Bob Loblaw
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wtf? please say no... as ndt says.. science is true, whether or not you believe it.
Oh sorry Bob, I guess math isn't science any more unless it furthers a political agenda or redistributes my wealth.
A sophomoric treatment of the issue with a patsy at best, we all know the whole solar system is warming together. He never proved the "man made" part of it which is what I take exception to because the data has been corrupted. AGW has never been proven, in fact, if you look at the math, our contribution is statistically insignificant. Once you understand that the #1 global warming gas in the atmosphere is water vapor, and see the math, it changes things. Just how much of the "Greenhouse Effect" is caused by human activity? It is about 0.28%, if water vapor is taken into account-- about 5.53%, if not.
The hearing: “Climate Change: It’s Happening Now” was held on Thursday, July 18, by the Environment and Public Works Committee—chaired by Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA). Because Democrats control the Senate, they get more witnesses at a hearing than Republicans. Thursday’s hearing had two panels. Each had three experts (invited by the Democrats) who supported the “alarmist’ position on global warming held by most Democrats and two (invited by the Republicans) who could be called “skeptics.”
During the Q & A time with the first panel—which included the Democrat’s star: Heidi Cullen of Weather Channel fame — Ranking Member Senator David Vitter (R-LA) asked: “Can any witnesses say they agree with Obama’s statement that warming has accelerated during the past 10 years?” After an awkward (to say the least) silence, Cullen tried to change the subject by saying that we need to be looking at longer time periods then ten years and then, ultimately, acknowledged that the warming has slowed, not accelerated.
A few minutes later, Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) made sure no one missed the point. He repeated Obama’s claim and then asked: “Do any of you support that quote?” Again, silence.
Even the witnesses brought in by the Democrats couldn’t support Obama’s false data
actually IT ISN'T. did you read anything i posted? nopeBob, the people who want to control us with this climate change bs have been exposed, its a natural process that we have very little effect on. I can point you in the right direction but you have to do the reading and thinking. The Geocraft article is MATH based on common data, not the "hockey stick" graph that we all know was faked with FAKE data.
i agree w/ the parasitic cleansing.I tend to agree climate change is just the natural order and a cycle and has happened throughout the ages .
You have to have warming before cooling (ain't that kinda a part of one of them there laws of science) .
I think the Earth will cleanse itself every X amount of years to deal with parasites like mankind .
With the advent of scientific dogma most of which is pure theory . We (people) seem to forget all this monitoring of weather and climate has only been happening for a couple of generations .
Geological EVIDENCE proves its happened before man walked upright ,Seems Only in some science circles you can have it both ways .
Studies with no valid methodology are conducted by global warming activists which are rigged to produce the results they need for propaganda purposes. A recent such attempt declared a 97% scientific consensus, but ignored the fact that 2/3 of the abstracts surveyed took no position on man’s role in the climate and that more abstracts were against the proposition than were for it. In a recent German study, only 10 percent of scientists surveyed responded that they trust the accuracy of climate computer models and only 15% found climate science to be sufficiently understood to allow climate to be calculated.