Considering QWET - School me!


Hey man, my delayed start is being fulfilled tonight! I am doing my first QWET run with the most trich covered fresh buds I have ever seen in my life. Even the trim on this stuff have trichs caked thick on them! *drools*

So as a refresher - no grinding or winterization of buds, 3 min washes instead of 1 min (as with ISO), don't shake too vigorously? Any other key pointers I should know?

EDIT: Or, alternatively, should I do a run with only kief from said high end bud so I can still use the rest of the flowers to vape? :D Am I correct in thinking there would be no water solubles to worry about with kief, so I could do a non-frozen wash for as long as I want without effecting the quality of the oil?

Am I on the right track here to think that QWET runs with kief only will produce fool-proof high quality wax/shatter?
I have a bag of Flowers to make some QWET however what formula?

I wanted yours to try?

You can see the tricones without a jewelers loupe!
Very Frosty!


Well-Known Member
Man, get yourself a wikka box and get that kief off the flowers, vape the flowers in your solo/nano and just make shatter with the kief, very forgiving process :)

I was wrong earlier in this thread too, I have come to understand that kief is even still 40% or so plant material in good buds. DO NOT WASH KIEF TOO LONG! I wouldn't even add any time to washes for kief now, just maybe do one or two extra washes.

Less is more people!


Man, get yourself a wikka box and get that kief off the flowers, vape the flowers in your solo/nano and just make shatter with the kief, very forgiving process :)

I was wrong earlier in this thread too, I have come to understand that kief is even still 40% or so plant material in good buds. DO NOT WASH KIEF TOO LONG! I wouldn't even add any time to washes for kief now, just maybe do one or two extra washes.

Less is more people!
This SHATTER is way too gourmet!

I will make some QWSIO to tomorrow with my own formula since you won't share yours. I will extract 20 seconds insyead of 30.

Dutch Treat x Jack Herer QWISO.

Can I winterize my flowers before I start?

Have you even tried my BHO?
Fair enough I'll make QWISO!
I'd rather use your formula and system?


Well-Known Member
oh crap sorry man I forgot I hadn't responded to your message, let me get straight to you when I get inside the house :)
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I am who I am and your approval isn't needed!
65 days til I can attempt this qwet with some just acquired grape alcohol from an old Italian family I know that distills (past lab tests showed 96% :) ), and a crop of White Russian I'm attempting ;)

Good times in my future me thinks :tup:


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Hey all!

Been using Everclear to clean/extract my glass stems from the nano (Soaking a nano stem right now that was completely caked up with golden honey resin :drool:) - Reclaim QWET seems to taste MUCH better than QWISO.

Last night I decided to finally try QWET with a bag of stems I have - Holy SHIT! This stuff looks completely different, much cleaner than reclaim obviously! Good thing I read this thread about doing a second wash!

Question - is the Areopress worth it? I'm considering one so I can make QWET with all my ABV stash. I was thinking about the 316T mesh screens, but I want a way to force the material through the filter hence the aeropress. But I've heard some negative reviews about it's performance.


H.A.L. got screwed!
Not sure if I agree with the pressing...gently yes, firmly no. I just got the screens from 316...I swear they sent extra since I know I didn't order that far I'm really liking them...I have the 50 micron and the 10 micron.

@herbivore21 no secrets bro! I thought we were all in this together...please share.


New Member
I just got the screens from 316...I swear they sent extra since I know I didn't order that far I'm really liking them...I have the 50 micron and the 10 micron.
whered you get the 10 micron? 316 is that a website?and is that your finest and final filter?


New Member
Ok but is that your final scren or what? Not trying to be lazy just threw thos qs in there because I was a little confused. So again is that for your final product and if so hows your coloring and taste?


Well-Known Member
Color is mostly dependent on freshness of starting material, screens are used to help with clarity/blocking extraneous material from getting in there. I used 20u screen with my very old low quality kief and it still came out black (although slightly clearer when held up to light source, used to allow no light through at all). Taste was definitely better without all that chlorophyll in there though.


Well-Known Member
Trying my hand at a QWET extraction.

I wanted to use my 5 micron filtering felt, which can be bit slow sometimes, so I made this contraption to hook up to my vacuum:

The material (~5 g grade A nugs/shake) and EC were frozen 2 days prior to extraction. For the first run, the material was loosely packed in the tube and the EC poured over it. Went faster than expected (didn't even need the vac), so total extraction time was only ~30 seconds. For the 2nd run, the tube was placed back in the freezer for 10 minutes (with wet material still inside) and then went through the same EC pour: ~50ml over 30 secs.

Came out pretty green so it was definitely still extracting while in the freezer. Should've done the 2nd run immediately after the 1st.

Anyways, for the 3rd run I pulled the material out of the tube and put it in the oven until dry (20 min @170F), repacked it into the tube, and put it back in the freezer. When it was I cold I did the same 50ml pour.

All three runs were placed back into the freezer to dewax overnight. Currently in the purging process. I have high hopes for run # 1, not sure how the other two will turn out though. :D


Trying my hand at a QWET extraction.

I wanted to use my 5 micron filtering felt, which can be bit slow sometimes, so I made this contraption to hook up to my vacuum:

The material (~5 g grade A nugs/shake) and EC were frozen 2 days prior to extraction. For the first run, the material was loosely packed in the tube and the EC poured over it. Went faster than expected (didn't even need the vac), so total extraction time was only ~30 seconds. For the 2nd run, the tube was placed back in the freezer for 10 minutes (with wet material still inside) and then went through the same EC pour: ~50ml over 30 secs.

Came out pretty green so it was definitely still extracting while in the freezer. Should've done the 2nd run immediately after the 1st.

Anyways, for the 3rd run I pulled the material out of the tube and put it in the oven until dry (20 min @170F), repacked it into the tube, and put it back in the freezer. When it was I cold I did the same 50ml pour.

All three runs were placed back into the freezer to dewax overnight. Currently in the purging process. I have high hopes for run # 1, not sure how the other two will turn out though. :D

interesting tech... sorta like a tane blast by pouring the EC over a packed tube eh?

i am interested in the return. thanks for posting.


Well-Known Member
interesting tech... sorta like a tane blast by pouring the EC over a packed tube eh?

i am interested in the return. thanks for posting.

Got .2 back from the 1st run and .34 from the 2nd. Forgot to weigh the material beforehand, but I'm guessing it was ~4-5g.
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Log Hog
Are those PTFE dishes? If so how'd you get it off of there? I had no luck with them and had wash it again.
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