Vapor Condenser?


Well-Known Member
I don't know how *nice* that oil will be since it would have been decarbed by the cloud. It would be difficult to trap the vapor and condense it in that chamber - sorry but I cant see this working well.

I think the results would be much better with a sub, if used to collect extra sublimate on the inhale

That is a cool little piece nonetheless


Well-Known Member
The trick is getting the oil out after it condenses... cold oil doesn't exactly flow easily

how about baking it at a very low temp while its standing upright over a collecting tray? I've always been curious about this very experiment but I never picked up a condenser.


Well-Known Member
Ive just been distilling my own lavender and rosemary oil lately with the upsidown lid over the steamer basket technique, yielding some amazing quality oil. Using it to brush my teeth, in my shampoo etc, great shit! So i was preparing to upgrade to a scientific quality distiller and those are the condensers. Now that I look, they are meant to condense separate oil from water without ice or external cooling. Not really sure how they work just yet.


Well-Known Member
Ive just been distilling my own lavender and rosemary oil lately with the upsidown lid over the steamer basket technique, yielding some amazing quality oil. Using it to brush my teeth, in my shampoo etc, great shit! So i was preparing to upgrade to a scientific quality distiller and those are the condensers. Now that I look, they are meant to condense separate oil from water without ice or external cooling. Not really sure how they work just yet.

Alright I've never used one personally, but I believe you need a cold water source for it to work effectively. Basically you hook up a water hose to one of the connectors on the side and a drainage hose to the other one. This allows cold water to continuously cycle. On the male joint you'll need to attach some sort of collection dish.
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