It's one hit at a time, and then reload, but I love mine.I'm starting to get fed up by all these pens. Do you guys think this is a unit for the pen up-fedlied vaper on the go?
it's not ideal for hitting in front of others in public, but I wouldn't be afraid to use it in a movie theater or around a corner or something. If you don't preload it, I'd say it takes a minute or two for me to pull it from its case and load a dab w/ a paperclip. it hits gloriously, and doesn't require as many rehits as pensI'm starting to get fed up by all these pens. Do you guys think this is a unit for the pen up-fedlied vaper on the go?
that is a good price, it even beats the insider club price by a little bitGood price on a Muad-Dib on MassDrop.....
am I the only one who thinks it kind of smells like fish? lolSalvia has a really really distinct taste... Probably would not try and of it (or any extracts??) in a wooden vape that you can't clean.
I like using water because it is too harshIs using the orbiter better? I just use the wood flat tip and it's direct and strong.. A usual one and done
I don't necessarily think the Orbiter is "better", but it is a slick glass solution put out by the same company and it does do the job of cooling the vapor. There is a Youtube video of a review of the Maud-Dib along with the Orbiter and the reviewer raves about the combination.Is using the orbiter better? I just use the wood flat tip and it's direct and strong.. A usual one and done
I have to say that over time, the magic of this box has worn off for me. I find that I frequently end up dropping concentrate in the basin, so I then have to fish it out, and being so acclimated to the smoothness of the Arizer Solo through one of Ed's whips, this thing runs harsh, although not nearly as harsh as a vape pen. I think I'm also doing bigger, stronger draws now, so that affects it too. As a result, I pretty much have to use this with my bubbler, which makes it no longer portable.
I still think it's a good idea, and the design is oh so steampunk, but overall this isn't a preferred vape for me anymore.
I have to say that over time, the magic of this box has worn off for me. I find that I frequently end up dropping concentrate in the basin, so I then have to fish it out, and being so acclimated to the smoothness of the Arizer Solo through one of Ed's whips, this thing runs harsh, although not nearly as harsh as a vape pen. I think I'm also doing bigger, stronger draws now, so that affects it too. As a result, I pretty much have to use this with my bubbler, which makes it no longer portable.
I still think it's a good idea, and the design is oh so steampunk, but overall this isn't a preferred vape for me anymore.
I'm loving the Maud Dib. It is so convenient. I just grab my pouch on my way out the door. Enough battery power for 2-3 days and enough material for 2ish weeks (that black capsule can hold over a gram). Almost no smell, or at least compared to a flower vape.
I find that the stem isn't too harsh, especially if you crack the lid to let a bit more air in. Not harsh enough to justify carrying a whip (for me).
Thanks Magic Flight! Another awesome product.
as far as portability goes, Apathyball has it figured out. I have a similar setup, and it does take practice quickly loading it, but i can do it so fast now, i can unpack, load the chamber, dab, and put it all away in 60 seconds. keeping the dab material in a warm pocket helps make this fast.
as far as it being too harsh, you're hitting it wrong. If you use a short stem, which i recommend, you don't even have to draw, you just let the chamber fill for 3 seconds, disengage the battery, and draw what's in there VERY slowly, while drawing air from outside the stem at the same time. still haven't encountered a vape that hits as well as this thing, it just takes practice and understanding that you don't hit this like any other device on the market. the downside is it is a terrible vape for passing around, because everyone is going to want to hit it like a pipe and burn their throat. anyways, be diligent, and get intimate with this thing!
Are there places to get the screens cheaper than 3 for $15?
I'm going through them pretty fast. And, every time I try to pull one off to clean, it breaks.