Recent content by Adobewan

  1. Adobewan

    DaVinci IQ2 & IQ3

    Glad to hear it. I've always had nothing but top notch exchanges with them. Good luck with your 3!
  2. Adobewan

    OLD MATE (formerly Medgrind)

    Lucky you! Scott @ VGoodieZ is the best. He's like Santa all year round!
  3. Adobewan

    Cannabis News

    Revolutionary! 7 years ago. Thank Zeus, we have brilliance in our leadership. The best of the best!
  4. Adobewan

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    How old are your batteries? It's hard not to lean toward the batteries when all three units died at once.
  5. Adobewan

    Aerolite Vaporizer by YLLVape

    I love my OG as well. @4-Aces King-High I'm with @seedy53 Yllvape replaced my OG when I had a heating issue that was MY fault! I received the replacement almost immediately. I'm not dissuading you from your Aerolite VAS, that's one of the few vapes on my near future acquisition list as...
  6. Adobewan

    VerdaVap - An analogue butane powered ball vape, designed for use in a water pipe.

    I love the green(so high on my list of loves,) love vaporizers, and love FC for having turned me on to vaping, but Reef!.. Congratulations on your firstborn! If you think vaping changed your life... Best of luck!
  7. Adobewan

    The Incredible Extraction Contraption - a DIY BYOH Vaporizer Kit From DDave

    Yes, insecure balls are an issue, particularly as we enter our 60s.
  8. Adobewan

    Pinch Hitter by Vapvana

    What a great name, Pinch-hitter. It's like it was right in front of our faces all along.
  9. Adobewan

    The CORRECT way to store your bud?

    If you're using clear glass jars, store your jars in drawers or a closet out of direct light. O2 and light are the enemy.
  10. Adobewan

    Fuck you !!!

    Fuck THE Shit!
  11. Adobewan - Canada's Destination for the Best Vapes on the Planet

    Fingers crossed for your friend Pak.
  12. Adobewan

    Bill Maher....

    I used to be able to see past his condescension because he was funny and seemed smart. I'm finding it harder and harder these days. Jon Stewart and John Oliver enlighten and entertain while maintaining their humanity. Bill Maher comes across as a dick.
  13. Adobewan

    Flower Mill

    I contacted Flower Mill directly when my OG had the "shavings" issue. They were extremely cool to me and replaced my OG with a premium Mill. I love the Premium, it's what I hoped for in the OG. @Axel_420 It grinds quite smoothly, but my OG did as well. I never compared them because of the...
  14. Adobewan

    My evolution of glass dry herb vaporizers!

    Way to go @E-duggie Best of luck with these!
  15. Adobewan

    Aerolite Vaporizer by YLLVape

    The "highest" clouds.
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