Recent content by GymWolf

  1. GymWolf


    I have a question about the roffu, are the glass chamber that cool down faster and not using the dosing capsules the way to go for on demand mode? Because i guess that the metal chamber + dosing capsules stay hot for way longer so the weed get consumed a bit even when you are not hitting the...
  2. GymWolf

    AirVape Legacy Pro

    Thank you sir. Is the version that i'm gonna buy from the european store the one with the more stable mouthpiece?
  3. GymWolf

    AirVape Legacy Pro

    Do you have any discount code for europe at the moment?
  4. GymWolf

    AirVape Legacy Pro

    Does anyone has a discount code valid for europe, i missed the troyandjerry one...
  5. GymWolf

    AirVape Legacy Pro

    Have you tried both session and on demand mode? Have you tried the concentrate pad for the kief? (but it's a longshot, i'm not an expert)
  6. GymWolf

    AirVape Legacy Pro

    I think i heard jerry (from troyandjerry) saying that his brand new pro had no robot farts smell.
  7. GymWolf

    First dry herb vape for 300 USD?

    Jesus i thought i was crazy when i saw so many videos about arc gt or utillian vapes being the best on the market, i was like dafuq?
  8. GymWolf

    What's the best portable for my specific needs? Mighty+, Bowle, TinyMight or??

    That's a nice ass post dude, that info about how many hits you can get with temp step from each bowl and the joint comparison struck close to my soul:D
  9. GymWolf

    AirVape Legacy Pro

    I assume that having the heater always on produce some slight hotness in the gold chamber but if you use on demand, the gold chamber doens't really have the time to get hot enough to introduce some conduction, especially if you continue to suck after the heater is not engaged anymore to cool the...
  10. GymWolf

    AirVape legacy

    They have an EU site, i didn't searched well the first time.
  11. GymWolf

    AirVape Legacy Pro

    Praise the sun:bowdown: Can anyone with the pro confirm this?
  12. GymWolf

    AirVape Legacy Pro

    Thanks guys, i'm reading the instruction manual as we speak. Edit: i just have a question that is not specified in the manual, so when the device shut off because you don't touch it for 60 sec in on demand mode, when you turn it on again, is it in session mode or it remember the last mode you...
  13. GymWolf

    AirVape Legacy Pro

    I just need to know HOW the on demand mode works because i'm not buying the device for the session mode. A dude in here told me that you have to do a combo of buttons to switch to on demand mode, but other than that i know nothing about it, is it like the on demand mode in the xmax v3? I...
  14. GymWolf

    AirVape Legacy Pro

    I can't find any info about the on demand mode to save my life... How does it work? The device stay on for a period of time and if you don't hit the fire button to engage the heather it turn off after a while? How much time before it turns off? 1 min? 3 min? And when you turn it on again...
  15. GymWolf

    AirVape Legacy Pro

    Isn't a bit cumbersome?
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