It's too quiet in here. Testing is coming along but it's really hard work. I thought I'd give you a little glimpse at what I've been up to.
Thanks Pakalolo, this is why vid's of function through glass are so important (and fun) to me.
They simply give a better idea of vapour production than simply blowing clouds, and the Zion looks like it's delivering on all the promise it's been showing!
Now, at the risk of overworking you, how about a WP-010 vid?![]()
Anyone who thinks testing is not hard work should try it sometime with a device as versatile as Pauahi. For example, what's the effect of using a different stem? Load up, do anywhere from 8-15 hits, try to summarize. Change stem, load up, another 8-15 hits, summarize. Oh wait, what if I use more power? Load up, 8-15 hits, summarize, change stems, load up, 8 to what was I doing? Oh yeah...![]()
It's too quiet in here. Testing is coming along but it's really hard work. I thought I'd give you a little glimpse at what I've been up to.
So it looks like you have your screen in the wpa basket style? (like an EQ screen but inside)
So what is the ruling on this @RastaBuddhaTao? Can I do as I please screen wise, especially with a wpa from another source? Still willing to give the other way a shot again with new screens/Zion, but would like to again have the option if I prefer it and it won't do any harm...
Oh and have you gotten a chance to pick up Ziggy's sad cold shell yet?
Thanks again Paka.
That's pretty cool considering that it's ABV.
Taste OK?
I'm assuming that a long pull at full power would result in combusting, yeah?
Thanks pak, I could watch Pauahi Channel all day long.This video isn't intended to show vapour thickness. It's a lark I did at the end of a hard day of testing. I took enough medium brown ABV to fill the stem and this is what happened:
It was not as nasty as you would expect.
Anyone...Anyone... Buller?Is the heater configuration in Pakalolo's unit still the hand tuned version? Any breakthroughs on production heaters performing up to par?
Anyone...Anyone... Buller?
@pakalolo any thoughts on your new mica insulated heater vs Jessica's glass? Was always curious if I was missing out having not tried the glass (unlikely!)
@pakalolo I would have thought mica and glass absorbing/dissipating heat in different ways explains the faster heat up and better low power settings. Mica being faster to reach a set point. May be wrong.
I know it's difficult to say without being able to conduct a side by side test but how do you feel on flavor?
Is there a marked difference between the two?