Recent content by John30

  1. John30

    Discontinued Haze Square

    Ive been using my pro all day at a family event. Worked like a champ and didnt even get thru my second bowl! Things I found to help this piece perform at its best are packing your dry bud as much as you can and packing it tight and also when the button goes green wait a second before ripping but...
  2. John30

    Discontinued Haze Square

    It was updated to the latest version as I attempted rebooting the VM already; tried forcing usb 3.0 or 2.0, using different physical usb ports. But no luck, still stuck at searching for haze pro. Has anyone confirmed that the using Windows 10 in a virtual machine within Windows 7 works for them...
  3. John30

    Discontinued Haze Square

    Still getting the hang on how to get a good rip but when you get the sweet spot its really smooth and tasty vapor. Only problem Im having now is getting my VM see the square so I can set custom presets. The more I use this thing the more I love it.
  4. John30

    Discontinued Haze Square

    Oh my goodness I am having a off day did not realize you held down the button :< Yesterday was wild and im guessing im not in the right state of mind to follow instructions. *D'oh*
  5. John30

    Discontinued Haze Square

    EDIT: DONT MIND MY STUPIDITY FIGURED IT OUT My unit seems to be having trouble heating up. I turn it on with three clicks and it turns blue and instead of turning green when its ready it just vibrates and turns off. Dm'ed Haze awaiting their reply. Has anyone else had this issue?
  6. John30

    Haze Square Shipping Thread

    Great! Really appreciate everything you guys do for your customers and your products are always stellar.
  7. John30

    Haze Square Shipping Thread

    Sounds good! Thanks for the tip. Is there any word on the Pro app for android? I have my Windows10 virtual machine already set up for now but would like the capability to be able to change the preset without using my desktop if I was on vacation or something.
  8. John30

    Discontinued Haze Square

    Also got mine but still charging as of now I did notice a few nicks here and there on the body of the unit but nothing to noticable. I was surprised how much space there was between the two pieces that make up the vape but I haven't used it yet so we'll see how it goes!
  9. John30

    Haze Square Shipping Thread

    It just got here! Taking it out if the box now to charge and do burn offs
  10. John30

    Discontinued Haze Square

    I was asking if he did try using keef in the square still awaiting my unit to arrive unfortunately :c
  11. John30

    Discontinued Haze Square

    Have you used keef in the square? I used to use it along with bud in my v3 but it wouldn't really be as effective as I hoped. Also it ended up filling up the unit with a ton more gunk to clean compared to just bud so I stopped trying to make it work and just saved keef for my enano
  12. John30

    Haze Square Shipping Thread

    Tracking is showing it will be arriving tomorrow by 8pm. I'll be sure to post to show everyone the new production model although I didn't have a chance to try the preproduction unit myself I'll try my best to compare the two based on what others have said
  13. John30

    Haze Square Shipping Thread

    Mines also updated to accepted which I assume means it was sent and received by USPS and will start its journey home early tomorrow. Was hoping to celebrate 420 with it but still super excited for this new vape! Also has anyone who ordered after January gotten shipping information yet?
  14. John30

    Discontinued Haze Square

    This may one of the few Sundays where I cant wait for it to be Monday already!
  15. John30

    Discontinued Haze Square

    Thats what I have been hoping for. Judging by the site saying shipping April 12th that's likely to be their goal.
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