Recent content by ApplePipes

  1. ApplePipes

    Underdog Log Vapes

    Just clicked purchase on a stunning Underdog zebrawood vape. This will be my first desktop vape after my Pax found its home in my junk drawer and eventually a Craigslist listing a mere 2 weeks after I purchased it so hopefully, my UD ownership takes a different trajectory. After weeks of...
  2. ApplePipes

    What is the undisputed champ of the log vapes: Enano or Underdog? Help me decide!

    I'm definitely leaning towards Underdog the deeper I've delved into my research, can I ask what your personal stem preferences are or do you mostly run through water @purplegrass? Thank you for your input, I think they've definitely been tweaked towards being even hotter now so I look forward to...
  3. ApplePipes

    Underdog Log Vapes

    Awesome, thank you for the clarification FC community! @buddingglasshead How would I go about cleaning the Nylon stems? Is one better for flavor and one is better for efficiency? Thanks again!
  4. ApplePipes

    Underdog Log Vapes

    I wanted to ask what an alpha/oversized Nylon stem was good for. Does it just have a bigger, longer pathway to allow the vapor to cool down further? Or does it have a bigger bowl to allow for multiple hits and not be a one-hitter? And between the Stainless Steel Lite and the Nylon Direct Draw...
  5. ApplePipes

    What is the undisputed champ of the log vapes: Enano or Underdog? Help me decide!

    Thank you for the warm welcome @bizwaxzion, y'all are so friendly on this forum and I really do look forward to being an actively contributing member in the near future. Can I ask specifically why the UD is your preference over the others? I know the consensus is that you really can't go wrong...
  6. ApplePipes

    What is the undisputed champ of the log vapes: Enano or Underdog? Help me decide!

    So I'm currently at a crossroads between an Underdog and an Enano, a predicament that no doubt many log vape users before me have found themselves struggling with. I have spent hours reading through FC and Reddit forums on both products, but I am still not entirely sold on either. If you have...
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