Apparently as soon as I stated that Big Macs are delicious.
I don't know what an In and Out Burger is so I sticks to what I knows. East Coaster all my life so it's White Castle and Dunkin Donuts over here.
Dude I grew up on Dunkies!
There are 2 main styles of fast-food burgers Charred or California style. Open flame vs. griddle if you will. So starting at the bottom of the barrel, Burger King is OFlame, McDs is Cali style.
In and Out is a different business model than McDs or BK. It's not a franchise, you can't just buy an InandOut, order from corporate, and have them fill you up with frozen burgers and nuggets and set you free.
The primary deal with InandOUt is they don't use frozen beef or potatoes. People who are really into burgers or beef can agree that frozen beef is a major blow to the flavor and texture of burgers.
So basically In and Out has thin, cali styled never frozen beef burgers. They don't have the expanded menus of a wendy's with all the non-burger options etc.. of course all that stuff is frozen pre-pack garbage anyway..
You need to get on a plane and go east.............The food is better in the east I am stuck in the west and cook daily or eat a lean cusine.
As someone with many years on both coasts, I will have to disagree. The food is about the same when comparing size of cities. For example NYC compares better to L.A. for quality food.
But I was just in NYC and the food is grossly over-rated by celebrities, and properly rated by YELPers etc...
Nobu NYC for instance is one of the most hyped and expensive sushi places around. We ate there, and the cut of the fish was very nice, but the actual dishes were mostly nonsensical attempts at trying to bring in tourists. For instance, Lobster Tempura with spicy mayo... we're talking about one of the most expensive celebrity chef places in NYC... Spicy Mayo ROFL.
Lobster goes well with mayo, and I'm pretty street, so mayo on stuff rolls well with me. But for anyone who has eaten mayo, what's the one way you should
not eat mayo? HOT!
The Nobu Lobster Tempura special was fried lobster (how can you mess that up?) then with mayo dumped all over the panko crust while hot. LOL this is a Quick Fire challenge EPIC FAIL
Tempura is based on soft inside, crispy outside. Dumping mayo OVER fried tempura obviously ruins the crunch, and when mayo is heated, it becomes grease.
We also ate at the most famous Oyster place in the city. The dishes were just decent, but way over-sauced.
The best NYC food must be in Brooklyn I guess