Discontinued ThermoVape


Accessory Maker
Accessory Maker
i picked up a T1 from craigslist.

slowly reading through this thread, on page 45 so far...

i'm trying to gather info on how to use this thing...my initial testing hasn't given me much vapor, almost to the point where i'm wondering if it should be boiled clean.

the unit doesn't look like it's been used more then a couple times and it seems to fire right up like it should but no matter how slowly i inhale i don't seem to get much vapor.

any advice? thanks
My experience is mainly with the revolution, but Do you preheat it before you start inhaling? I usually heat my dart for about 10 seconds before i inhale so If not try holding it on for 20-30 seconds before you start inhaling...good luck to you
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Well-Known Member
i picked up a T1 from craigslist.

i'm trying to gather info on how to use this thing...my initial testing hasn't given me much vapor, almost to the point where i'm wondering if it should be boiled clean.

Congratulations, great unit with excellent support.

Dollars to doughnuts you're not using 'the 3 steps' to get there? I'd suggest you search for '3 steps' and read up on that aspect. Most guys either fail to get the core to full temperature (step 1) or try to rush step 2 trying to get a hit before a solid test puff.

Load good quality, dry herb and do a good job on steps 1 and 2 and you almost can't fail to get lots and lots of vapor. Cheat any of that, even a bit, and you're in for weak performance and frustration.

You'll find the same instructions a few dozen more times in the Cera threads since it works much the same.

Good luck, IMO it's worth the effort to learn to use it properly. No, I seriously doubt cleaning will change anything, it's a technique issue almost for sure.....unless you're already using 3 separate steps?



living in a van down by the river
i appreciate the help mynameismud. i've been trying different heatup times including longer ones, but I did read that too long is a waste of battery and it should be air flow control that allows for proper use even at short 5-10 sec warmups...

Congratulations, great unit with excellent support.

Dollars to doughnuts you're not using 'the 3 steps' to get there? I'd suggest you search for '3 steps' and read up on that aspect. Most guys either fail to get the core to full temperature (step 1) or try to rush step 2 trying to get a hit before a solid test puff.

Load good quality, dry herb and do a good job on steps 1 and 2 and you almost can't fail to get lots and lots of vapor. Cheat any of that, even a bit, and you're in for weak performance and frustration.

You'll find the same instructions a few dozen more times in the Cera threads since it works much the same.

Good luck, IMO it's worth the effort to learn to use it properly. No, I seriously doubt cleaning will change anything, it's a technique issue almost for sure.....unless you're already using 3 separate steps?


thank you! i have not gotten that far in this thread i guess to hear of the 3 steps yet. that will give me a spot to start digging in and learning how to use this device.

it sounds like it's a technique thing

i know a lot of people have probably moved onto the cera but wow i'm impressed by the T1's design

edit: the three steps lol i feel like i'm the path to enlightenment..


Well-Known Member
edit: the three steps lol i feel like i'm the path to enlightenment..

I agree with that analogy. More over a well worn path.....notice how all the footprints lead forward? Everyone finds something better it seems and doesn't come back.

As Kinky Freedman once said, "the road of excess leads to the palace of True Enlightenment".

Do the search, read a bit, and enjoy the journey.



Well-Known Member
OF, I believe the poet William Blake preceded Kinky by many years with that quote. To the OP. is your thermovape T1 getting hot at all and still producing no vapor?


Well-Known Member
OF, I believe the poet William Blake preceded Kinky by many years with that quote. To the OP. is your thermovape T1 getting hot at all and still producing no vapor?

I don't doubt he may have heard it form someone else, he's just my source. From a one man show (featuring 'the invisible band') a LOT of years ago. He started out, "It's great to be back in Berkeley, California. Best dope in the world is in Berkeley" to the delight of the assembled rabble. "Yup, it's right over there in my hotel room" he said, pointing offstage.

Guys speaking the plain truth like that are rare enough to merit paying attention to what they say, don't you think? How many guys get introduced to you by Wavy Gravy (of Woodstock fame, another 'local') anyway?



Well-Known Member
Certainly the erudite Kinky Friedman will be familiar with William Blake. I've always enjoyed Kinky's articulate and forthright authenticity.
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living in a van down by the river
it all kind of clicked and wow i'm impressed by this

great product thermovape!

edit: and thanks for the help everyone!

the steps really helped.

if anyone should come here trying to figure it out, for me the key was the slowness of the inhale, think log vape over wand vape like SSV. my problem i think was I trying to treat it like a SSV or DBV.

i'll be keeping this company in mind for future purchases:rockon:
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Well-Known Member
The airflow seems noticeably more restricted than before. I tried to remove the middle delrin sleeve (attached to the T1 core) to see what could be causing the restriction.

3 minutes and 16 seconds into the assembly video

No matter how hard I push on the bottom, the middle delrin sleeve won't budge.

I was wondering if anyone else encountered the same issue trying to remove the sleeve or experienced an increase in airflow restriction.


in flavor country
when they filmed that tutorial, the original sleeves had more play in them, then they made them fit more sung and they became really difficult to remove. You can boil it and use silicone gloves or heat pads to handle it for removal while hot. Just be careful.


living in a van down by the river
i wonder if mine is one of the older ones, cause that's maybe the only drawback i can think of in this design, that the delrin sleeve expands when the vape is hot and sometimes it makes it hard to open the battery compartment cause the sleeve spins

I hate to bug the thermovape guys to see if they have still have sleeves since i got mine used and it's not their current model.

anyone try a shim of some sort?

one more question, anyone know where to get more of the battery tubes that hold the batteries? It's pretty handy actually


Well-Known Member
I hate to bug the thermovape guys to see if they have still have sleeves since i got mine used and it's not their current model.

anyone try a shim of some sort?

Actually, yes I have. Back before the slightly smaller sleeves were made I used a strip of Teflon 'plumbers tape' on mine. Boil the sleeve first, but not the tube (you want the hole big but the peg small) then slip it on with the tape between. IIRC I blew it and had a bit of tape hanging out which I trimmed off. I could see the white still so I later boiled it, took it apart, and redid it. I was so proud I'd fixed it, when I next brought it over to TV Tim gleefully pulled it apart and changed tubes for the new style. Try the tape trick, it worked for me.

I know how it twisting out of line can drive a guy nuts.......

Good luck.



living in a van down by the river
Actually, yes I have. Back before the slightly smaller sleeves were made I used a strip of Teflon 'plumbers tape' on mine. Boil the sleeve first, but not the tube (you want the hole big but the peg small) then slip it on with the tape between. IIRC I blew it and had a bit of tape hanging out which I trimmed off. I could see the white still so I later boiled it, took it apart, and redid it. I was so proud I'd fixed it, when I next brought it over to TV Tim gleefully pulled it apart and changed tubes for the new style. Try the tape trick, it worked for me.

I know how it twisting out of line can drive a guy nuts.......

Good luck.


OF you are always coming through to help, thanks! I'll give it a try and let you know how it goes


Well-Known Member
OF you are always coming through to help, thanks! I'll give it a try and let you know how it goes

I wouldn't know about the always part, but I'm glad to help when I can.

You're welcome at any rate.

Good luck with it.



Well-Known Member
Is it made from the same metal? I notice that's not delrin for the sleeve as it appears anodized or possible powder coated.

I bet is much closer to the 'Zoly' counterfeit of the Revolution I got the other day. Basically the same thing here with a metal heat shield? The Zoly is much heavier than the TV unit and is definitely not the same construction. The sliding part isn't a single thin walled Aluminum piece but 3 pieces with thicker walls IIRC. I suspect because they lacked the state of art (Swiss) screw machines TV used. It also used brass (I think based on 'heft') rather than aluminum, again for machining reasons. The switch, likewise, shows some compromises when put up 'side by side' with the genuine unit.

It does work though, and the parts do interchange, but if you know what the real one is like you'll probably not be happy here. The market is, I think, in the uninformed or those who are driven by need for lowest possible cost.

I cannot recommend them as a substitute for most cases.




Well-Known Member
I dabbled with the Evo got it to work and all just couldn't see it replacing my MFLB so I sold it, been debating a T1 for a "one hitter pocket rocket", battery and heat issue aside any reason a t1 couldn't be a good one hitter? I've seen the milk shots ad what not but that's not exactly what I'm looking for, looking for a nice medicating hit and that's it.
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living in a van down by the river
I dabbled with the Evo got it to work and all just couldn't see it replacing my MFLB so I sold it, been debating a T1 for a "one hitter pocket rocket", battery and heat issue aside any reason a t1 cuouldn't be a good one hitter? I've seen the milk shots ad what not but that's not exactly what I'm looking for, looking for a nice medicating hit and that's it.

Yes the T1 is a great pocket rocket. Like the mflb, there is some technique involved. once you get it though, it's an easy way to get medicated quickly (i found mflb takes awhile to get where i want to go, which didn't make it a good 'one hitter' for me.)

i will say that the T1 really starts to shine once it gets up to heat, which isn't always the first hit

I got my t1 second hand and struggled for a bit until I got some new batteries which made all the difference. i reach for it before any of the other portables i have.

it's like chips, i doubt you'll be able to stop at one:rockon:


New Member
Hey guys. I've been doing some searching on this site and can't find what I'm looking for. What is the best way to obtain a power adapter/passthrough system for the T1? Thanks.
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