! I just happened onto this. Beautiful shapes to your logs.
  5. pomogirl

    One-of-a-kind Briar Burl Herb Pipes Handcrafted by CDXX Pipes

    You have such great and unique shapes. And the woods are amazing.
  6. pomogirl

    Underdog Log Vapes

    Did you get your WPA gong? I know I've been lurking on UD like right now when they have gongs in, but I've also purchased a Lotus for it's WPA--I wanted one anyway because, wood, but anyway. Glass artists or even science glass blowers can make anything, but they have to have the product in hand...
  7. pomogirl

    Dynavap VapCap

    I just saw the new perforated cap. It looks way more uniform for George's liking. I like the uniqueness of the old style, though. I like the look of the Hyperdyne, and Troy and Jerry seem to like its Dyna signature mostly-conduction vapor. But am I just wanting what Vapvana suggested last week...
  8. pomogirl

    Discontinued The NEO by Prrl Labs

    You might want to ask in Classifieds or ENT--that will let you know who has what--I for one bought extra chimneys though I have no idea how to install them. But people are selling them cheap-ish and/or including one with, say, the used Convectorium I got. It is sad they stopped doing business.
  9. pomogirl

    Underdog Log Vapes

    Spalted is so pretty.
  10. pomogirl

    Underdog Log Vapes

    The pistache are so cool and full of personality. All of these are nice.
  11. pomogirl

    Underdog Log Vapes

    I do know the story. I have an unassuming, curvy FYT in black locust too. Did you know they glow?? I just love my Black Locust, but the UV glow was a definite bonus. Too bad it came from a terrifying fire, but what better way to make some beautiful logs out of the chaos.
  12. pomogirl

    Underdog Log Vapes

    I've kind of lost track, but I have an Alpha and an Alpha X for sure...I can use my Lotus on an Elev8 j-hook, or a TWW j-hook instead of the pipe it can come with, or with any bong and adapter--like the Lotus! I'm still crazy for these, especially that first FYT--what wood is that? And this...
  13. pomogirl

    Underdog Log Vapes

    I got my Lotus! @underdogette Thanks for the update--luck just isn't in some of our cards but it's good to hear what's up.
  14. pomogirl

    The Nomad From Morwood

    What wood is that beautiful burl? And it looks so perfect with the burl. And look at the silky smooth edging. And the battery compartment has a nice top curve that's unexpected. It must feel so good in the hand.
  15. pomogirl

    Underdog Log Vapes

    Hippy trippy dippy...I love that image. But no, no lotus yet...I bought too many other items this last month because I finally tried out the Entexchange and, well, wow! They even have amazing glass. And the occasional log. I got a Heat Island Square in the traditional walnut and maple (with nice...
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