Recent content by Bakin4Life

  1. Bakin4Life

    Good Videos to watch when you're Vaked!!

    "Throw it, Mr Frodo! Throw it! "
  2. Bakin4Life

    Random thoughts

    Like many, I'd been wondering... Greenland? Canada? Panama Canal? The canal is pretty easy, actually. He who controls the canal can also limit access of it. China especially would be inconvenienced. And it would only take a few hours; certainly less than a day to invade and assume control...
  3. Bakin4Life

    Random thoughts

    Just to clarify (in case it's needed, which I don't think is the case, but just to be safe... ) My vitriol was intended for those who knowingly voted for the current situation. I don't think that's anyone active in this thread. We will all be hurt by what's to come. But for those who voted...
  4. Bakin4Life

    Random thoughts

    And the word for all of this? Schadenfreude They were warned. Reap the whirlwind, motherfuckers
  5. Bakin4Life

    Environmental Disasters! (we saw coming)

    Well, now there's a nice blank canvas to do underground cabling, isn't there? /s Maybe that was the plan, all along.
  6. Bakin4Life

    Environmental Disasters! (we saw coming)

    If the power / light company was the ignition source, then this is the SECOND major fire on them in CA in the last few years. Last time, I think (?) they got a larger fine. This time? Dunno, but they should be on the hook for the rebuild costs, in a just world. Meh. Socialized losses, again.
  7. Bakin4Life

    Random thoughts

    Back online after deciding my phone wasn't gonna cut it for solo online usage, and finally found a cheap / on-demand hotspot solution till I decide I want to come back home. Which gave me time to accrue a couple of 'random thoughts' :cool: Saw a few 'stories' on different morning 'news'...
  8. Bakin4Life

    Happy New Year.

    Woke up to pee, saw that it just crossed midnight where I'm at, and saw this thread. So... Happy New Year, everyone! Wishing all a happy and prosperous year ahead. May your challenges be few in number, and easily overcome. 🎉🥳🎉🥳:party: PS / TMI: I did *not* write this while sitting on the...
  9. Bakin4Life

    Dani Fusion by Battery-free Ganz

    Ran into an issue with my kitchen torch and decided to further refine my wand technique with the Dani, rather than springing for another torch or more butane, as I'm away from home right now. Was finally able to get the full extraction I wanted, but it takes about 90s @ 560F from cold, which...
  10. Bakin4Life

    Alli express ripped me off. What do I do?

    I once ordered a knockoff watch from a china-based vendor (not one of the ones above). Was sent a watch, but looked nothing like what I ordered. Contacting them, I got a response that they "were out of the one I ordered, and they substituted one they thought I'd like" Their next counter was...
  11. Bakin4Life

    Tariffs? Buy stuff now?

    Agree. It seems to me that his fixation with tariffs goes back to his earlier days, and were one of the few ideas that 'made the jump' to his party shift, as it's a populist philosophy. I could write more--much more--on this, but: - I'm cognizant of my audience, here (this ain't a political...
  12. Bakin4Life

    The Deal Thread is having a one-day 40% off sale today (12-26), per an email I got from them. No special code given, so maybe it's auto-applied. Supposed to be 'everything 40% off' Currently traveling myself, but maybe someone else can get a deal today.
  13. Bakin4Life

    Dani Fusion by Battery-free Ganz

    If it were me, I'd select based on my cooling needs. Using with a water piece? One of the shorter ones would be OK. Using it natively (only) ? I'd get the longest one, as the Dani does retain a bit of heat at the stem, especially if you're cycling fast.
  14. Bakin4Life

    Flame turning green when torching copper, dangerous or not?

    Potential build-up of oxide, that the hotter flame was then able to release? :hmm: But this would be two different reactions, I think. I'll say this... I'm a RTL guy, but I prefer lower temp heat-ups. And I have NEVER seen green flame from my analog devices ([well, maybe a Dynavap -?, once...
  15. Bakin4Life

    Flame turning green when torching copper, dangerous or not?

    Not a chemist, but from my dime store research, the fumes are the worst part, although there's a few things they'll bother besides your respiratory tract (which is probably most at risk). The 'good' news is that it apparently takes several hours of near-continuous exposure to start doing...
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