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  1. Bakin4Life

    Random thoughts

    I wanted to say similar (about our democracy / the world not being able to withstand another DJT, especially short-term). Your response was worded better than mine would have been, anyway ;) Well said.
  2. Bakin4Life

    Random thoughts

    Success has a thousand fathers; failure is an orphan. The remainder of his (own) power / influence ends the day he loses the election. TBH, his 'successor', whomever that may be, will be TSF with a bit less malignant narcissism.
  3. Bakin4Life

    Random thoughts

    Thanks for not castigating me. Yeah, I know it would be bad. I'm just weary of this motherfucker, after having nearly 10yrs stolen from all of us. (For DHS: I want him to die in prison, not by execution. That has more impact.)
  4. Bakin4Life

    Random thoughts

    (I have a feeling I'm among like-minded people here, but if you want to reprimand me, go right ahead... ) Will the next SOB who tries, actually get the job done?
  5. Bakin4Life

    Illinois and weed

    :: waving from Lake Cty:: FYI - There's a new (as in bldg construction) dispo being built in Lakemoor (they may be benefiting by village TIF, etc., but still). All nice and shiny. Since it's in a shopping complex (anchored by a grocery), I'm curious to see them, once they open (soon). No...
  6. Bakin4Life

    Anvil by Vestratto

    I use an Anvil 'usa' kit ('universal stem adapter', aka: Dynavap retrofit) that I got from Vestratto directly. Ran about $150. So you can reuse your DV stem, etc., to save roughly $100. If you're finding that you have to hit the DV more and more to achieve / maintain desired effects -- the...
  7. Bakin4Life

    Paranoia From Weed?

    I came back to cannabis about a year ago, after about a 20yr break. The last time (back in the early-mid '00s), I was starting to get paranoia every time I left the home. But I was putting mass quantities through a bong, after work. The GF (later wife) was using an early vaporizer (and...
  8. Bakin4Life

    Anvil by Vestratto

    I have one on backorder from a US-based company. Hoping everyone got a little taste from Vestratto, not just the Euro distributors. ;)
  9. Bakin4Life

    Vaping through water. Debris and floaties.

    (on edit: found t-dub's post on this... I'm good to go. Thx, fam) I'm new to this site, so I'll have to do some exploring. I'm gathering that if you're detailing that much about the benefits, that you aren't constantly cycling out the water / additives on a constant basis. That, I'm...
  10. Bakin4Life

    Vaping through water. Debris and floaties.

    (fyi... I may sound authoritative, but... I am *not* an MD) I don't get debris through the Anvil's screen, natively. I did, through the Dynavap screens, twice that I can remember. Even if a scoobie slips through, and you *know* it went down the windpipe... your body has mechanisms to expel...
  11. Bakin4Life

    Vaping through water. Debris and floaties.

    I've wondered about it myself. Part of it is screen size / type, and part of it is that when you draw through water, the pull is greater than if you were hitting the device natively. At least it is with me; I'm a DTL guy. I adjusted to a coarse grind, and that helped somewhat, but an...
  12. Bakin4Life

    Random thoughts

    I'm living up to my username right now as I write this, and it's off-the-cuff, so bear with me... :cool: 'Stoner Journaling' -- anyone do it? Are there sites where people post / discuss it? I'm talking about long-form posting, though. I recognize this forum as a more casual affair (which I...
  13. Bakin4Life

    Random thoughts

    Which makes workers... "wealth creators". And the recipients of that wealth do an *excellent* job of making the plebes think that they're 'creating wealth' for their own benefit, instead of only the rich.
  14. Bakin4Life

    Anvil by Vestratto

    (just 'fyi'... with info like this, it's better to create a new post, or at the very least -- don't bury an edit in the middle of a long post. No worries, but I was interested in your update -- when I found it... lmao) Netiquette, if you will. Anyway... yes... now you've got the idea. Your...
  15. Bakin4Life

    Anvil by Vestratto

    Well, I'll include my technique as well (TL; DR version... lol) Note that this is for an XL thermocore (and is technically a USA kit -- you can see it a few posts up). Also, I like riding the line, so if you don't... adjust the timings (you'll see me say this a couple of times) IMO, in order...
  16. Bakin4Life

    Anvil by Vestratto

    Re: heating... I'm using an Ispire wand with my 'frank-an-vil', above. 470F, +8 / +15. Algorithmic, at this point; it's my daily driver (and camping-friendly, as long as you can charge batteries). Portability is a must-have, for me.
  17. Bakin4Life

    Anvil by Vestratto

    I took a pic of it, but I'm guessing we need to upload to a 3rd party host, then link? Sorry... I'm new, here. If we use a preferred host / account, let me know. Otherwise, I'll see if I can remember my credentials for Imgur (?) (on edit): Here it is. Any questions, just ask.
  18. Bakin4Life

    Anvil by Vestratto

    I had a (small) investment in Dynavap, so I got the USA kit, with the XL bowl. No regrets (except for not ordering a second XL bowl :) After using it a couple of weeks, I replaced the last actual Dyna part in it (the stem, which retained heat.) So now it's a mix of Vestratto / TRWW / Futo...
  19. Bakin4Life

    Brilliant Cut Grinder

    This is exactly the type of answer I was looking for. Appreciate the detail. 👍
  20. Bakin4Life

    Brilliant Cut Grinder

    (newbie / first post, fwiw) I have one of these I got last year, and I must have gotten lucky that I visited them when 2nd's were available -- got mine (aluminum) within about 2wks of ordering, with one extra plate. But I know I'm very much the exception, so I'm not stanning the BCG people...
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