Recent content by fracTal-mAchIne

  1. fracTal-mAchIne

    Multi-brand Planet of the Vapes ONE

    POTV ONE dosing caps back in stock! Although I ordered some from HR, gonna order a couple of these just cuz I love these so much:tup:
  2. fracTal-mAchIne

    Multi-brand Planet of the Vapes ONE

    Took a chance and ordered the Healthy Rips Dosing Caps and just received them. Happy to say that they're the exact same ones that POTV ONE uses! $15 shipped! :leaf::luv:
  3. fracTal-mAchIne

    Multi-brand Planet of the Vapes ONE

    On the topic of heat, just curious, what temps should use with the POTV ONE? I've been using the POTV ONE for about half a year and I've used only one setting. I watched a YouTube video and was suggested to raise temp to 380-390. Been thinking about reducing to see how low I can go and still...
  4. fracTal-mAchIne

    Multi-brand Planet of the Vapes ONE

    Thanks! Will be checkin!
  5. fracTal-mAchIne

    Multi-brand Planet of the Vapes ONE

    Anyone know when the POTV ss dosing caps will be available again? I think I keep missing them when they restock. Or have they not restocked since the wrong dosing caps delivered to them? Anyways, I'm really happy with me POTV ONE. Can't afford to try anything else right now, but I'd be totally...
  6. fracTal-mAchIne

    Multi-brand Planet of the Vapes ONE

    Jeez! Shoulda waited! Oh well. I'm very satisfied with it.
  7. fracTal-mAchIne

    Multi-brand Planet of the Vapes ONE

    Thank you for the hospitality! I chose the curved. Haven't used it yet as haven't had that much time with it. Although I have been vaping some choice Granddaddy purple every night for the past week! I really like the the crucible it came with. Makes it really easy for me to clean it. Big plus in...
  8. fracTal-mAchIne

    Multi-brand Planet of the Vapes ONE

    Hello all! New to this forum. Just wanted to say that I just received my POTV One today and I can't tell you how excited I am to finally start vaping! I've been saving a free 8th that I received from the local cuz I didn't want to "burn" it, so to speak. It's a high CBD strain called "Critical...
  9. fracTal-mAchIne

    Welcome to Fuck Combustion...Tell us about yourself here!

    Hullo everyone! Just found this forum! Good to be here. So I've just recently started a MMJ regimen (about 6 months), and I've been trying to climb out of this rabbit hole I fell into! Hopefully I can grab a rope and climb out... Cheers! :leaf::peace:
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