Discontinued Zion vaporizer


Well-Known Member
You can always look into a secondary (forward) shipping company, I don't know what the total weight and dimensions of the Zion amount out to but a package that is 8x8x8" and weighs 6lbs can be shipped from the US to montreal for under 50 bucks.

I hope that my canadian brethren (as well as our other members from other countries) soon have an option direct from RBT, but I think I would probably part with some extra cash to get my hands on hit a bit sooner if I were in that same shipping dilemma.
Im on the fence for that option. Its just all the shipping money + import bill addsup quite a lot and doesnt make sense for me, specially with the ongoing exchange rates. Maybe if I receive a gift from an fc friend, avoiding the import taxes probably, that could make sense. I would be #30 :evil:

But the wait is good so far, it will only make it better when I actually get an on demand convection cloud :ko:


Well-Known Member
That is HUGE for me, and one of the things that draws me to the Zion. You can take ONE really huge rip. And put it down and come back later. No muss no fuss.

It's not the only vape that can do that, but it does it very very well. The others I have used that can do it are all butane powered. Doing it with battery power is pretty impressive. :)

That's really cool. I am really looking forward to getting one of these. That sounds like it will work really well with my needs.


Well-Known Member

Can you believe all that happened in the last five days?

Oh, yeh that reminds me I forgot to mention the new parts now coming from our new suppliers shown in the Tweet above. The added precision and quality of these parts as compared to the hand fabricated parts will greatly improve our reliability.

Have a kick ass day your Lifers... I am headed up to the new manufacturing facility to build Milaana's with the my new partner and his staff.

Oh yeh, we cracked 30 in the FC Zion Give-Away so that means today there is a 1/33 chance you will get a free Milaana! Will it reach 40 for a free stem before time expires on 3/1?... time will tell.

HD Springer

Well-Known Member
Great newZ Rasta. Ooh I can feel Milaana in my hand as we speak. Wait a minute that's no Milaana.
But seriously that's a great little update. Good luck today and try not to scare the help off the first day with your absolute craZy love of your creations. Not everyone can be a fan boy like I am. Oops I didn't mean to let the cat out of the bag. I'm sorry my name is hd springer and I'm a fan boy of the whole RBT vaporizer line up. God I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Awesome news for everyone.

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Oh yeh, we cracked 30 in the FC Zion Give-Away so that means today there is a 1/33 chance you will get a free Milaana! Will it reach 40 for a free stem before time expires on 3/1?... time will tell.

Alright first, nice! Free Milaana drawing!!!
Cannot believe people are not taking more advantage of this, so close to getting another free stem is huge, so useful to have spares... Not much time left, mere days, come on people! Chance to get a Zion sooner, one of the first batch, extra special, and there won't be any way to order until retail which is probably over a month away and could be pricier... If you are interested, jump in asap, now is the time to get the most value, free stuff lower price support the growing company...
No brainer to me, come on my FC brethren!

Aaaand wow, what an update! :rockon:
Here it is for the lazy (a lot more info and resources on the site now it looks like):

Zion Progress
Progress Update 02-27-2016

Zion Update
The two units with voltage control knob failures have been repaired and are in test. These units will be shipped the week of 3/1. The third failed unit has shipped but not yet arrived. Once unit three is received and the root cause of it's failure is understood and corrected, Zion shipments will resume. The current supply of wire harnesses is at a rate of 5 -10 per week and will gate the shipments of the last of the first 50 units. The 200 units are in the hands of a local wood worker to have the doors, cover and cap machined so that they are ready after the first 50 are completed. A second supplier for wire harnesses is being qualified and should be complete in 4 - 6 weeks which is the last bottleneck production part that needs to be sourced for volume production. As the supply chain is maturing, converting time consuming hand made components, our high volume manufacturing partner is building the production line and quality processes so they will be ready to build the 200. The last of the 50 will be completed in the lab.

Thanks to all who took advantage of the FC give-away, we have reached the "Give away a free Milaana" tier witch is awesome!

Milaana Update
Holy sh*t snacks is Milaana is really picking up steam. the production design is finalized other than any minor tweaks that are made after the Z-team gets there hands on it. At this point the only significant input that is required from the Z-Team is tuning the heater. The Z-Team beta units are mainly to give the Z-Team a test drive prior to the shipment of the first 50 units.... so yeh, the the first 50 wooden bodies where machined this week in RBT Labs to feed manufacturing. These parts will be used to pilot run the new manufacturing line to prove it out so that we are ready for wood from Ed's TNT. This weekend will be spent running the parts through the routers and sanders and training the new staff to assemble units. Next week will begin the final assembly with RBT quality oversight twice a week. It is expected that several hundred Milaana's will be completed over the next month or two providing inventory and salable goods as we wait for the Zion supply chain to mature.

Note Worthy
RBT has made a hand shake agreement with Ed's TNT to provide Milaana bodies and stems for all RBT vaporizers. Ed is not only a master wood worker, he is also a stand-up guy and now strategic partner of RBT. Wood and tooling are on order and we wait excitedly to see what he does with Milaana.

We have moved into our new manufacturing facility shown below on the banks of the mighty Hudson. The first two employees have been hired and are began training this week to assemble the first 50 Milaana's next week! They are young engineering students that are avid vapist and both had mods with 18650's in their pocket so it's really an ideal situation. (facility and view of the Hudson shown below)

Talks are underway with Puff It Up, Vapor Warehouse, Planet Vape and other retailers. Starting March 1st RBT will no longer retail the Zion in our store. The Milaana will remain for sale through March at which point only accessories will be sold by RBT as we transition to our new retail partners. This build-out will start with a handful of units reaching all partners such that they can build a quick RBT footprint to ready for the mounting production volume.

Several well known Vapor Critics have agreed to do reviews of the Zion and Milaana which should really help get the word to the masses quickly with minimum marketing effort.

RBT will intentionally stay away from the "big box" vaporizer retailers and continue its spirit of building organically with people who are in the game because of their passion for vaporizing, not for the $.... "Did you say Board of Directors? Oh, I'm sorry, RBT will not be able to work with you"



So now shit is finally getting real, becoming a legit company with real manufacturing scale, getting ready to churn out that disruptive Zion Heater Technology for the masses... Join now (or don't, if you are still skeptical of what this one man is capable of somehow)
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Well-Known Member
All the above is such good news for everyone involved with RBT we heart it be a customer, employee or chairman of the board (bit of sarcasm for you RBT ;)). Bee good to see so many of these finding there way to us all in good time, getting ed in board is yet another good move his wood work is too class.

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Can't do better than get something made by both Ed and RBT. It looks like my Milaana will follow my returned Zion in a short time. Unless the milaana comes first.

Bringing us to page #200!

I'd expect your Zion to get back before you're new Milaana since it just needs some testing, but I'd you were an early Milaana order as I expect you might be, it could be pretty close!

Vape Dr.

Well-Known Member
Come on guys! Quit lurkin and start ordering! Get off the fence!:goon: Times running out!

Open up those pockets and order a Zion! You know you want to! :D

The chance of anyone that orders a Zion has a ridiculously good chance of winning a Milaana! You may get a free Milaana! How sweet is that!:rockon:

Do you really want to be that guy watching everyone else enjoying their Zion thinking "Dam I should have jumped on that!"?:disgust:

I'll be the guy enjoying my Zion saying I told you that you should have ordered one!:razz:

You don't want to be this guy.:bang:


Increase the Peace
Company Rep

Can you believe all that happened in the last five days?

Oh, yeh that reminds me I forgot to mention the new parts now coming from our new suppliers shown in the Tweet above. The added precision and quality of these parts as compared to the hand fabricated parts will greatly improve our reliability.

Have a kick ass day your Lifers... I am headed up to the new manufacturing facility to build Milaana's with the my new partner and his staff.

Oh yeh, we cracked 30 in the FC Zion Give-Away so that means today there is a 1/33 chance you will get a free Milaana! Will it reach 40 for a free stem before time expires on 3/1?... time will tell.
No doubt! That it is definitely a wicked update imo too, guys. Lots to digest there! RBT, you really are one busy evil little genius now aren't ya! Oh yes yes yes you are! :brow:

Damn good work fella.

And yes indeed - we have hit 200 pages! :clap:

Zionization/Milaaanafication is well & truly in progress.

Sooooooooo, anyone interested in a few random snaps? If not, please forgive me, I got carried away as always . . . . :rolleyes:

I know, I know - comparisons are odious.
But anyway, batty holes:

^^^ Vyvyan (Prod) to the left Johnny (Beta) to the right.

Groove is in the arse. Deeeliteful underside view of the battery compartment attached to body . . . .

^^^ Johnny on top, finger grooved Vyv underneath.

Cap down . . .

Er, yes, I bloody well think so . . .

If your names not down, you're not coming in . . .


. . . . but as it happens, it is - so come on in & join the party! :party:

Come on guys! Quit lurkin and start ordering! Get off the fence!:goon: Times running out!

Open up those pockets and order a Zion! You know you want to! :D

The chance of anyone that orders a Zion has a ridiculously good chance of winning a Milaana! You may get a free Milaana! How sweet is that!:rockon:

Do you really want to be that guy watching everyone else enjoying their Zion thinking "Dam I should have jumped on that!"?:disgust:

I'll be the guy enjoying my Zion saying I told you that you should have ordered one!:razz:

You don't want to be this guy.:bang:
Doctor's orders?

Well? You heard the man!


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thoroughly vaped
Just catching up on the thread after being absent for a few months. Great to see all the pics, tips and the rest. Many thanks to the more active cult members! :tup:

Can't wait for mine, but remaining patient (June order). Got a nice email from RBT with an update last week that came without me even asking. So, a bit confused about all the CS griping. Doesn't seem like the absolute best to me, but certainly not the worst. Many know how trying our instant gratification society - replete with "I'm entitled" whining - can be. Well, at least most of us older monkeys do. :myday: But, IMO you shouldn't be pre-ordering anything without having realistic expectations. Its all part of being an early adapter, and why you enjoy the nice discounts you usually get for doing so.

My personal gripe? When RBT wrote he mentioned the Milaana. I don't think I'm too happy about that. ;) I couldn't resist checking out that thread, and of course I now have to order one! So much for the New Year's resolution to not add to the vape arsenal until I thin the herd a little. :shrug: At least I almost made it to March.


If God is the answer, then the question is wrong
Nice! In the new RBT facility there are bars on every window, RBT will not excape again making freaky stearing videos :rofl:

I can foresee improvements in wood finition as soon as Eds will be the one working it, don't get me wrong this is an upgrade really needed IMO (to be at that price point)


Many vapes & accessories. Always happy to help
@RastaBuddhaTao What a fantastic and detailed production update!! Great progress - multiple times more than I would have expected. You must be crazy busy and hope you can still rest a bit and chillax. Would be happy to be around and offer you help wherever needed... Sending you lots of positive energy as I keep enjoying the ride. Choo choooooo! Can you hear the Zion-Milaana-Express coming? It's at full throttle :D



Accessory supplier
Accessory Maker
I love the progress. I love being a part of the Z-Team. I LOVE my Zions! I can't wait for Milaana!
Time to resume ABV production with Logi. I have decided that Loki and Logi are the perfect names for my Zions.

In Norse mythology Loki and Logi were pitted against each other in an eating contest. It seemed an even match. Both seemed equally fast at eating the meat from the bones...but then Logi proceeded to eat the bones and the wooden plate they were served on... Seems a fitting tale.


Well-Known Member
Indeed good sir..:sherlock:

But seriously...do it.:goon: NOW!

I have a feeling the good doctor will be prescribing Zion's to the masses, as an amazing new cure for VAS!

#21 is still hogging all of my attention.
I meant to do a side by side comparison with the MV last week, but #21 would not have it. Now it will have to wait till next week.
The on demand convection is just so convenient.
The battery life is second to none, one pair will get most through the entire day.

This is the portable that I've been searching for!
My VAS is all but cured, just waiting on Milaana and TOD to arrive.:brow:

little maggie

Well-Known Member
I have a feeling the good doctor will be prescribing Zion's to the masses, as an amazing new cure for VAS!

#21 is still hogging all of my attention.
I meant to do a side by side comparison with the MV last week, but #21 would not have it. Now it will have to wait till next week.
The on demand convection is just so convenient.
The battery life is second to none, one pair will get most through the entire day.

This is the portable that I've been searching for!
My VAS is all but cured, just waiting on Milaana and TOD to arrive.:brow:
How I wish my VAS was curable. I was quite sure that the Zion and waiting for HI would end it once and for all. But now there's the new Haze and it's very unlikely that RBT will stop inventing once the Milaana is out. VAS is an insidious disease.


Well-Known Member
How I wish my VAS was curable. I was quite sure that the Zion and waiting for HI would end it once and for all. But now there's the new Haze and it's very unlikely that RBT will stop inventing once the Milaana is out. VAS is an insidious disease.

I feel what you're laying down there Mags, I really do.
But if I could do it all over, I could get by with just two.
Zion for portable, and home.
MV for home, and portable.
Ya see what I did there?
Two very versatile devices.

And of course I say this before Milaana and TOD get here.
Ok maybe I'm still a little infected.

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
I feel what you're laying down there Mags, I really do.
But if I could do it all over, I could get by with just two.
Zion for portable, and home.
MV for home, and portable.
Ya see what I did there?
Two very versatile devices.

And of course I say this before Milaana and TOD get here.
Ok maybe I'm still a little infected.

I do know what you mean, feels like Zion and Daisy is all I need, but I've also got a HIbrid coming and the latest MistVape not to mention GH and Indica O2 eventually, oh and of course Milaana too... I do have some vas for the Apollo as well. But yeah I definitely feel you here, Zion tech feels more capable of curing vas than any other vape I've experienced as of yet, but it's a tough thing to cure clearly ;):mental::p


Calm Consistency
Been 3 weeks since I've ordered my Zion, and have read 100 pages. Predicted it would be at 200 by the time I finished all the readings...well...I lost that race...hit 200 but I'm still not done.
I've stopped "waiting" for the zion, and have basically forgotten that it's even in reasonable reach. I keep assuming it's going to be months and months until my unit, so if it gets here in a decent time, I would be very pleasantly impressed.
Back to reading.


But I like it!
So there I was, inhaling first preheat of the day, and I forgot to stop inhaling. I was getting a lovely lemon flave and didn't want it to stop. Anyways it was my turn to leak vape like a well-punctured balloon.

So anyways, over the past 3 weeks I've gone through 3 stems (on 3rd now), 1 set of batteries, and have used one other flower vape in that time. I've lost the potentiometer set screw, had 1 magnet come loose, and it's still melting my face every darn time I pick it up (unless it's time to change batteries, which I never realize til vape stops coming out).

I need to get better at gear mgmt. I'm not used to carrying batteries around. I swapped them between presentations at yesterdays 'organic seedy sunday' event, where I bought veggie seeds for the first time ever. I put the MT batts in a case on the console of the truck, and now they are gonzo. I'll go back out and crawl around under the seats again, but I hope whoever finds them knows what to do with them. RIP 2a & 2b, you will be sorely missed :)
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