Yeh it will change in brightness with voltage. This will serve as a throttle indicator and battery indicator. I have it tuned so the first two draws are mostly terpenes and then after a stir two or three thicker clouds. The ability to reduction in the load chamber size after the stir but sliding the adjustable screen up is key . That way you form a medium density pack load with a concave form from your finger when you move the screen up. You just feel when the load touches your finger as you push the slide screen up. For a manual device running direct from battery it's pretty flat. These batteries have A long and stable midrange and the Zion heater technology really smooths it out. I think you can get the hang of it pretty easy as it's no where as touchy as some manual devices.
I had a great PM from someone after reading this thread asking why we don't add temperature or power control to this product.
We will in the future have fully featured single and two battery units... There might even be an app for that

. This unit is our Simplest offering in that we want a zero electronics offering that we can provide to customers in the $100 price point range. If we can tune this product so that it is easy to use and you can hand it to a newbie and they won't combust we think this is will be a great entry level vaporizer.
We also look forward to units where we afford an expanded feature set. Ya never know when a custom designed PCB is in the works

now that the technology is maturing morphing it into different form factors will be fun. Wait until you see it do concentrates right
@stickstones ?
... And yes it will have an easy button, size will smaller, shape more ergo etc. Really starting this design with a normally wouldn't show the public crapy prototype but look at the great feedback already starting!
So yeh. Blue does seem to draw the least attention. Only one color but might try to get it to cut out at 3.5 volts at the battery. Just don't know if that will give the right intensity change for the voltage change so probably not. It really drops below 350 F at about 3.5 V so it was a natural cut-off. If it's on top and you can cover it easy (recessed) will that work? Then you can see it easy on top and hide it if you need to.
...and to carry over
@Shit Snacks comments... Adding a stash compartment or storage for the mouthpiece makes it pretty big. You could add the mouthpiece storage and make it triangular. But then you need to add a lid etc. the plan was to have a padded wallet that would house glass jars for product and multiple stems... Different colors for different strains or short stealth ones or long cool ones but a separate wooden dugout for stash and stems would be cool retro? You could do one stem and stash and keep it really compact. Thoughts?