Recent content by DgN'R

  1. DgN'R

    What MJ Youtubers are worth watching these days?

    It's pretty rare here but a French guy: NspleenVapes
  2. DgN'R

    2ZM by Herbaltherm

    Cheers! :science: I really appreciate my 2ZM.. everything is so smooth and perfect.. absolutely beautiful! In fact, it's simply one of my most successful handcrafted wooden vapes (although I prefer usage to beauty.. here we are spoiled :p). :clap:
  3. DgN'R

    4Mi by Herbaltherm (Milaana reborn!)

    Well.. as with wave-particle duality, it seems to depend on the observater :rofl: From the HerbalTherm FAQ and Blog: :shrug:
  4. DgN'R

    4Mi by Herbaltherm (Milaana reborn!)

    Why do you say that? Ryan's last email was sent on January 29: What's up?
  5. DgN'R


    Some loose ideas from the drawing box ✏️🎨🛒 This one respects the specifications of the original herb chamber (same size) but offers an interface for connection to 8mm stem as well as an adjustable bowl (like a DV). It also allows the use of standard screens.
  6. DgN'R


    I think he meant a magnetic power supply stand :shrug:
  7. DgN'R

    2ZM by Herbaltherm

    2ZM is such a beast that I no longer use my Milaana 2/3, TM2 😕 (or exceptionally when travelling where discretion is of the essence) I would have liked to have a sort of lid like the OG Zion to be able to store the stem as well as herb and the AVB and also a small emptying tool. All on two...
  8. DgN'R


    Naâman 🌻☀️
  9. DgN'R

    Sticky Brick Labs Vaporizer

    Damn it! We lost all the videos of our friend @Custom Flower Hardware :doh: Please can you re-upload or record some new ones? These are much appreciated here! Cheers!
  10. DgN'R

    Discontinued Impcognito

    Wow, this one's aptly named :clap:
  11. DgN'R

    Rebuildable 510 Herb Atomizer (Ribbon feature)

    Sorry for the late reply, I'll post an update soon, but I can already tell you that there will be a delay and that it won't be for at least six months. I'm currently very busy with my DynaVap project (I have to admit that this one delayed me a lot) and everything that comes with it. I've also...
  12. DgN'R

    4MD by Herbaltherm

    Ryan emailed this about 4MD:
  13. DgN'R

    2ZM by Herbaltherm

    Yeah @coolbreeze it's fantastic indeed! Arizer 3' whip (19/22) is just perfect for this! I love watching the steam build up :clap: Cheers! :peace:
  14. DgN'R


    I found a big magnet on the street today, I was lucky because this one corresponds exactly to the diameter (without scuffing the wood) of my CouchLog :brow: It's a magnet with a central hole, this one is extremely powerful, and by positioning it on the opposite field, CL is automatically...
  15. DgN'R

    Photos used without permission from FC and other sites

    Just an example, your last picture shared here contain a metadata Copyright: CC0 (this means you waive copyright (public domain)). It seems that sometimes you use an iPhone 12 and other times another device (or software? but I doubt it because the date of the profile is 2018, so it's probably...
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