Recent content by KingKannon

  1. KingKannon

    Vaping/Being vaked at work, experiences, advice, funny stories?

    I'm the complete opposite... I vape cause I'm afraid I'll fuck up when I'm sober. Plus with vapor there's no smell on your fingers, clothes, and if you need it get some clear eyes and your good to go. I'm working on the computer all day so I have no paranoia to worry about, and everyone's eyes...
  2. KingKannon

    What's your occupation or field of study?

    You basically described my job as well but I have a Computer Engineering Degree and although I don't make a 6 figure salary (mostly due to cost of living) I can work from home whenever and come and go as I please. Some days / Usually I don't really do much, and I feel guilty so I'd rather go...
  3. KingKannon

    Vaping/Being vaked at work, experiences, advice, funny stories?

    Well I don't Vape while at work... but I do vape before, on lunch, and after work... so basically I'm high all day (which is the plan).... for years Ive always went to work high starting with my 1st day, so they would think thats me sober. I worked as an analyst if some sort now im a sys admin...
  4. KingKannon

    The Extreme-Q Vaporizer

    Hello all I got my EQ and :clap: it is immaculate! 1st off, I haven't found any additional features and I'm pretty sure mines is 100% legit (1 degree temp increments and such). Also I hear no buzzing or weird sounds coming from the power pack or anywhere else. At first I was kinda skeptical...
  5. KingKannon

    The Extreme-Q Vaporizer

    I purchased the ddave bowl hopefully from @DDave himself from his ebay page. And, I brought the ssv whip from So yes that's what I meant. I will definitely let everyone know how's I think the two compare or any differences that I noticed in the EQ that have not previously been posted.
  6. KingKannon

    The Extreme-Q Vaporizer

    Hello all, I've been reading/ studying lol this forum in anticipation for my EQ to arrive tomorrow. I already ordered and received the ddave mod and a SSV elbow piece along with a 3/8 whip for better airflow. I currently have the original Pax (going on 2 yrs) and I Love it... I definitely do...
  7. KingKannon

    Don't drink and drive... Smoke and fly

    Don't drink and drive... Smoke and fly
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