Recent content by hoptimum

  1. hoptimum

    I'm a bad Vaporist, how about you?

    As long as you don’t smoke around me and you’re not hurting anyone, I’m cool with whatever you want to do, Follow your bliss.
  2. hoptimum

    Anyone water cure for edibles?

    I water cure all the time THC is not water soluble, so you don’t lose anything in the process. I water cure in a French press until the water is clear. it’s a good way to eliminate that nasty green taste.
  3. hoptimum

    **Ball vape comparison megathread** Compare your balls.

    Thanks for the tip. I really like the SKO.
  4. hoptimum

    Vaporizer for a joint smoker?

    Check out the Dynavap vaporizers
  5. hoptimum

    Da Buddha

    Golf tees and chopsticks are essential accessories
  6. hoptimum


    Log vapes are well suited to micro dosing.
  7. hoptimum


    A single dropperful of my MCT oil tincture will produce a predictably mellow, coherent buzz for a couple of hours.
  8. hoptimum


    It’s interesting to observe how we evolve as consumers. In my early days, I simply wanted get high. But I’ve since adjusted my consumption pattern to conform to my lifestyle, rather than the opposite.
  9. hoptimum

    best tasting dry herb vaporisers according to you?

    When I could persuade it to work, the Thermovape Cera was the tastiest vape.
  10. hoptimum

    Da Buddha

    Comparing vapes is challenging. The action is very different. They will all take you to a similar destination but the journey will vary.
  11. hoptimum

    Da Buddha

    I can’t speak to ruby twist, but I’m familiar with the DBV and SSV with and without the baller mod. They are very basic but they hit well and they’re built to last. I logged a lot of hours on the DBV, SSV and LSV. They will never fail you. But for me, the baller modded DBV and SSV don’t...
  12. hoptimum

    Portable Dry Herb Vapes Vs Ball Vapes

    I agree that a ball vape might be overkill for a casual user. A log vape, on the other hand, might appeal to you.
  13. hoptimum

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    I’ve never experienced any problems with my VXL, but I don’t use it very often and tend to baby it. the DBV/SSV, on the other hand, are virtually indestructible. You can work the hell out of those without having a second thought.
  14. hoptimum

    What would be your Trinity of vapes?

    I mostly use just a cannabis hardware ball vape and a couple of logs. Occasionally, if I don't want to wait 5 minutes for them to reach temp, I'll fire up a Sticky Brick.
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