Super chilled iso?


This video is just a guideline to what I believe would work on fresh cut flowers without any of that chlorophyll. I'm very curious what would happen. would the result be a fail, ( just a frozen flower with frozen trichs stuck to it, OR an effective way to make virgin shatter. I really need an expert opinion because I think I'm onto something...or maybe not. Thoughts? (other than the obvious danger factor.)



living in a van down by the river
i'm not an expert but you have to consider solvency rates at the temps you are thinking of extracting at. there should be a graph available for the solvent you are choosing that shows at what temp the rate drops off


Yeah maybe you're right but I'm betting on that when its this cold (-78.5 Celcius), That rules doesn't apply anymore.


Vaporization Aficionado
Accessory Maker
Yeah maybe you're right but I'm betting on that when its this cold (-78.5 Celcius), That rules doesn't apply anymore.

Even chilled, I think(don't know for sure) ISO is still too strong and will end up stripping unwanted plant waxes and chlorophyll along with your actives. Keep your washes short, just to be sure.
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Well-Known Member
Boys over at he ISOhead thread on GC do freezer washes. Whole wash done in the freezer/frozen material 24h prior. They do long washes. 1:30, 2:00, 3:00, and so on for each wash. I've seen some straight shatter from this method.

I'm thinking you are trying to do it with much lower temps, I'd assume longer washes.
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I'm thinking maybe I can make this slightly bigger with 4-5lbs of dry ice and considerably more alcohol and take a few plants straight from harvest without any trimming whatsoever and just dunk bud branches all day.
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Well-Known Member
Even chilled, I think(don't know for sure) ISO is still too strong and will end up stripping unwanted plant waxes and chlorophyll along with your actives. Keep your washes short, just to be sure.

The colder everything is, the slower everything dissolves. I've done 2 minute washes that come out perfectly golden amber. No chlorophyll. Just got to keep that shit cold!


Well-Known Member
The colder everything is, the slower everything dissolves. I've done 2 minute washes that come out perfectly golden amber. No chlorophyll. Just got to keep that shit cold!
This, just did a wash today in the deep freeze, can't wait to see how it turns out.


Well-Known Member
The colder your ISO, plant, and containers the longer it takes to extract everything from the plant matter; colder materials also means less chlorophyll and stuff will be extracted. You will pick up a lot of water from condensation if you don't keep the low temperature steady during the extraction. A walk in freezer would be ideal for alcohol extractions.


Well-Known Member
The colder your ISO, plant, and containers the longer it takes to extract everything from the plant matter; colder materials also means less chlorophyll and stuff will be extracted. You will pick up a lot of water from condensation if you don't keep the low temperature steady during the extraction. A walk in freezer would be ideal for alcohol extractions.

Wish I had a walk in freezer! Always wanted to try a run in on, but haven't got the chance to date. I just start doing my runs in an empty deep freeze that me and my dad installed in the basement floor years ago. Opens up to 5-6ft of pure freeze:brow:
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Well-Known Member
I'm thinking maybe I can make this slightly bigger with 4-5lbs of dry ice and considerably more alcohol and take a few plants straight from harvest without any trimming whatsoever and just dunk bud branches all day.

This is a terrible idea... Don't wash stalks/stems, trim and buds in the same run. Stems and trim have a lower ratio of shit you want (THC, CBD, etc) to things you don't want such as chlorophyll and therefore requires a much shorter wash to avoid those "contaminants" and a shitty final product. Buds torn into small pieces by hand with the stems removed will allow you the longest washes possible to ensure a good extraction and it provides a better yield with a higher quality final product. You also have to account for the loss due to the alcohol that is held by the plant matter after the wash which will be greater when washing everything at once. Imagine how much alcohol you'd need and how long it'd take to purge it; longer purging time = more dust and stuff it'll pick up. You can wash all those things, just do it separately for the best product. If I had that much weed I would only make concentrates from buds and cook or make tinctures with the stalks, stems, and trim. Quality over quantity is especially important when making qwiso because its so easy to end up with a poor end product due to the polarity of alcohol.

Wish I had a walk in freezer! Always wanted to try a run in on, but haven't got the chance to date. I just start doing my runs in an empty deep freeze that me and my dad installed in the basement floor years ago. Opens up to 5-6ft of pure freeze:brow:

Nice! I bet that produces some pretty good results. I haven't made qwiso in a few months, its just such a pain in the ass to make compared to BHO; although I vastly prefer the effects of my QWISO to my BHO.


living in a van down by the river
i found this post:

Hi GW,
I do a super cold qwiso with dry ice and get amazing results very inexpensive. I use a large stainless salad bowl and a large stainless stew pot. First place a little crushed dry ice in the salad bowl place stew pot on top. Now fill void around stew pot with more dry ice and pile up the sides as high as you can pack it hard. then wrap it with towels. put 18 pints of 99% iso in the pot and let stand until iso turns viscous. I like to wait until it is as thick as motor oil I put a few pieces dry ice straight into the iso to speed this up. Then add 1 lb frozen material and stir up to 5 minutes with a few chunks of dry ice in the mix. Note after 5 mins. in wash no chlorophyll. Then one filtering through cheese cloth to get the course debries then 3 times through commercial coffee filters to get the fine sediment.Then I cook it down in a rice cooker until it stops bubbling. Amazing results every, time leaf and shake turn out clear reddish great tasting very potent oil every time. anyone else doing anything like this?


living in a van down by the river
it'll be a few weeks before I could try anything like this, anyone going to attempt it before? let us know how it goes.


This is a terrible idea... Don't wash stalks/stems, trim and buds in the same run. Stems and trim have a lower ratio of shit you want (THC, CBD, etc) to things you don't want such as chlorophyll and therefore requires a much shorter wash to avoid those "contaminants" and a shitty final product. Buds torn into small pieces by hand with the stems removed will allow you the longest washes possible to ensure a good extraction and it provides a better yield with a higher quality final product. You also have to account for the loss due to the alcohol that is held by the plant matter after the wash which will be greater when washing everything at once. Imagine how much alcohol you'd need and how long it'd take to purge it; longer purging time = more dust and stuff it'll pick up. You can wash all those things, just do it separately for the best product. If I had that much weed I would only make concentrates from buds and cook or make tinctures with the stalks, stems, and trim. Quality over quantity is especially important when making qwiso because its so easy to end up with a poor end product due to the polarity of alcohol.

Nice! I bet that produces some pretty good results. I haven't made qwiso in a few months, its just such a pain in the ass to make compared to BHO; although I vastly prefer the effects of my QWISO to my BHO.

Yeah umm, you seem to be factoring out the effects of cryogenics where its way too damn cold for any chlorophyll to even try to dissolve into alcohol. if anything you've instantly frozen the bud. if you right away have another container of room temperature alcohol, you can to a second thaw/wash.

I personally would like to see what would happen if you had super chilled alcohol right next to alcohol at its boiling point (80.3C /177F). Do a QWiso variation after that and see what works.
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