Fuck you !!!


Putin is a War Criminal
Fuck stupid lazy ass people who can't do what they say. Been in the middle of moving and asked a "friend" to water my weed plants for 1 fucking weekend and the stupid asshole didn't do it. He decided he knew more about my plants then I do, so they should dry out some more!!! Fried all of my plants wow, there's at least a pound and a half down the drain. Just fucking wow dude
Oh man, that really sucks. What a terrible waste, even before the loss of $$. Very sad. I feel your pain... :(
Edit: Fuck all those unreliable friends who can't be bothered to behave like friends.
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Well-Known Member
Wow the price of an echinaca crop has really increased? We are talking about echinacea, right? Not sure how I would handle that situation. If dude can't be bothered to get off the couch, I'm thinking he's not jumping at the chance to make things right?

Was this the guy?


Fuck dudes on couches.

That's how he acts if he's doing anything he doesn't feel like doing. it's my sisters long term boyfriend that I hang out with quite a bit...

Can you salvage anything?

I would make that lazy ass pay for it, somehow. :disgust:

Ya I'm going to make some oil and some budder, so not a total loss... Just blows big time

...time to introduce your friend to Mr. Louis Ville Slugger ...:goon: :nod::clap::tup:

Haha amen! Unfortunately he's a 230 lbs ex army ranger... And I'm 160lbs pot farmer.... If I miss with that first swing shit will go downhill for me quickly. Bastard is definitely cut off though


Flower Potted, Maxed, & Rio'd.
I would have expected more consideration & reliability from an ex-Ranger... maybe it is best for all of us that he is an ex...:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Agggggghh. Fuck you for making me read about that fucking bullshit again. It has been all over the local news. I want to beat these fuckers that are spreading this shit. I want to beat them to death with a cock shaped bong!

You got a cock shaped bong! Kewl! Fuck that!
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Authorized Buyer
Most bongs are that shape, which is why I roll twisted with recyclers.

FU to whoever invented straight tubes. Please keep your YMCA fantasies out of the design!
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H.A.L. got screwed!
Please keep your YMCA fantasies out of the design!
:rofl:That sh*t is funny @syrupy!

Thank you, he needs all the fuck you he can get. Stupid asshole said "well they did look thirsty on the day you said, but I figured another day or 2 would be fine":bang: After I told him no less then 20 times Sunday is a must. He literally needed to water them ONCE while I was out of town. This is what I get for expecting help, I am dying inside right now looking at my tent. My mind is fucking blown

Edit- and what was he doing that was so important he couldn't take 5 minutes to water you might ask?!? Well he was "pretty tired from hiking Saturday, so I just laid around and watched movies...." I mean how god damn lazy can people be?

At least it's only a couple grand worth of absolutely top shelf bud that I spend countless hours on right?:disgust: And a whole 3 weeks before harvest, I'm losing my mind right now
This made me sick to my stomach...I'm so sorry to hear about this @sasNW...I remember you posting pics of this upcoming harvest and I was drooling...you offered free samples if I could ever make it there...someday bro. Anyway,
FUCK THIS ASSHOLE WHO FUCKED UP SUCH A BEAUTIFUL GROW...I hope a million crabs infest his crotch!
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Well-Known Member
The state of Connecticut is considered one of the wealthiest ones because we are under-handed no count, greedy mutherfuckers who don't live in reality. We have mmj which no one can seem to get and when we do get it, it will be homogenized (wtf?). I have had my card for a solid year, paid 175.00 to see the asshole perpetrating a doctor for it plus a 100.00 "card" fee that has to be renewed every godforsaken year. They say 2,000 people registered last year, that's 200,000 in revenue for NOTHING! Now I find out that this mythical marijuana will cost 400 an ounce. FUCK THAT! I am gonna have to drag my trauma filled mind and pain riddled body back to hell (otherwise known as the Northend of Hartford) to get decent bud for 140 an ounce and hope I don't get my cute ass shot. So yeah Love and kisses (and by that, I mean that I hope you are infested with aggressive bedbugs who are bitter about life and ready to lash out at anything),


Putin is a War Criminal
Decent bud for $140/OZ? Jeese, I haven't seen that is 10 years at least. "Decent" starts at around $300 here when I can find it...

FUCK your state for charging so much more than street prices, but hey, at least you still have the street available.


Space is the Place
Fuck You Walgreens my meds were supposed to be here no latter then monday.
If I miss a third dose I could very well be back into the Realm of terminal illness instead of the chronic illness realm i've been blessed with the last 7 years.

Incompetent bunch of FuckHeads !!!!!!!!!!


H.A.L. got screwed!
Walgreens has fucked up my prescription before too...thankfully it was just for nose spray for my allergies...so ya, FUCK Walgreens! (Which is why I now go to Publix pharmacy, lol).


Herbal Alchemist
Fuck rude people!! We were standing in line, at least 15 minutes, to check out at the grocery store. They finally open up a couple more lanes, and some asshat tries to jump in in front of me and another person in a wheelchair. I inform them that we have been waiting 15 minutes, and the bitch says "screw you."

I reply with, "I bet Jesus would be so proud of you," because she was wearing a Jesus t-shirt. She comes back with, "I bet you don't go to church." My reply to her, "no, and I don't ever want to go back if they teach people to be rude asses like you!" At this point, her son was telling her to shut up. :lol:

By the way, the only reason they opened up more lanes was because the lady in the wheelchair in front of me picked up the courtesy phone at the closed register next to us and said, "all available cashiers to the front, please....all available cashiers to the front." She turns back to me and says, "I bet they were surprised, and probably wonder who the hell just did that." :rofl:
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Fuck you UPS.

I put off shaving for the past week because my replacement awesome sauce brushless shave cream was on the way from Kiehl's.

It's gotten to the point that I look like either an ISIS recruit or a homeless person, and my face itches.

I could have gotten some cheap stuff in the meantime but I didnt because the good shit was supposed to be delivered yesterday.

Well UPS fucked up and it's still sitting at the warehouse.

Good news is that I live very close to there. So I stop by at lunch today to get my package...

Oh, but no. That would be too easy.

It's sitting on a fucking trailer, and of course they can't get it for me. And because of the holiday my package that was supposed to be here YESTERDAY, won't get delivered until NEXT TUESDAY. This is turning into 9 day wait, with what should have been 3 day shipping... which I actually had to pay for.

ALSO FUCK YOU for making me go to Walmart today to buy inferior crap that I'm only going to use twice at most. Ever.

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