Do you think the Dabroots ticket cost would be recouped by "sample" dabs from vendors? I've never been to one of these so I don't know how the "medicating" areas work. But I saw a shatter table and a honeycomb table from the LA HT Cup from pics a friend sent, and it was like mounds of the stuff. Do they just give that out in dabs to people?
I'm sure you will get plenty of free dabs.
Judging by the 710 cup and last years Cannabis Cup, there will free dabs at basically every booth. I expect Dabroots to have much less people, therefor the dab to attendee ratio should increase. Last year the Cannabis Cup was literally all oil except for our friends at VapeXhale demoing the Cloud with some very tasty organic Blackberry kush. There might have been a few free joints or pipe hits here and there, but it was something you had to look for and I certainly was not looking for it.
This year I am thinking/hoping it will be different since recreational is now fully implemented. Hopefully the Cannabis Cup will have a nice mix of everything, while Dabroots will focus on strictly oil.
At both the 710 cup and the Cannabis Cup, It was literally a buffet of dabs. There was plenty of giant slabs designated just to be given out.
My friend that is accompanying me is a vegan so if you know any good spots in the area please let me know. I've actually been meat free Mon-Fri and It hasn't been so bad at all.
Watercourse foods has been pretty awesome the few times I've gone.
Cheeba hut might have some quick options for a vegan. Their hemp cream cheese is awesome, that's for sure. It's gimmicky in a fun way, and the sandwiches are actually good too. Just don't go around 4:20pm unless you want to wait in more lines.
A sesh would be cool, I'll have my oil rig and my Omicron, and hopefully some tasty concentrates by then.