Fuck you !!!


Vape Wizard
Accessory Maker
Microsoft decided to skip it, no idea why. Windows 10 is the next launch, and it will be for PC's and Windows phones. If you are running Win7, you are eligible for a free upgrade to Win10 when it is released to the public.

I know why. Microsoft knew they fucked up the GUI of Windows 8 so badly, they wanted to denote the next revision would be a major change, hence the skipping of 9.


Well-Known Member
fuck alcoholic tobacco smoking butt flinging asshole fucks of neighbors.

oh sure... you go to church every sunday and so thats why you have a right to judge me.... go have another beer... in fact have 3. destroy your liver for me!

I dont say one word ever to you about the beer caps on my patio... or the beer cans tou leave in the yard... or the childrens toys you let you kids leave eveywhere....

I dont say one fucking word about youe drunken fights when you first moved in... or that time you were throwing bean bag at cans in the hallways. (well thats what you said... but you were throwing them at my door.... ass)

and I dont say one fucking word to you as I watch you flick a cig butt right onto my flowers... time and time again... right in front of me.

if this was my world... I would shove my hand through your throat and rip that fucktardish voice box out and chew on it while you bleed out!

so fuck you... yea I use marijuana.... cause I dont really want to rip your voice box out and chew on it.... so I comsume pot.

in reality... you should thank me instead of disrespectfully agging on my fucking rage.... yea I consume pot.... so I dont freak out on YOU!

thanks for all that christian compassion there neighbors....

ironically I will probably continue fo be respecful because I believe in KARMA! and you can keep all that bad karma to yourself... im gonna end up with a blood stubbed toe just for thinking all these nasty thoughts!

AAAAHHHHHH FUCK YOU! :goon::bang::goon::bang::goon::bang::goon::bang:


Melting Pot

Sick & Twisted
Fuck you prescription drugs and Fuck you pharmacies the Fucking hoops you have to Fucking jump through just to get your Fucking god damn prescription filled these Fucking days is Fucking pathetic Fuck you!!!

It's not even narcotics fucking cardiac and thinners what a fucking joke there gonna give me a heart attack....

A whole morning worth of medicating, now I have to start over. Relax Dabbb, Vape repeat...


Well-Known Member
Fuck you prescription drugs and Fuck you pharmacies the Fucking hoops you have to Fucking jump through just to get your Fucking god damn prescription filled these Fucking days is Fucking pathetic Fuck you!!!

It's not even narcotics fucking cardiac and thinners what a fucking joke there gonna give me a heart attack....

A whole morning worth of medicating, now I have to start over. Relax Dabbb, Vape repeat...
ah ha! im not alone with having to re-medicate today. fucking cheers!



Talk to the Beard

My Nexus 7 tablet ran perfectly until your FUCKING PATHETIC ANDROID UPDATE to 5.0 caused it to run slower than molasses running uphill. Crashing 6x a day when it wasn't just locked up solid. So I was told to FUCKING FACTORY RESET - which I did and it only cost me a day re-setting everything up only to find it STILL SUCKS!!



NOW it's running the latest and greatest Android 5.1 - AND IT STILL SUCKS!!!

I have to run a fucking memory cleaner just to read email! TO READ MY FUCKING EMAIL!! What is this, 1998????




Herbal Alchemist
I know why. Microsoft knew they fucked up the GUI of Windows 8 so badly, they wanted to denote the next revision would be a major change, hence the skipping of 9.

Well, right now, Win10 is not as good as it could be, trust me.

And, a big fuck you to Duke Energy and corrupt lawmakers. Duke is allowed to collect monthly fees, in advance, for a nuclear power plant they are THINKING about building. Stick all that money in a bank account to collect interest for years. Then say, "oh, the power plant IDEA didn't pan out, here's your money back, but we'll keep all the interest we earned on YOUR money." :disgust:

I can't say fuck Microsoft, I love them. Everything I use is Microsoft, Surface Pro 3, Lumia 1520, Microsoft Band, etc. I can say fuck Apple all day long, though. :)


For the world is hollow and I have touched the sky
Fuck electrode glue! I know @Vicki and @Melting Pot brought this up recently, but I feel like it deserves another mention. I mean, for fuck's sake, it's day three now since I was wearing a Holter monitor and I'm still scrubbing that shit off my chest! Fuck!

And try to keep that heart rate down Melting Pot, I feel for ya man!


Active Member
Fuck electrode glue! I know @Vicki and @Melting Pot brought this up recently, but I feel like it deserves another mention. I mean, for fuck's sake, it's day three now since I was wearing a Holter monitor and I'm still scrubbing that shit off my chest! Fuck!

And try to keep that heart rate down Melting Pot, I feel for ya man!
Go for a sauna (f you have access to a sauna) - sweat that shit off!


Well-Known Member
I know this has been posted before but a big FUCK YOU to corporate America and all those greedy bastards!

I am on the verge of walking away from a good paying job because I just can't stand being in the middle of corporate puke's and my associates who bust their ass for shit money! I just can't look them in the eye anymore and feel good about it.

Three years straight of YOY cost reduction with labor and expenses going up everywhere yet it's still not enough?


Find someone else to spew your bullshit lies!

Find someone else to push your corporate agenda so you can look good for Wall Street and try to sell the company.

You can print all the literature you want about how great your people culture is but it's the actions that matter! Good luck avoiding a union when word gets out to those three hundred employees in the building on why I am leaving!

These last six months have been HELL on me and I can't do it anymore. FUCK ME for getting depressed about all this shit but I'm done now!

I am moving on and taking my talents elsewhere. I have a lot to offer and I won't let you push me down anymore to make me feel otherwise. Money will not be the main motivator for where I land! My family is most important and I am prioritizing my life as such!

I will be looking for a job that will make me happy in life so I can be a better husband and father! These are the things that are most important!

Starting my search in the cannabis industry. The people in this community are the type of people I want to be around and it's growing like crazy so I am hoping someone can use the skills of a guy like me!

PM me if you have a opportunity! :)

The official hunt starts Monday! Right now I am packing my shit up to pay a visit to my friends and family in my hometown of Michigan!

Throughout all this shit, FC has been the one place I came to for a release. Whether it was to learn about a vaporizer, to get a laugh in (this thread is the best for that) or to connect with some good people, this place has been a savoir for me!

Thank you FC family and again a healthy FUCK YOU to you greedy pricks that sit up in the ivory tower and are absolutely clueless to what is really going on in your company!
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You Must Unlearn, What You Have Learned...
I know this has been posted before but a big FUCK YOU to corporate America and all those greedy bastards!

I am on the verge of walking away from a good paying job because I just can't stand being in the middle of corporate puke's and my associates who bust their ass for shit money! I just can't look them in the eye anymore and feel good about it.

Three years straight of cost reduction with labor and expenses going up everywhere yet it's still not enough?


Find someone else to spew your bullshit lies!

Find someone else to push your corporate agenda so you can look good for Wall Street and try to sell the company.

You can print all the literature you want about how great your people culture is but it's the actions that matter! Good luck avoiding a union when word gets out to those three hundred employees in the building on why I am leaving!

These last six months have been HELL on me and I can't do it anymore. FUCK ME for getting depressed about all this shit but I'm done now!

I am moving on and taking my talents elsewhere. I have a lot to offer and I won't let you push me down anymore to make me feel otherwise. Money will not be the main motivator for where I land! My family is most important and I am prioritizing my life as such!

I will be looking for a job that will make me happy in life so I can be a better husband and father! These are the things that are most important!

Starting my search in the cannabis industry. The people in this community are the type of people I want to be around and it's growing like crazy so I am hoping someone can use the skills of a guy like me!

PM me if you have a opportunity! :)

The official hunt starts Monday! Right now I am packing my shit up to pay a visit to my friends and family in my hometown of Michigan!

Throughout all this shit, FC has been the one place I came to for a release. Whether it was to learn about a vaporizer, to get a laugh in (this thread is the best for that) or to connect with some good people, this place was a savoir for me!

Thank you FC family and again a healthy FUCK YOU to you greedy pricks that sit up in the ivory tower and are absolutely clueless to what is really going on in your company!
Damn straight! Fuck them! Wish you and yours all the best man!

Melting Pot

Sick & Twisted
They sold us all that corporate bullshit and we bought it hook line and sinker. Know they got there hooks in.We are discovering it doesn't work so well. Its exactly what we fight to keep a few from ruling and controlling they determine what we make and what we spend it on. Corporations are more powerful than our government. Well really they are one entity
Good luck changing it now.
Fuck the corporate world!!!
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