I think some skepticism is fair. All of the beta units never met the vapor quality of the early 2x4s. Mr.P and my other 2x4 owners always claimed that the Beta units worked well but didn't have the classic Zion quality vapor.
On Sunday night I had my unit P1 and Pak's unit P2 all together and both working well. I held off shipping it as Mr.P was stopping over to have me look at his unit. After replacing his heater the vapor quality in his unit was superior to mine and slightly better than Pak's. It's just cooler, and thicker and more effecient. So we disassembled my unit and started working on improving the vapor quality. After limited success we disassembled MrPs unit and then where unable to get it back to Zion quality vapor.
In building the beta units I was able to tweak them into perfection. Now that production build processes are being used they need to always work as assembled and therefor we have some work to do to improve consistency and quality.
I am headed to review 2x4 unit number two and do some side by side comparisons with Pak's Zion and the 2x4 and will try to make some videos.
So the short of it is up until a few days ago we encountered some problems that took some midnight oil but were surmountable. It was the variation in vapor quality that really forced the slowdown.
Some companies would just not tell there customers and sell them an inferior product just to pocket the revinue early "ah, they will never know". RBT is not driven by money but rather the opportunity to work with a great bunch people synergistically as a team to reach design entitlement in an organic way and as we all know you can't control Mother Nature as she works at her own pace.
I apologize if anyone feels mislead in anyway as it was not my intention. If what you really need is a vaporizer ASAP I have a refund form on our www and will refund you promptly.
For everyone else that is a dedicated cult member let's get back to having fun