Fuck the Parkinson's, the Dr just gave me a reason to smoke MORE!


Herbal Alchemist
Ok, I finished the pre-surgery exam and tests today. Now we just have to wait for the blood and urine results from Labcorp, and my GP will clear me for surgery. Not sure how long it will take for someone from the Ortho doc to call me back to schedule that, but I'm giving them until the end of the week, then I'll call them. Pretty sure I won't have to do that though as my new doctor is not a quack. :)

Oh yeah, I was 132 on the doctor's scale today. :rockon:


Ok, I finished the pre-surgery exam and tests today. Now we just have to wait for the blood and urine results from Labcorp, and my GP will clear me for surgery. Not sure how long it will take for someone from the Ortho doc to call me back to schedule that, but I'm giving them until the end of the week, then I'll call them. Pretty sure I won't have to do that though as my new doctor is not a quack. :)

Oh yeah, I was 132 on the doctor's scale today. :rockon:
I've never weighed 132lbs in my life, and everyone always tells me I'm full of shit!


Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
I just posted this in the Herbie thread but I think some of you guy's might like this too...

A smokeless cannabis-vaporizing device delivers the same level of active therapeutic chemical and produces the same biological effect as smoking cannabis, but without the harmful toxins, according to University of California San Francisco researchers.

Have you ever wondered what temperature you should use for your vaporizer?

Δ-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)
Properties: Euphoriant, Analgesic, Anti-inflammatory, Antioxidant, Antiemetic
Boiling point:157*C / 314.6 degree Fahrenheit

Δ-8-tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ-8-THC)
Properties: Resembles Δ-9-THC, Less psychoactive, More stable Antiemetic
Boiling point: 175-178*C / 347-352.4 degree Fahrenheit

Cannabinol CBD
Properties: Anxiolytic, Analgesic, Antipsychotic, Anti-inflammatory, Antioxidant, Antispasmodic
Boiling point: 160-180*C / 320-356 degree Fahrenheit

Cannabinol CBN
Properties: (Oxidation breakdown product) Sedative, Antibiotic
Boiling point: 185*C / 365 degree Fahrenheit

Cannabichromene CBC
Properties: Anti-inflammatory, Antibiotic, Anti-fungal
Boiling point: 220*C / 428 degree Fahrenheit


On the Stoop
My Brother in law died early this morning, my grandneice is being born today. My emotions have been all over the place for the last 2 weeks.
My Niece's water broke 10 days ago and she's been in a hospital bed for the last 10 days , not allowed to do anything. Baby was due Apr 3. They induced labor a few hours ago but will C-section if Alice keeps de-celing. Every time she rolls on her cord, her heart rate slows down.
I'm NOT religious at ALL, but if you could just send some positive energy out into the universe, i would LOVE THAT


vapor accessory addict
My Brother in law died early this morning, my grandneice is being born today. My emotions have been all over the place for the last 2 weeks.
My Niece's water broke 10 days ago and she's been in a hospital bed for the last 10 days , not allowed to do anything. Baby was due Apr 3. They induced labor a few hours ago but will C-section if Alice keeps de-celing. Every time she rolls on her cord, her heart rate slows down.
I'm NOT religious at ALL, but if you could just send some positive energy out into the universe, i would LOVE THAT
My thoughts and white light are with you VV...


Oil Painter
This is a facebook activism page I created last year. You may as well like it since a bunch of the shit I post there comes from here. :D

While I would love to, I left FB months ago, and finally got them to delete my account entirely. FB is absolutely the new evil empire, and I won't be on it.
This is eye-opening: Facebook Fraud

However, that really applies most to businesses on FB. For people, though, it is very, very difficult to get around too many FB design quirks that make actually keeping up with just the people you want to, impossible.

My Brother in law died early this morning, my grandneice is being born today. My emotions have been all over the place for the last 2 weeks.
My Niece's water broke 10 days ago and she's been in a hospital bed for the last 10 days , not allowed to do anything. Baby was due Apr 3. They induced labor a few hours ago but will C-section if Alice keeps de-celing. Every time she rolls on her cord, her heart rate slows down.
I'm NOT religious at ALL, but if you could just send some positive energy out into the universe, i would LOVE THAT
Of course. With my full intention, that BIL transitions joyfully to his next destination, and that GN experiences the best start in life possible. And for you, that you have rest, peace, and ease of heart.

I was debating changing my avatar to this until Megacon starts. :lol:

If you don't, I might have to just keep those rockin' heels you just tried to hide - and lost. ;)

Seriously, If you don't have the best fucking time possible, I'll disown you.


While I would love to, I left FB months ago, and finally got them to delete my account entirely. FB is absolutely the new evil empire, and I won't be on it.
This is eye-opening: Facebook Fraud

However, that really applies most to businesses on FB. For people, though, it is very, very difficult to get around too many FB design quirks that make actually keeping up with just the people you want to, impossible.

Of course. With my full intention, that BIL transitions joyfully to his next destination, and that GN experiences the best start in life possible. And for you, that you have rest, peace, and ease of heart.

If you don't, I might have to just keep those rockin' heels you just tried to hide - and lost. ;)

Seriously, If you don't have the best fucking time possible, I'll disown you.
I haven't been on facebook for over a year for the same reasons!
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