Recent content by bill

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    Impurities Found In ALL Canned Butane...Not Good

    Hey guys, This read might shed some light on the subject. I am done with BHO, only everclear for me. Peace
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    Discontinued Thermovape Cera

    Hey Soflo, I have had many issues with the cera. My opinion is we are beta testers that are paying for the product. With so many changes while the Cera is in circulation it is pretty clear. I have taken apart my eo core because of flow issues after repair(3 times!) and after taking apart the...
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    Discontinued Thermovape Cera

    Oh no a point issued! What will I ever do, Oh ya who cares:spliff:
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    Discontinued Thermovape Cera

    Sure there may have been some confusion on clog-free but I shouldn't have to dig through mountains of forums for cleaning info. There so busy with core repairs there's no time to update there site:)
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    Discontinued Thermovape Cera

    Where are the recommended cleaning procedures? There web site says a user manual is on the way, no cleaning info at all? I cant find any cleaning procedures on this site as well, If it has earned it stripes it because I and many others are the beta testers IMO. I believe I have read many times...
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    Discontinued Thermovape Cera

    Hey JCay, I totally agree with you. i have had the same experience and every time I post OF gets all high and mighty(troll). I feel as if TV rushed the CERA out and is doing product research on its customers at there expense,$315 to ship it to me and 4 times sending in either the core of body...
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    Discontinued Thermovape Cera

    Well I make my own oils and they are all filtered and very high quality(pass foil test) but I have build up like you saw in the pics after 2 weeks, and I do a boil cleaning every 4 days of so.
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    Discontinued Thermovape Cera

    Actually the black ring you are seeing is build up, I got that cleaned out and you can clearly see (sorry no pics) the wire and a little ceramic tube looking thing.
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    Discontinued Thermovape Cera

    Here we go for all the do it your selfers, Tools needed- Super tiny screwdriver or allen wrench, lighter, long pair of tweezers and a steady hand. 1, take out screws 2, gently pry up (evenly) the core and pull out straight 3, you might have the wafer stuck to the core so watch out, you will...
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    Discontinued Thermovape Cera

    OMG OF! you are such a naysayer, Your the guy at the lake telling everyone not to jump off the rock because it dangerous and you might get hurt. Have you ever done anything adventurous? Almost every post your such a square, wheres your sense of trial and error. If TV was really about health they...
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    Discontinued Thermovape Cera

    Hey JCat, I think I can help. I have been through the same problems as you but on 2 occasions. I think I am the only one to take apart the EO core and successfully fix my airflow issue. The 4 screws around the bottom of the core is all you need to remove, gently pull the core up a little and...
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    Discontinued Thermovape Cera

    Well it looks like my post caused a little stir. My thought is I have had so many problems with my Cera I was about to do a boil clean and sell the dam thing. I have sent in my core 3 times the switch 2 times and the body once! Thats a lot and I was willing to take a chance on further damaging...
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    Discontinued Thermovape Cera

    Hey Guys, I have a little help for you if your having low draw or low production of vapor in your Cera. I have sent in my Cera 3 times for core issues and today I decided to do something about it. I was having low draw issues, leaking, no vapor etc.! I got my tools together and found the right...
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    Discontinued Thermovape Cera

    This is for everyone freaking out about the delrin mouth piece TET is using, TOSS'EM. Get your self a tiny dowel and start whittling. Should take about an hour but after that you got a nice wood mouth piece and it really doesn't get hot at all. This is the only way I could get the pics to...
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    Discontinued Thermovape Cera

    Hey Guys, Just got my EO core back from repair(2nd time) and it is better than ever. First difference I notice was a larger gap on the core near the threads, also as soon as the switch was pressed it glowed red hot inside the core which it never did before. The air flow is super smooth and the...
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