Recent content by Jayt0625

  1. Jayt0625

    My secret to THC E-Cig PG-Liquid... Potent, Effective, Cheap, Easy!!!

    Not sure how to post pics??? Got pics of case, carts filled and empty.
  2. Jayt0625

    My secret to THC E-Cig PG-Liquid... Potent, Effective, Cheap, Easy!!!

    Update on these new small buttonless battery with nano carts from (just realized I didn't get my chrome battery, got a black one??? Don't know how I feel about that! LOL) good quality, fast shipping, got the case to go with it, perfect to put in front...
  3. Jayt0625

    My secret to THC E-Cig PG-Liquid... Potent, Effective, Cheap, Easy!!!

    For me it's works softer needs less solvent to suspend for easy vaping with simple setups and harder like shatter, real shatter not bendy shatter needs more solvent to suspend for vaping.
  4. Jayt0625

    My secret to THC E-Cig PG-Liquid... Potent, Effective, Cheap, Easy!!!

    Yeah less solution is needed.
  5. Jayt0625

    My secret to THC E-Cig PG-Liquid... Potent, Effective, Cheap, Easy!!!

    Blueberry huh? I am trying the green apple now and so far it's eh...I did however enjoy the lemon one.
  6. Jayt0625

    My secret to THC E-Cig PG-Liquid... Potent, Effective, Cheap, Easy!!!

    Are we twins? LOL, same social anxiety here!
  7. Jayt0625

    My secret to THC E-Cig PG-Liquid... Potent, Effective, Cheap, Easy!!!

    Oh ok, the complete opposite of most people. Do you find it taste better or do you just enjoy it that way more? Also does it make it smoother or less harsh? I think I may have rushed my purging process yesterday with some winterized shatter that I used for mixing. Kinda hash but I think I...
  8. Jayt0625

    My secret to THC E-Cig PG-Liquid... Potent, Effective, Cheap, Easy!!!

    Just want to make sure I got your ratio correct. 0.3g concentrate to 0.9mL of Holy Terp? I want to retry my Holy Terp again. I made up some green apple CC last night at 1.0 to 0.5cc and I think it was way too much CC, got that funky taste again.
  9. Jayt0625

    My secret to THC E-Cig PG-Liquid... Potent, Effective, Cheap, Easy!!!

    I did 2:1 but didn't like the chemical taste so I did 1:1 and it was better. You can always start it at 1:1 and adjust accordingly.
  10. Jayt0625

    My secret to THC E-Cig PG-Liquid... Potent, Effective, Cheap, Easy!!! I went ahead and ordered the nano vape pen with 5 extra carts and a conceal and carry case to keep it hidden easier. Didn't like the cheap nano carts I bought off eBay but I'm hoping these are better. Needed a whole new stealth pen so this one fits my...
  11. Jayt0625

    My secret to THC E-Cig PG-Liquid... Potent, Effective, Cheap, Easy!!!

    Looking at those as well. Curious to hear results.
  12. Jayt0625

    My secret to THC E-Cig PG-Liquid... Potent, Effective, Cheap, Easy!!!

    That's a bit extreme for me! The CC is worth the money just wish they sold smaller amounts to lessen the blow.
  13. Jayt0625

    My secret to THC E-Cig PG-Liquid... Potent, Effective, Cheap, Easy!!!

    I shouldn't say lose a lot. What I was getting at was that I have been using the bottom fill tanks like Aspire and the PT3 mini (best one I have used so far) and when you go to fill it you always lose a little on the threads, etc...guess I am just being cheap, lol. I am looking for a top loading...
  14. Jayt0625

    My secret to THC E-Cig PG-Liquid... Potent, Effective, Cheap, Easy!!!

    Hey all new member here but have been lurking for some time now and thought I would finally chime in. (1-star) EJ Mix - Mixes well and stays in solution well but tried it and absolutely hated it. Strong chemical taste that made my vape almost unusable. Can't even remember the ratios or...
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