Recent content by Kip

  1. Kip


    The other day I recieved a very nice 17 inch SSV ice catcher w/ four arm tree perc, and wouldnt you have it, my ssv broke the very same day. Screw snapped off inside the main cylinder base and now it wobbles around, only held by one screw. So while its out for repairs I've been ripping my Zap...
  2. Kip


    Hi all, while I'm lovin the lightwood zap I got with the fathers day special, I have one issue concerning the tooty it came with. Whenever I finish a stem and go to remove it, the tip stays inside the zap and it takes a little effort to remove the hot tip from the unit. Is there a way I can bend...
  3. Kip

    Silver Surfer Vaporizer

    Hello all I'm currently awaiting the arrival of my ssv later today. My question to all you seasoned ssv users is around what o'clock would be most effective for plain leaf salvia vaporization?
  4. Kip


    Hello all! I've been lurking fc for some time now and through this thread I've become sold on the MZ. You see, I need a home unit as I've been using a LB for awhile now, and it kicks ass but I have a desire for bigger vape hits and the battery part is a hassle sometimes. While I plan to purchase...
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