I was absolutely appalled at Trumps mimicry of the disabled reporter - absolutely despicable!!! Low life scum.Just recently his imitation of a disabled reporter was over the top.
I was absolutely appalled at Trumps mimicry of the disabled reporter - absolutely despicable!!! Low life scum.Just recently his imitation of a disabled reporter was over the top.
Just about everything that pukes out of Trumps mouth is poison, IMO!I thought "Kill the Terrorist's families" should disqualify him from consideration.
Scary indeed!!!!The scary thing is that after all the outrageous things Trump has said, he's still leading in the polls by a significant margin. The GOP base is so far right wing that it's absolutely crazy. No more moderate, sensible republicans anymore.
Trump's view of the world = Mein Kampf.A lot of what Trump is trying to suggest is against what's in the Constitution. A list of Muslim in America?
The fact that Hillary is such a war-hawk is why I also have pause with her, and @Farid's pointing out that she voted for the illegal invasion of iraq is perfectly illustrative of that; and therefore not at all "facile".
Howie, can you deny that invading Iraq and dismantling the whole Ba'thist party created a vacuum that is at the center of most of the shit that is going on today?
Now who's to blame for that? Well, there are enough dingbats in that pie to fill an auditorium, but it was Bush and Cheney who were at the head of that fiasco and that fiasco is going to go down as, in my opinion, the biggest blunder that we have ever made. We literally opened up Pandora's Box.
I remember back right before we invaded and I was hearing Bush giving a speech about how we're going to build this great free democracy that will be the envy of everyone in that part of the world and that the Iraqi's will welcome us with open arms and my first thought was................Right!!! You're going to take a country that has been tribal for centuries and have settled their differences at the point of a sword and magically turn it into a Democracy? WHAT IN THE FUCK ARE YOU THINKING?
And I'm just some dumb schmo who shouldn't know better than the so-called leaders of our country.
I don't believe I equated hillary with trump, at least I didn't mean to do that or even defend such an idea. But really, this kind of comparison is impossible since she's a known quantity as secretary of state, while "the donald" has no foreign policy experience whatsoever -- unless you count building golf courses and resorts all over the world. While he is quite bellicose in this area, when pressed for specifics he will only say that he will "get some really smart guys" to figure out all of these "details". Because he's an executive!The Iraq vote is a legitimate criticism. Equating her with Donald Trump because of it is a huge oversimplification that I'm surprised you're bothering to defend. It's the comparison I was criticizing; not the wariness of Clinton.
As somebody that loathes Trump, I still will not vote for Hillary over him. If it's Trump vs. Hillary I will probably not vote, but I cannot ignore the fact that Trump has said he was against the Iraq war, and Hillary voted to invade Iraq. To me, that makes them equally bad.
A wall with Mexico can be destroyed in 4 years. A country, however, cannot just be rebuilt.
I've been saying the same thing for decades now:The two party system is a sham folks. Wtfu! If your dream candidate is bribed and owned then you are at a loss. They work for the money the corporations that are considered to be more valuable people yes people than you or I. The voting system it corrupt and you are daft to actually think most of, if any of the general publics votes are factored in. They are not. Don't even try to quote biased ethically compromised studies or reports. You only look like that much more of a sheep happily ready for the slaughter house floor. Which is where we are all headed. Divide and conquer runs most of us. The change starts locally from the bottom up. The states need to start telling the pos government to take a hike. This country like others is not perfect but the best and only idea of its kind in history. So......let's argue over the same lame talking points and watch it die in our lifetime. All while the real shit goes on and on while they have us all looking the other way. Or.....stop complaining and get off your assess and be involved directly somehow. Not "I voted". Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. Anyone is 5150 thinking otherwise. So how are most of you not bat shit crazy when it comes to the two party system. Lol.. Oh yeah because your team was offended maybe your pride hurt because as far as your knowledge goes it does not match up with what the dummy-box (tv) said. Grrrr now get mad and don't think jusy react, be part of the heard mentality obey shut up.... oh yeah and nothing to see here. Ehhhhem...![]()
Could it be possible that a group of backroom Republican diabolicals (yes, I'm making that a noun) got together and decided that if they could "convince" Trump to run, (which likely wasn't difficult to do) that it would make Rubio, Cruz and Kasich look "reasonable" by comparison?