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  • Hey Dave, got a couple questions for you:
    1) I have a walnut Zap from Rick a few years ago. Could I use a VVPS with it?
    2) would it be possible for you to make some nylon/SS stems that would fit the Arizer Solo or Air?
    Having just recently bought an Underdog I have a few questions so i can get the best performance. What is the recommended amount of volts for use? And also what is the recommended heat up time? Ive read/heard anywhere from 15 mins to an hour or so.
    Hello UD! Thank you for answering my questions, I really appreciate it. Do you still offer free shipping to FC forum members?
    Hi UD, are you still doing any Purple Days discounts with trade in? Are you still repairing PD's? Also, do you advise that the UD not be plugged in all the time, will it undergo similar changes to that of the PD? One last question what is the difference between the glass stem and the silicone stem other than looks? Thank you so much for your time.
    Actually just about to send you an email on this stuff!
    Hello, I have a broken purple days and read on FC that you repair them. If so, I would love to send it so you can take a look. I realize that you need to asses the problem. What is the best way to handle payment, before or after? I am sending an identical message to your website.
    Hey UD ! Im extremely interested in ordering your new Blue Mahoe vape and would like to do so as soon as possible ! Im messaging you personally because i saw your post saying the site was down and also the fact im in Aus so might need custom shipping ? Thanks heaps, love your work !
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