Recent content by bokashibro

  1. bokashibro

    Balls in vapes: Boro, Ruby, SS, Titanium, SIC?

    i modded my sublimator (appolo) so i can use some terp balls inside (modified the heating elemt to a flat coil so there is some space inside witch i filled with beads) and i have to say the best tasting ones are TI (balls out of skateboard bearings (they claim that they are TI ) they arent...
  2. bokashibro


    Hey.. don´t really know how to start.. but.. over the time of the lockdown in Germany i kept Inventing a Sublimator Adapter kit. here is the idea behind: since 3 years i keep fixing a ton of sublimators from friends in Germany and Switzerland, so i had a bunch of time to analyze the...
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