Cheap High Quality Bubbler


Accessory supplier
Accessory Maker
DieHard, with all due respect that's a pretty weak straw man argument. a few bad shipments are one thing, china glass is another story. the consistency with mobius and other high end glass is much much much much much much higher than with DHgate products - and i say this even though im about to buy a DHgate piece from this thread. to compare a mobius and a china piece and say the china piece has no differences at all is really offensive to the artist that put thousands of hours of working into making that mobius so perfect and uniform that you didn't even notice it had some special stuff going on.
I take nothing away from the artists, and again if I had the means, I would have one of each möbius model probably. It's not meant as an argument. It is just a counterpoint for the sake of conversation.

I have never tried a real möbius.

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

It's all good. To each his own.
Cannibis is the holy grail.:lmao:
I'm having an @ataxian moment. :wave:


Why is an American expert assumed to be greater than a Chinese expert?

I feel that is a loaded question. That is like asking: does a pound of feathers weigh more than a pound of lead? Assuming both the American and Chinese are experts, one's work should be of equal quality.

But I'll attempt to answer what I think you are asking. That is the Chinese blower is often simply paid by quantity produced and not quality of production. Hence the Chinese manufacturers just slamming out as many as they can and not perfecting the pieces as described in some of the processes above by Moogly.


Well-Known Member
Why is an American expert assumed to be greater than a Chinese expert?

it's not an assumption, mobius and other reputable brands like illadelph have been around for many years and have consistently put forth high quality glass that has been praised and sought after by functional glass art enthusiasts and cannabis connoisseurs. chinese glass is functional, and it performs great - especially for the price - but it isn't comparable to a company that has been doing it internationally for years. its not an assumption that mobius makes better glass than a chinese factory worker. nationality has nothing to do with it.
That is like asking: does a pound of feathers weigh more than a pound of lead?

But I'll attempt to answer what I think you are asking. That is the Chinese blower is often simply paid by quantity produced and not quality of production. Hence the Chinese manufacturers just slamming out as many as they can and not perfecting the pieces as described in some of the processes above by Moogly.
hey @FlyingLow haha I am just playing devil's advocate :evil::evil::evil: Really all of this cannabis culture, including the development of high end glass pieces, has come out of the USA. I think the USA is cannabis heaven:tup::love: I just think that for the average person these Chinese pieces are just wonderful. The Chinese may not be the best innovators but they are very good at production. Actually, there is probably no need to even debate it. Luckily there is a path for both the cheap and high end glass buyer that will satisfy either. Personally, I think the amount of work that goes into some high end pieces is overstated. It is not like they make one piece and burn the blueprint.

Actually, I'm with @ataxian and @DieHard Its all good baby and its all about the cannabis. These toys just help us to enjoy it more :)


Well-Known Member
Not many. And I gotta be honest, some aren't being truthful either. A fucking $50 piece of glass rivals a mobius? Not only am I fucking insulted but somebody needs get more acquainted with a good piece of glass. To be candid, I think it's insulting to a lot of members. Hey PR - got a Lexus? Wow, I've been in one at one point or another and IMO my 1983 chevette rides the same.

I find, and this what I have learned - those who knock it probably can't afford it and they're finding justification in their purchase. You know how I know this? Cause I used to do the same bullshit before I hit that very fucking Mobius I spoke of. I, at one time had a bunch of cheap glass - I could not bring myself to take the splurge either. For years I used cheaper stuff and for years I kept breaking it. Not to say I haven't broken a high end piece, I drop shit all the time because I shake. Simple knock overs, some drops even, my pieces usually survive.

So what I'm saying is think before you type. There are people here who aren't kids and we've worked our asses off to afford what we have. Whether were well off or just finding a way to make it work no one has the right to make us feel stupid for our purchases.

Here's another funny one to laugh at...

I loved sitting in first class while getting a free upgrade for my honeymoon but uh, it was pretty much the same thing as coach...

On a prop plane....

You seem to be the only one being insulting in here. Most of us are just giving our honest assessment of pieces we have. Yes I have hit a Mobius before as well as Sovereignty's, Hitman's, Toro's, Roor's, etc. Customs from Elbo, Hamm, Beer, and many others. I'm certainly no expert but I know glass and I know what I like. I'm definitely not a fucking kid. I own pieces that cost 10 times the <$50 bubbler I just received from Dhgate. The FACT is that this 187 functions just as well as pieces that cost exponentially more. Is it a perfectly crafted work of art? No, and I think I made that clear in my last post.

You say I'm not being truthful, that I need to get acquainted with a good piece of glass, and that I cant afford quality so I'm just justifying my purchase. All of those statements are false. These pieces provide a low price, high functioning alternative to high priced glass. They are not a one of a kind work of art nor are they flawless. I am able to appreciate them for what they are, sorry you can't. No need to get so butthurt about it though.

So what I'm saying is think before you type.


stay true to yourselves
Yeah with all due respect, there are a lot of people (nobody in particular, but just in general on these whole forums) throwing around some harsh judgements of people who like expensive glass. I'd never judge someone for having a genuine passion for whisky glasses and going out and buying a $200 diamond Swiss made glass when realistically a cheap $2 one from the op-shop would do the same thing.
It's a passion for some people. For all you know, someone who saves up and forks out $400 for a simple bubbler may have it in a rotating glass display case in his special vaporising room.
Not nice to call out people that like a brand name; s'all i'm sayin. Things like that don't come from a pure place, and it isn't the right thing to say.


Staff member
We are adults here and as such we should treat each other accordingly. Silly words like 'butthurt' or subtle jabs at one's reading and writing skills need to stop so that we can have an adult conversation.

Hopefully we can all at least agree on that?

Okay so how about a change of topic. Yesterday I received the G-189 from Yingmin;




My intital thoughts are the piece looks amazing. The glass is thick and there are zero imperfections that I can see. Compared to the pieces from Sunshine Store these products from Yingmin seem to be free from scratches and other imperfections. Now as you know this thing is meant to be some kind of tornado. Well I'm sorry to say I don't think so. Unless I am too stupid to get it to work. If you fill the water below the perc nothing it does not function at all. If you fill it just a little over the perc it functions but there is no tornado. It just kind of chugs. It works okay but I think the turbine may not function very well. However, when clearing the can there is something resembling a tornado action.

Lately I have been using the D0-20W and this has a much wider mouthpiece. The piece does milk nicely and I was getting a lot of vapor. It also seemed to contribute to an improved level of extraction as well.

Overall I'm not sure about this piece yet. I'm hoping that one of you can get it firing better than me.

P.S Sorry for the shitty pics. I thought they were better :(
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well-worn member
Fine art is great, for those that appreciate and can afford it. A mobius is not the same as a unique heady piece, it's more like a hq (unless you buy it with a 4/20 discount lol) print of a masterpiece, signed and numbered by the artist. And for everybody else, what can I say but, "chinese glass for the masses" :D

Actually I have taken to the middle road with my glass collection so far. A couple of cheap chinese ashcatchers that are awesome, and some name brand but not tol glass like my grace bubbler and blaze bong. My "best" pieces are my le swaggertube from vxc, and my roor recycler from massdrop.
Edit: I also have my old combustion bong (converted),
and two (ancient at this point) 7th floor bubblers .
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Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
That analogy is no where close. All percs do is make bubbles, pretty simple. It isn't rocket surgery, :lol:. Reminds me of the parody.

These "cheap" Chinese glass are completely different from what is on the market even 6 months ago.

I haven't touched my Mobius Matrix in weeks. Having too much fun with these $30 piece that I could care less if I broke.

I don't know why it is insulting to say that a $50 piece hits the same as a $350 piece. There is plenty of evidence in this thread from plenty of respected FC users that have owned high end glass that can attest the how well these pieces perform. They may not be the prettiest, but for 1/10th the price they perform just as good.

Have you tried one?

What is insulting is coming to a sub $100 bubbler thread and telling everyone that we need to get more acquainted with good glass, :D.

That's the point @Tweak - I never once said I had an issue with someone liking cheap chinese glass. Never even mentioned it and it would seem you must not have read my post. What I said tweak is that don't tell me your chinese glass performs similarly to a mobius unless you're saying that because they both hold water. I have no interest in when the last time you touched your matrix or any glass for that matter.

And let me let me explain the insult so you could follow me...

You, let's say decide to drop money into a 700 dollar piece. It's now your new baby, you love it, it's amazing piece. Your buddy comes over with a piece of glass from china that they paid 50 bucks for and says to you after trying your piece, "meh" - mine is just as good.

Thanks tweak for making me reiterate what I said, I hope no one else read my post incorrectly.

I just reread your post - all perc's do is bubble?


does anyone have a link to the yingmin store?

Yingmin products page.

You, let's say decide to drop money into a 700 dollar piece. It's now your new baby, you love it, it's amazing piece. Your buddy comes over with a piece of glass from china that they paid 50 bucks for and says to you after trying your piece, "meh" - mine is just as good.

So you are more worried about impressing others? As someone else stated earlier in this thread, I'd be proud to show you my $50 piece that performs like yours. I'm sorry I can't afford to throw down $700 on a piece, :cry: :cry:.

Could we drop this please? Get back to enjoying this thread.


My GB-187 is getting close, I'm getting giddy.
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