Recent content by Deadhead101

  1. Deadhead101

    Any good Netflixxing going on?

    I really enjoyed The Other One: The Long, Strange Trip of Bob Weir.
  2. Deadhead101

    Could you/ would you give cannabis up for love?

    Definitely love over herb. Giving up herb is difficult for the first couple weeks but after that it's nothing. There are even some benefits of not partaking including greater motivation, better breathing (less phlegm), less paranoia/over sensitivity to surroundings, increased energy, etc...
  3. Deadhead101

    Better Call Saul

    Some more classic Odenkirk...
  4. Deadhead101

    The Fluoride thing

    What is your guys' opinion on drinking distilled water? I bought a distiller a couple years ago, but it's been sitting in the basement, because A it uses a lot of energy to 'brew' a gallon of water, and B I've read some articles stating that it can deplete one's body of certain nutrients.
  5. Deadhead101

    Reason I feel vaping can effect lungs just as much as smoking

    One technique that I find incredibly useful, is to (after taking several slow deep breaths and emptying the lungs) inhale a smallish amount of fresh air before taking your hit whether it be vape, dab, or smoke. The reason being that if you dont do this vapor/smoke will almost definitely get...
  6. Deadhead101

    Reason I feel vaping can effect lungs just as much as smoking

    With my tolerance, I require several (sometimes 5+) elbs in my EVO to get a decent buzz. That's why I like dabbing, I take two or three dabs (vs like 20 inhales with the EVO) and I'm set. And overall I find dabbing to be less irritating than vaping because it's less exposure to the...
  7. Deadhead101

    Cannacaps w/ AVB vs eating it straight

    Should have just dosed the bastard:D. What I've been doing lately is taking a few teaspoons of my ABV coco oil in a coffee mug to work, and after my vape high wears off after a coupe hours, I'll brew some coffee and mix it in the coco oil, you dont even taste the will smell it...
  8. Deadhead101

    Cool Music to Vape to - Part 2

    John K Band--Seen Love
  9. Deadhead101

    share that dab stash! (picture thread)

    No offense but that looks like BHPoo (IMO). Does that sizzle on the nail?
  10. Deadhead101

    ABV Milkshake (My First Post)

    I took an a ABV rice krispie treat, ice cream, and a lil soda tossed it into the blender, holy shit was that deliscious. Tasted like a malted milk shake. God bless ABV:myday:
  11. Deadhead101

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    For the past few weeks I've been using an electrical grinder for my grinding needs. Instead of taking a primer hit to get things rolling, my first hit is a milker. It takes fewer hits to finish a bowl and you can pack (place) more into the ELB without sacrificing airflow. Also as someone with...
  12. Deadhead101

    "Vape" and "Vaping" added to dictionary

    Yeah my friend saw this and told me I was using the word "vape" way before it became cool.
  13. Deadhead101

    Doughboy Glass Fully-Worked Klein

    It's with a heavy heart that I'm putting this piece up for sale. It looks great and functions great, it's just not big enough for my needs (I'm trying to attach an enail). This thing seriously purrs and recycles 100% (I'll send a function video upon request). Trey didn't even want to unload...
  14. Deadhead101

    Recent Acquisitions - Post Your New Pieces Here

    My Doughboy Glass 'cycler. Looks good, functions good.
  15. Deadhead101

    First cannacoconut oil

    Probably a cup give or take.
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